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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomadem

  1. how you doing.i was thinking you may need a unfill.

  2. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Heidi it sounds like you have a pulled muscle or irritated diaphragm. You can always call the PA line and ask them, or even try to email Dr V. If you need the number send me a message. Did you get stuck on something and vomit? It was very hard to pinpoint the exact symptoms of a slippage bc it can be so subtle, we aren’t sure if I slipped early out and then it got acute and I KNEW something wasn’t right. But mostly I had problems with eating, keeping foods/liquids down, and lots of indigestion and heartburn. I know its vague but its different for every person. One thing Ive come to learn is that heartburn and reflux are a sign something isn’t right L2t7 were you looking for an unfill? How you feeling now? Stressed? Haws the eating going? I’ve changed my appt so I could make the 20th meeting.
  3. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi everyone. Sorry I havent been around, work has been very very CRAZY. Amy- How are you? I had my fourth fill on the 15th, am now up to 8.1cc in my 14cc band. No hunger for about a week and getting stuck a bit more but overall feeling ok. no big weight loss but the holidays (and work) kicked my butt. Next fill is on the 12th, but I am afraid to be overfilled and that I should just work on my eating plan more. Next support group meeting is Tuesday Jan 20th 2009 for the Brigham (sorry dont have the Faulker date)
  4. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I had to have my 4cc band replaced back in Aug. Not sure when the slip occurred but I was having problems for a while and kept doing the unfill/fill thingy. So it could have happen right after my surgery or the band wasnt big enough. I was doing okay d until I think the major slip happened in July and I developed a hernia... couldnt keep down solids. She promised me I would have a band but she said there was an option that I would get an unbuckled band and then have to go back in later to have it buckled if the the swelling was too much. I was on liquids for 3 weeks before my revision and my Dr was able to give me the larger 14cc APL band bc my swelling had gone down. So far I havent had any problems with this band but restriction isnt as easy with the smaller band. Still maintaining at around 70lbs lost. hope your second round goes smoothly and if you have any other quesitons feel free to email me
  5. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    yes thats how long it took to get it all up with a lot of spit. wish it would all pop out. Maybe I dont wait long enough when the pain starts???? should I??? I really really do think its heartburn/reflux, can you ask for a script for prolisec or buy it over the counter and take it for 14 days?Yyou could really irritated your stomach lining and therefore your stoma could get swollen, you get tighter or get gastritis. At least call the PA line....please.....dont make me worry
  6. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I guess no one will be at the meeting. lol sorry you are feeling so down, these larger 14cc bands are much harder to get to that sweet spot/green zone. What is your fill level at now? I think I am at 7.4 now and I think my next fill will do it. usually its the 4 fill or when the band is around 1/2 full that people start talking about feeling the restriction. Then you do the whole too tight question yourself thingy which is another frustration did you book another appt? if not do it now!!!! I am doing okay not losing but not gaining. able to eat 98% of all things except for some reason pad thai noodles.????? I threw those up for a good 20 mins on sunday. like Paige said stop worry about what everyone else thinks, you WILL get there
  7. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    mine wasnt in my throat either but lower btw my breasts. not like before surgery If you are waking up with fluid coming then its def reflux. do a search here and you will find lots of info. I had this happen to me twice, both times were isolated and bc I ate then went to bed right after. So try to take some meds and watch when your last bite is. I know you dont want to hear this but you might need a tiny unfill Guess what I cant make the next meeting either, have a busy few weeks ahead of me.
  8. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    its hard to say what it is. Is is constant, only after eating, does it go away when you are on liquids? when I had the bad heartburn it wasnt like before sugery,it was a constant hard stone (???) like pit feeling. Taking prilosec helped a bunch.Have you tried any antiacids?
  9. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    sorry to hear about needing a second surgery Sherry. will they replace or reposition or do you not know until they go in?
  10. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Welcome, YLJ! I had lactose intolerance right after surgery. Sometimes it is temporary sometimes not. It could be from the high dosage of antibiotics in your system that they give you after surgery. I use the pills and whey protein (Carnation Instant has milk in it) then after a few weeks I slowing introduce milk products back into my diet and I am fine with it now. Le us know if you have any questions, I have found the support here immeasurable. well its Monday. time to buckle down with food choices and hopefully break this up/down cycle....oh and I have to call for a fill too.
  11. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    hey all I am back from my trip. It was brutal and I was eating poorly the whole time (pizza, pastries, fast food). I guess I could have tried harder but either I was in an airport, on a plane or in a catered meeting. I could tell I was retaining a LOT of fluid when I jumped on the scale and it said I was up 6/7 lbs. Doesnt surprise me as I have been eating so badly and been on 4 different planes. Today took it easy and I think I dropped most of that weight. I will be calling Monday for a fill, I bet it will be hard to get an appt this time of year. Tova I am sorry to hear of your disappointment and I can relate but its better to let your stomach heal a bit then to push with too quick of a tightening. I know you and you will drop those pounds! Doesnt is just stink how much we NEED that restriction? L2T7 sorry to hear of your recent stress, hows the tightness now? Take some time for yourself so you dont get super sick. heidi congrats on hitting 25lbs!!! how thrilling! slimmom how you have been since the fill?
  12. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Oh I know I watched BOTH football games. Just wondering if YOU got rained on. :thumbup: good luck to the both of you...I am a bit disappointed that I didnt get my fill even though it was my choice and for the best. But you know how it goes...fills represent optimism
  13. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I know its frustrating mommyslim but we have the bigger band and it takes more to get to the 'green zone'. I gained 5lbs without restriction and just got it off in 2 weeks since my last fill. guess what? I canceled my fill appt today. I was debating it all weekend bc I am almost "there".I finally feel a bit of restriction but still eating larger portions. No pb'ing but now I have gotten stuck on bread (OMG painful!!!!). Speaking of which one of the reasons why I canceled was bc I got stuck the other day and I still feel a tiny bit of soreness in my chest. Is that normal? To still be sore? Other reason why I canceled is bc I have to fly out tomorrow for a business trip I dont want to be out of town only on liquids with the poss of getting too tight. L2T7-All my friends are married and settled so no connections there. Guess I gotta do it on my own. I so need to I make to a BC game as my cousin only has a year left to play. Did you get rained out yesterday?
  14. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    thats good to hear Tova and you are still steady with your weight loss right? well my what restriction I had from the last fill has faded. Im in that okay during the day but starving at night phase. So Im glad Vernon had me book a fill with only 2 weeks btw. L2t7 your using the internet to date correct? match? I just need to met people and get out and about. I used to be so social now all I do is work, shop, go to the gym. What info do you share with your dates. d "hey I used to be obese then I had WLS" or just let it go? Happy Post turkeyday, I enjoyed my foods, good thing a lot of the sides just slide down. Oh and I wont try to make a turkey sandwich on soft bread again.
  15. nomadem

