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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomadem

  1. Mona I just found your post but had watched your episode and didnt know you were a member of LBT.I just wanted to say thank you for putting yourself out there, I know you have and are helping people by doing this show. Those who need support and those who need to be educated on food and eating disorders. I wish you the best in your recovery! BTW you have an amazing voice!
  2. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Nota I was so worried about you and I am glad that your surgery went well and you still have your band. How you doing now? We were never sure when my slip happened but I was living with it for a long time, I was unfilled and still had major pb issues on solid food. I wasn't an emergency like you were as I waited 3 weeks for my revision and new band. BTW I had the old 4cc band that they no longer make...interesting isnt it? When I'm having a hard time losing I sometimes think that getting by-pass would be so easy but like you I chose this surgery for a reason. I'd rather not have all of the major complications that come with the other types of surgeries. If the band somehow fails me again I may consider it but for now I am healthy. Oh and it helps that the person that I knew who had bypass that made me second guess myself... has gained back weight. Not sure if I can go to the next meeting
  3. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    That stinks Jen. If I had been there I would have just going on like Phyllis was there and would have made it worth your while. Fingers crossed I can make the December meeting. Nota you hit the nail on the head…it isn’t about being full even though you hear that posted on these boards. Not hungry is the key and yes like you three years later I STILL have to work on this. I spent my whole life filling myself up, now I need to reprogram my brain to stop when I am not hungry.
  4. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Thanks for calling nota. Glad I didnt make the nasty commute in from the South Shore Having a fill appt tomorrow...hope it goes okay and holds me for a long time. oh....had to look back at an old calendar to figure out that the yr anniversary of surgery is this week! I had the 3year mark as when I should have hit goal. I didnt but Im really trying to get back on track after a few very stressful months.
  5. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I will be there tonight!
  6. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I am right there with ya nota. Gained about 15lbs total :w00t: since May. Ive been trying to lose it but I cant my volume down to reduce my calorie intake. My hunger control is ok except at night, I have one thing, then its something else then on and on. Still have a bit of restriction on some days others I can eat a lot. Able to eat salads which is great and very little pbing unless its tough meat or skins. I will check my list but I think the next meeting is Monday Nov 8th
  7. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    kinda sad I wasnt able to make last nights Faulkner meeting but I will try my darnest to may Novembers. Life and work has just been so hectic. Jen the sweet spot ? Thats a hard one but I think the common theme is if you arent hungry between meals and are able to eat dense protein with out pbing and are able to keep your calories down and lose weight. Its a fine line that IMO gets harder and harder achieve over time. I had a 2nd unfill but Im think Im going to stay with this level of restriction. Not losing but I can eat salad/veggies and most protein without an issue. Breads and carbs however do cause me problems as long as I follow the guidelines and portion control (of course I do struggle with these lol) bostonmama once again I had differences of fill levels reported btw the PAs and my Dr. Im fine with it as long as I am not losing any fluid. How is everyone else????? Tova you around? I so need to talk to a vet bandster.
  8. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    How you doing now Bostonmama? I dont have Rachel but I will tell you I had an issue with discrepancy in my reported band level btw the PA's (2 different ones) and my Dr. So much so I thought I might have a leak. So I got a fill and went back 2 weeks later to make sure it was still all in there and it is. This could just be an error in reporting your fill level.
  9. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    hey all- I can so understand everyone's frustrations. Been working out more with little change in my weight.. Bostonmamma- I think the key there is how it makes you feel. I know the more I keep active and work out the better I feel both physically and mentally. It is verrrry frustrating to not see any scale changes when you are working so hard to fit exercise into your life. I had a 1.0 fill 2 weeks ago and Dr V was concerned I may have a leak, the last time I was in the fill level #'s didn’t match. ( Funky math from the PA's???)I went back this past Tuesday and everything was there so I don’t have a leak, and I had her take out .5 cc of that fill. Was having problems with tolerating solids, mushy and liquids were fine. I could also feel some heartburn starting from the pbing. Quickly nipped that in the bud with some Prolsec.. Its too back I couldnt handle that level bc it wiped most of my hunger away. It seems like I'm so sensitive to the fills. Tiny fills of .2 or even .1 seem to work out best for me. Jenn-From what I’ve read you may see people reach restriction around 1/2 way point of total capacity (i.e. over 5.0cc if they have a 10 cc band , over 7.0cc with a 14cc band). I can dig out the article I have if you want it.. Currently I am at 7.5cc and I have the 14cc band. Of course everyone is different and various things can affect how tight you may feel on any given day. Also still dealing with trying to lose the weight I gained from unfill back in May...I may lose again if I can stop my night time eating...its becoming my demon.
