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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomadem

  1. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Well I am feeling better today. Someone asked so I will let you know that when you have the band it’s very hard to throw up bc of the band being a physical barrier. I did painfully heave a few times so I am worried about a slip but if it happens it happens. I am thankful I had some Phenigrin left over from my surgery. Jay like everyone said you should only be walking until you are cleared by your surgeon. Then the gym should give you an orientation on the machines and how to used them. I don’t think I will ever love the gym but I’ve grown to tolerate it. I do about 20-30 mins of cardio and then a circuit of Nautilus. I aim for 4x a week. I know I should do more but I don’t want to make it a chore L2t7 love the new picture.. will the plastics dr be only at the by-pass meeting bc I will jump ship and go to that. Heidi good for you! When do you leave for this fabulous trip?
  2. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Sorry I missed the meeting but there was NO way I could attend nor would you have wanted me too. I can not believe how sick I am, I now know what it is like to have the stomach bug with the lap band. I returned to work today but I feel like death warmed over and the thought of food makes me want to puke. I dont feel tight so I hope that I didnt hurt my band. I was wondering if that was the same Dr Mun I read about as it was in the papers...very sad.
  3. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    ibelieve: Slim Fast makes an easy to digest ready to drink Protein shake. Its a bit hard to find (look in Stop and Shop and CVS). And yes I heard whey was okay for those who are lactose intolerant bc of the way its processed. So most protein powers should be okay its what you mix it with that could be the problem. And you are correct Carnation Instant has powered milk in it. I found that out after surgery when I had temporary intolerance. The same thing happened to me., I gained over a long weekend and when I had my pre-op I was up in lbs. So all it did was push me back a bit bc I had to come back again and prove that I could lose. And I did bc it was all just Water retention and it came right off. It was really fat or anything. Yes I was disappointed but I KNEW it would come right off. Also I finally broke down and bought a digital scale, and in the course of the day I gain at least 4lbs. Not sure what to do with that information. What do I consider my true weight???? Anyhoo I guess I was expected to hear from Jay. I hope it went well for him. Chloeglowy:as mentioned before you should first attend an information session. Most of your questions will be answered there PLUS its a requirement if you want to pursue the surgery ************************************* FYI.... folks the next support meeting is next, TUESDAY FEB 17TH
  4. If you have an Ocean State Job Lot near you…they are selling about a dozen varieties of exercises DVDs for $2.99. I saw several of The Firm series, Walking with Leslie Sansone, and some Billy Blanks Tae Bo. Not sure if they are any good but I bought three, considering I just bough a Biggest Loser Dvd at Target this week for $13.00, I think $2.99 is a steal.
  5. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    singing- I did not have to have and endoscopy either but you may based on your medical history. You may be knocked out or in twilight sleep I am not sure but those are good questions that you should direct to the dr or dept that is handing this. ylj you have the resolve to get back on track and in the grand scheme of the lapband journey 4lbs isnt that much. I can gain 3lbs in a course of a day. Like L2t7 said stick to as many bandster rules as you can, the ones you can do perfect them (like drinking 8 glass of Water a day, getting in your Protein, reducing your carbs etc). One small step at a time will get you to your goal. Jay only a couple more days!
  6. nomadem


    I agree with momcof3, you should avoid the phylum types bc they can swell in the pouch. Benefiber is a staple for many bandsters
  7. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Jay you have permission to come here and complain. I cant even imagine how disappointed you are knowing how hard it is to psych yourself up to have surgery. Yes you can still to a few more days of your pre-op diet. food is *NOT* your friend. I was doing so well for a while there, almost perfect I thought. Then add in some hormones and *wham* the HUNGER comes back in full force!!!! Guess I have to get it thru my thick head that this a going to be a life long battle.
  8. nomadem

    Struggling after a week!!!

    I agree call your Dr and ask for phenergan, you shouldnt have to suffer are you drinking milk products? you could have lactose intolerance. After my surgery I had a hard time with gas and nausea and looking back it was do to milk. It may go away after a while as mine was temporary and the Dr thinks it was from the high dose antiboitics they gave me to ward off infection also killed all the good bacteria.
  9. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    HMBradley1965 I have BCBS shield PPO blue care elect and did not have to do a six month diet BUT it depends on the provider thru whom the insurance is provided. to check all I did was call Blue Shield customer service and they answered if WLS was covered and mailed me a copy of my policy Sherry how are you doing?
  10. thinking of you on your surgery day! hope your recovery is uneventful