    Confirmed band slippage

    I went thru a similar thing with and had my 4cc band replaced with the 14cc band (stomach was too swollen at the time of surgery). The only weight I gained was after I healed from the second surgery and trying to get back to the green zone. I havent pb'd or slimed in over 3 months and I feel great now
  16. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Tova I am sorry to hear that as well. Were you swollen or was something stuck? How do you feel now? Dont worry about failing, its MORE important that you heal. L2T7 I may need some tips on the dating thing I finally had a bit of restriction with my fill last week but its fading. Will be going back in on Monday for the post Turkey Day fill rush.
  17. Hi I am a patient of Dr Vernons as well. Welcome!

  18. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Tuesday's meeting was good, I always feel better talking it all out I think I may be in the 'green zone' could just be from the fill I had on Monday...Hope it doesnt wear off fast. :drool:
  19. TIME: 6:00PM-7:30PM Nov 18, Dec 16

    Carrie Hall 2nd Floor (at end of the PIKE) I think its the same room they did orientation.

  20. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    yes, I may be late but will do my best oh, I had a bad encounter with a package of Hostess Cupcakes on Sunday. Will tell ya all about tomorrow
  21. hang in there!



  22. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    that right you go girl Heidi, we know you can do it! we all can understand like no other, that fear of failing is always there for me under the surface but the more I stick with it the better it gets. Gotta reach that magical place of restriction and then it will be so much easier. I had my third fill of the new band this morning, I am up 3+ pounds :smile2: and cant keep my portions (nor my hunger under control). Only logical that I would gain. Plus I can eat anything and everything with out a problem. Dr had me make an appt for 2 weeks for another fill. I am hanging in there bc I do know it IS attainable having had restriction with my other band. Okay I am babbling…. Just a reminder the support meeting at the Brigham is tomorrow Tuesday the 18th.
  23. Hi I was banded at the Brigham last november. :smile2: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f42/brigham-women-faulker-hospital-56468/index7.html
  24. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Been so busy that I wasn't noticing the date…today is a year since I've had my surgery…well my first one at least. :thumbdown: I even though this year has been hard with all of my complications I know I would have NEVER been able to lose 70lbs without surgery. I still have a way to go but now at least I have hope that I just might be able to this.
  25. nomadem

    My "mystery" complications...

    I can not believe the ordeal you have been thru. and no one could tell that your band had slipped? you are right about knowing your body. I knew something was not right with my band but I did okay for a while then I must have really slipped when I had extreme trouble keeping solids down and had most of my Fluid removed with out relief. thankfully I only had to wait a few weeks for my revision. Now I have new band that is larger than my last (went from 4cc to 14cc), it a huge difference and I have fighting to find restriction but I am very very happy. all the best to you!

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