  10. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Blue that is amazing! Sounds like you are on the right path. Congrats I finally got the restriction I was looking for with the last fill...now its back to relearning to eat slowly, chew, and take my time and watch out for difficult foods. No weight loss as of yet but with my new classes in belly dancing, meditation and yoga I feel fantastic! Katie I am sending you an email with the name of the book I was talking about.
  11. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Paige that stinks about the reflux have you tried liquid Mylanta or something to coat your stomach and throat? I worry that this will lead to to irritation and heartburn. were you ever able to call your Dr or the PA and ask to switch meds? or maybe the antibiotic could be crushed and mixed with applesauce? I will be at the meeting...doing well with working out but the night time hunger is bad. Hoping my fill next Tuesday will help as I have NO restriction and can eat almost everything.
  12. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    oh geez I notateech I had NO idea you went thru all that. Horrible!!! Werent they able to give you anti nausa meds via IV in the PACU? This should have been dealt with during your pre-op and with the anesthesiologist as they usually monitor the post op recovery. Did you have a meeting with them prior to your surgery? What did your surgeon say? Good warning to any banded patient to never assume and tell every person you come in contact with what you need, and what types of meds work best for you. Welcome Kath! I too am a patient of Dr V., banded Fall 2007. ************************************************* B & W lapband meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month (Aug 17, Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 21) Faulkner lapband meetings are the 2nd Mondays of the month (Aug 9, Sept 13, Oct 18*, Nov 8, Dec 13)
  13. thank you so much for your post! I was banded in 2007 lost 80 and has started to gain back a few pounds. I am in the middle of reading Roth but I don't but I know there are just some foods that trigger a response in me...when I avoid them I dont overeat. Of course these foods are healthy either. I will be ordering that book right away to work on training my brain.
  14. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi Katie Good to see you back here. Dr R's office called you? Wow. So did you make an appt? Please come to the Monday Faulkner meetings if you can
  15. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi everyone hows the week going? Good to see your post Heidi Ive been doing well with drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily and eating a lot of salad and veggies but having huge issues with night time eating. Once I start its like I cant stop. I know you all get relate. Hoping a small small fill will get me more restriction and end the night time hungry horrors. Oh a new thing Im trying is adding spinach to my protein shakes in the morning...turns it green but you dont taste it at all. Heres more information so you dont think I'm whacked http://greenmonstermovement.com/ ~Mel
  16. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Jay and Paige you better come to the next meeting. I think it went well last night and we didnt scare off the staff :grouphug:. Hammered home some good topics like planning meals ahead and drinking water. This week I will focus on these two habits ~Mel
  17. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Carol so glad you are doing so well. Yes those few weeks out of surgery are tough but you did it and its onwards and upwards...or should I say downwards in pounds. lol you can use yogurt but you will want to thin it out with milk or ice. There are a million variations its: protein power of choice, if you use chocolate power then just add banana (I like to freeze mine in chunks), milk and or yogurt, fax seed oil. Or if you use vanilla/unflavored power add sf chocolate pudding mix, coco power or sf Hershey syrup. Right now for a change I am experimenting with using oj,frozen pineapple chucks, bananas and protein powder. Tova I'm glad your tests came back ok and you are getting back on track.I'm going back right after the holidays for a fill.I hope get my restriction back bc I NEED it. Being doing great during the day but the night time eating is getting out of control. And damn it I am hungry.I really appreciate my band and what its done for me
