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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomadem

  1. NEMC is one of the premier hospitals for WLS, that being said I knew how instense their program was. At this point would you be able to switch gears mid stream or is it better to just stick to the plan and all the appts? could you be frustrated and stressed about the choice to have WLS? We all have gone thru it. have you looked at other Boston hospitals like the BI or B & W? I wouldnt call thier programs easier, both are hard with great surgeons.
  2. nomadem


    my dr didnt like me taking the chewable benefiber post surgery (too bad they were yummy). Ive taken stool softner in pill form for years but when I was a bit too tight I tried Miralax. that worked okay but I recently started with the suppliment of acidophilous and let me tell you THAT works oh so well!
  3. while not advised I posed the same question to my dr...she said that if you MUST take advil type products then take the liquid form (children's type w.lots of water) so the tablets are not sitting in your pouch. She also mentioned that she had to hospitalize a patient who developed a bleeding ulcer from taking high dose ibuprofen for an injury. so there is your warning and please ask your dr first.
  4. nomadem

    My Port Has Flipped!

    found out my port was flipped at first fill appt. Had Dr go in next day, and re-suture it back but kept the same location. This was done under local and I was back at work in a few hrs.
  5. nomadem

    Any good cottage cheese flavorings?

    got the tip here on the boards to mix in sf applesauce and cinnamon..very good!
  6. Hello and welcome I too am from MA...the south shore to be exactly. Just 4 months banded and STILL learning. there are state specific forums as well as age ones. Feel free to ask questions!
  7. Hi Aqua I was banded 11/13/07 at B&W by Dr Vernon, I think I know who your surgeon is as they share the same office. Actually today I went to the Faulkner, just need to learn my way around JP. :thumbup: I have BCBS PPO and had NO issues with insurance or anything. If you have any questions feel free to ask me
  8. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    thanks again for the suport Sherry and everyone its movtivating to me to see everyone kicking it into high gear again. I am pretty much open for weekends in Marchfor another get together. April and May are half booked. :biggrin: Finally called Dr and Im going to try to get a slight unfill. I am doing okay with soft foods but soilds are painful. I am however dropping weight like crazy so that is why I wanted to wait and see if the band would get loose. Guess I could live on softer foods but I am concerned about the (band) tightness in my chest
  9. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    good to see you posting here rainbow...hope you can get back on track. Ive got some serious behavior mod to do with my eating or I will need an unfill. Thanks Sherry for hosting the meetup...I didnt realize how much I needed the support. It was nice ya all. ~Mel
  10. just started gurgling and now have some pb's on solids..its been a week since my second fill AND I just started my TOM. This isnt too tight even if I have to stick to softer foods?
  11. nomadem

    port infection ?

    I was banded on 11/13 and at my first fill found out that my port was flipped so I had my port re-positioned 2 days ago under a local. Now its red and possibly infected. Call Drs office and they are putting me on Kelfex. I am very concerned about what this means down the line, will I be at rist for an erosion? had anyone with an infected port have it healed with no further problem? Am I over reacting?
  12. nomadem

    port infection ?

    I am doing well after a course of keflex...my surgeon thinks it was a case of cellulitis than infection in the incision bc it looked like a slight sunburn. Port is back in place and I recieved my second fill with out a problem
  13. nomadem

    Did I just PB? Need help.

    thank you Wheetsin that was very helping. Ive had a few pb's to me it seems almost as voilent as vomiting. From the posts here it seemed as if people just the food and slime popped out by mine never does. Is the wretching as bad as true (flu) vomiting?
  14. nomadem


    I struggled before surgery and still do now...wasnt sure if exactly what Activa was supposed to do.. So thank you for posting this. are Acidophilus Pearls the same thing that is added to the yogurt and cottage cheese? Where can I buy this?
  15. nomadem

    How to Target Under the Arm Flab??

    for "batwings" would 2lb weights help?
  16. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    awesome ide, I do need support. Will PM you now.... ..should you also start a new thread? dont want your invite to get lost ~Mel
  17. nomadem

    HELP! New problems with throwing up

    I have a question...what is considered "throwing up" post banding. A few times when food has gotten stuck, I thought what I did was PB'd but it felt more like I wretched up the food. Nothing came up on its own. It was the only way to stop the pain.
  18. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I didnt meet him persay but saw him in the ATR area (treatment rooms) when I was having my port re-done. But he and Dr Vernon were laughing bc they were both there at the same time, which I guess never happens Anyhoo I went with Dr Vernon for a few reasons one being that I knew how popular and busy Lautz was, shes a great surgeon (check they all are) and well bc she's a she's. Still learning the band. I have pain when I eat too big of a bite or too fast...at least that what I think. but can eat more than 1 cup at a time. Other times I feel tighening at the back of my throat when I eat. Still slowing loosing.
  19. I am on my second Bullet. On my first the motor went so I purchased a regular blender for $19.99 at Sears. It worked fine but I couldnt stand trying to get it clean. So I bought another bullet. Its fine for making shakes
  20. nomadem

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi Cindy have you ever gone to the Faulkner for an appt? Does Dr Lautz do appts over there? I have my second fill there w/ Dr Vernon on Feb 8th..I heard it was less hectic over there. I am for the very first time hungry since my surgery 11/13.Hope this fill helps that. ~Mel
  21. nomadem

    Fills and Menstration

    I think this happened to me. I had my first fill on 1/08, TOM came a few days later and I was having trouble with solids. Now that its going away I am for the first time since surgery (11/13/07) hungry. Not sure if the restriction wore off OR if it was TOM. ???
  22. I am like you...only had one fill but I do have some restriction. yes I can eat more than a cup but not much more and some foods are a no-no. Do I go for greater restriction?
  23. nomadem

    CNN Video Clip

    thanks for the cnn link Patti! I must saw you look 'wicked awesome'! congrats!
  24. I developed an infection after they repositioned my port...you should call your Dr right away
  25. very interesting thanks for posting this. It must really depend on what your body can handle? My dietition gave me a lists and said to include 2-3 servings of veggies and long with the required Protein....there is no way I can do that now. As a matter of fact I PB'd most of my main meals all weekend, and I think its due to my TOM (??). But I am drinking fluids fine and still have weight loss.

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