  11. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    SUPPORT GROUP INFO: 2009 Schedule, Jan-June ~No need to register for the groups pre-ops and significant others welcome to attend TIME: 6:00PM-7:30PM Brigham: 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ Carrie Hall 2nd Floor (at end of the PIKE) Jan 20, Feb 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16 Faulkner: ??? (need help with this)
  12. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Jean good luck with your surgery this week!!!!! keep busy the best you can before, I know easier said than done. you are so lucky to have your banded sister as a support person. Jay you crack me up with the 24 hr notice. the pre-op consult is mostly and interview/general exam to review your meds and check out your general health for the surgery. they never gave me the soap either time..... I feel kinda left out.
  13. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    You should be fine l2t7, it’s just something you should avoid if you can bc of the long term issue of it causing problems with ulcers and bleeding esp if you are tight. Dr V scared the crap out of me more than once about it. Hate to sound like a broken record but when in doubt as your surgeon. I posted that note about refocusing and then that night I had problems with over eating. I guess I do still sooth myself with food. It’s been super stressful week with work and although I don’t binge at work or anything when I am home alone w/the tv and I have that first bite…well I kind of zone out a bit. Next thing you know ½ a box of cheez-it is gone and some casserole and etc. I logged in all in so seeing in on line on dailyplate.com really helps me be accountable for it. At least the rest of the week has been better and I’ve been to the gym a few times Tova you’ve come a long way and I know how disappointing it can be to be unrestricted but remember you did put in the work it’s not all bc of the restriction and you can again. It’s a LONG road for all of us, you aren’t alone. Yljiones you are a great asset at the meetings. You are such a pistol! You have a great attitude I can just tell you will be successful I do hope we can get in some post-op discussion at the next meeting, I mean I don’t mind answering questions the band or surgery, but it shouldn’t be the WHOLE focus of the meeting
  14. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    yes it was great to talk and see everyone last night. I just wish we had more time...it goes by so fast. I too need to refocus and I am willing to do today. First I will track everything that I put in my mouth good or bad and be accountable for it. Bc I know that with my band I can do this! thanks for the support everyone! Mel
  15. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    so far Ive only been in Carrie Hall thats were I would go. the hospital does have healthy choices and fat free milk I may be there early (and driving in from the SShore as well) so I will look around for you .
  16. nomadem

    2 days post op

    yes it could be gas. Also you are still very swollen and sometimes the left shoulder pain is whats called "referred pain" that can come from your diaphram. If you do a search here for left shoulder you will see a lot of posts about this. It should go away in time.
  17. nomadem

    Day Surgery?

    good to hear singing. i would love to meet and hear about your experience with the other programs I am so thankful that my insurance covered surgery and I did have an overnight stay and great nursing care. I mean I was on morphine, anti nausa and had to wait for xrays before they let me leave. Plus I had complications. I cant imagining how scary it would have been if I was sent home.
  18. nomadem

    Day Surgery?

    ? not sure what program you looked into but I havent heard of that in Boston. did they refer to it as 'day surgery' maybe? At the Brigham and Faulkner it requires and overnight stay, it may be only considered 23hrs. If i were you I would ask the program directly for the program you are looking into
  19. nomadem

    Anyone close to Plymouth??

    I Berry I am sorry no one has responded to you. I live on the South Shore and I was first banded in Nov 2007. Have you been examined by your Dr. Sure your band is okay?
  20. like the new picture!

  21. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    hello and welcome to all the newbies! I spoke with Dr V Monday about her schedule, she has been very busy and she also does other surgeries besides WLS. So if you need your gallbladder or hernia repaired she’s a great choice. No its not easy to get an appt but I have a few other Dr who are all topnotch and that is something that I found comes with the territory. I find if I plan ahead I can get what I want. (i.e. I book my appt before I leave the office). Also just about everyone loves their own surgeon and I think its hard pressed finding someone who will not recommended their own surgeon. Personally I think you are in good hands with the whole team at B& W/Falkner. Please feel free to join us next Tuesday. The support group meetings is about 2/3 pre-op and 1/3 post op and its always good to see new faces.
  22. nomadem

    Hello from Massachusetts!

    Hello and welcome Maggie. I too am a patient of Dr V. Banded back Nov 2007. there are a few of us who try to attend the support meetings at the Brigham once a month on Tuesdays. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions. and you can look to see our thread under the MA forum. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f42/brigham-women-faulker-hospital-56468/
  23. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    the fear is normal...you would be human if you werent afraid. But like you said you know this is right. I think talking about it is helpful. We've all been there and understand.
  24. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    gina I have asked Dr V many times and she would like to see you about every 6 weeks (as per manufactors instructions) but if you need a fill she'd like to see you about every 4. The problem is you really cant get an appt every 4 weeks so I book my appts every six weeks regardless of needed a fill. I also book them before I leave the office. Also if you or anyone else is ever too tight you dont wait for an appt, call right away, if Dr V cant see you another dr covering or a NP should be able to help you out.
  25. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    yes Heidi how are you feeling now? I didnt realize you were also tight. I think you may be swollen and need an unfill if this is still continuing greeting LYJ and like Luv said you most likely dont need a fill but its good to check in with your Dr and let them assess you and how often you should be going back for check ups. Happy New Year to all my fellow bandsters!

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