  18. 1) Antibiotics: I had to be put on penicillin for dental work and the Dr gave me chewable 250mgs amoxicillin. Its WAY better than the liquid stuff that Ive had in the past. Still has a bitter after taste but the liquid stuff was just nasty 2)Found this six month food journal at Borders. Its a great way to track your calorie intake. Im still using daily plate on line for now but this will help me when Im not at the computer. Check it out: Amazon.com: Easy Diet Journal: The Fastest Way to Lose Weight--Works with All Diet Programs (9781934386644): Alex Lluch: Books
  19. nomadem

    tip or favorite thing? share it here

    Personally I hate Vitamin Water but this stuff I do like. First saw an add in a magazine and wanted to try it. Natural flavors ....no sugar added.. ZERO calories!!! I found it at Shaws Skinny Water :smile2:
  20. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    great to hear Carol. take it easy:thumbup:
  21. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Great meeting last night! I always come away with a feeling a hope and last night was no exception.The fight continues and I'm more determined than ever to not keep up the battle. Best of luck and a swift recovery Carol Tova let us know how the upper GI goes and I hope you can get a fill soon. Jay...proud of you stay on track and be kind to yourself Nice to meet all of you! No matter where you are on your journey you help me either reminding me how far I have come from or giving me the reminders that I need to get back to the habits I had.
  22. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    my plans got canceled so I will see you all tonight!
  23. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    sorry you guys seem to be having a rough go of it. I remember reading here are some people were up and "back to normal" right after the surgery. It took me 5 days before I went back to work and then a few weeks before I even felt like my old self. Tylenol was making an adult strength over the counter called cherry liquid burst or something like that. Not sure if they still do..I found it at Stop and Shop. On occassion I have taken the children's strength and followed the dosage instructions. Im almost postive the next Faulkner Group is Monday the 14th. Its flag day and I made plans so I dont think I can make it.
  24. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    hey all. sorry I havent been around...I too have been away on a mini vacation to the west coast. Before I left I had an unfill bc I was struggling with keeping some (and I mean only some) hard Proteins down. I was hoping to just have the .2 I had put in a few weeks prior taken out. Well Im not so sure I didnt have more taken out bc I was able to eat quite a bit while I was away. Heck I even ate 1/2 a bagel..something I hadnt done in years. Ugh the last thing I want is to have to go back...again! :biggrin: Good thing those Californians like to keep fit as I walked almost every day. To those just having surgery best of luck and feel free to ask questions. Blue I am SUPER impressed with your C25K program! Jay Im sure you survived your scary meetings intact and for the better. :wink2: Notateech, Im sure we will catch up when you are back on the mainland. Tova how are you doing? I know many of the staff at B/W... give them a chance they are just doing their jobs. Keep in mind we have some of the BEST medical care in the US!! My advice keep all your receipts especially from office visits. There isnt anything that cant be worked out. ~Tiny P.S. out in CA they have billboard ads for lapband surgery
  25. nomadem

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Oh yes I agree stress does affect my band. Finally figured it out most recently while being not having any problems to all of a sudden having issues with foods I tolerated before. Or I just plain cant eat at all bc nothing stays down. It also happens to me if Im out of element (traveling) or super busy with work. I had a slight fill of .2 yesterday with Dr V. She was great as usually. Complimenting me all over the place.We talked of expectations and reality of how much weight I will lose. She also mentioned how she has former banded patients who convert to by-pass who are wanting to be banded again. So far with this fill I can feel the restriction and its not too bad. I am concerned with the slight heartburn that has started. Gonna nip that in the bud with some Prolsec. Ive been at a higher fill 2x and 2x ended up unfilled. If it happens again Im just gonna have to accept that my band only wants me at a certain level. Right now I think Im at 7.6 in my 14cc band. We talk about the bathroom issues all the time. :bored: I just got back from BJs they have their own brand of Miralax two bottles, 60 day supply for $14.99. Ive tried the friendly bacteria and it never quite worked enough for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
