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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hatmama

  1. Hi everyone, it's been a while since I was able to post so thought I'd say hello and share my good news. I had to go back into chemo for a few months but everythiing is ok now. I have hair again so my hats don't slip around :lol:!! I gained a lot of weight during chemo but have now started to lose again and feel so much better. I have lost 35 lbs and have 37 to go to reach my goal. Was almost at my goal when I went back into chemo, darn it. But it's looking good now. This weekend I am going to go "shopping" in my closet for the clothes I bought before my weight gain so I'm looking forward to that! I'm glad to see so many people are on track and doing well with their weight loss and I hope you keep it up. Good luck everyone! :)Laura

  2. Oh Bandster, I am so sorry. If you are having a pity party, it's only normal. Though I had 2 miscarraiges, I would never say, I know what you are going through. Because everyone has their own little hell, and you are the only one who feels the way you do. If you know what I mean. Though my dr told me it was healthy to talk about the loss of the baby because that would help me work thru it, it was a long, long time before I could do that. I am happy you have your dh to help you through this. Congratulations on the marriage.

    I haven't done really well on sticking to some parts of my diet because, like you, I am an emotional eater. There is a lot of stress at my office and at home. And since I can almost eat anything I want, that does not help the weight loss, because sometimes I do. Good luck to you on getting back on the program, hope you get to bandster heaven soon. :)Laura

  3. The best way to find a dr is to go into the section here on the forum labled Fill doctors, or something like that. That's where I got Dr. Brinkley's name from. Depends on where you are located. I could probably have found one in the Richmond area but because of traffice, it's just as easy to go north as south around this area, you're still going to be tied up for a few hours. Good luck. :)Laura

  4. Hi all, boy I can really get depressed reading all the posts about how much everyone has lost! Good thing I am usually upbeat. I have had 5 or 6 fills (cant even remember my #s now!) and at the last fill I was so happy because I felt restriction. Well, it lasted maybe 2 weeks,only in the morning. Once in a while I feel it at lunch. I think my food choices are pretty good, though like any normal person, I fall off my diet once in a while. I'm doing ok on my Protein (thankfully, since I really don't like the shakes!), have to work on Fiber. Calorie count is usually around 1000 to 1200, mostly Breakfast and lunch, I eat very lightly in the evening since I get home so late. I've been unable to exercise much due at first to a fractured ankle and a couple of torn ligaments. Then my arthritis in my (same) knee hit and I was bedridden for 2 days. I just got off the crutches, thank God, and am trying to make do with a cane. Still a lot of pain though. Usually by this time of the year, I am up to walking 3 miles a day and by June I am up to 5 miles which is my daily goal. I don't get much exercise in the winter, start back in Spring when weather warms. I don't have another fill due until June 4. Sigh. Wish I could get to her before then but I am scheduled to be out of the office on reviews the last 2 weeks of May. Hope I'm not in a wheelchair by then, hahaha! (I "think" I'm joking) Oh well, I will just keep plugging along. Congrats to everyone who is losing, keep up the good work. :)Laura

  5. Nope, but I'm enjoying doing the things I want to for a change, not even thinking about taking anyone else's concerns seriously! May sound selfish, if so, so be it. Taking off in a couple of weeks to go home for a while (FL) to do some work on my retirement place. My 5 acres are paid for, hope to get well, septic and electric in and concrete poured for storage shed, plus mark spots for a few extra trees while I'm there. Nice and private, only 3 neighbors within a one or two mile radius (lots are 2 1/2 to 7 1/2 acres in size) so will only see people if I "want" to. I have been living in the DC area, all cooped up, for too long. Plus I hate cold weather. My last boyfriend didn't come back from Iraq his second time around and I still miss him even though it's been almost 2 years. We were together for 6 years, so I'll admit it's been kind of hard to get serious about anyone I've met since. Oh well, stuff happens. I'm just really trying to take care of myself and figure I will know when I'm ready to look for another relationship. Sorry this post is so long, just wanted you to know you're not alone. Take care. Laura

  6. you did good! When people say catty things or try to be a smart aleck waving junk food around, I have a couple of replies I give. I will look at them with a mildly astonished look on my face and say, "and this concerns you how?" Thats one of my favorite. Sometimes, after they have spoken I will let a second or so go by and then say, ...and? Nothing else. That one works good too. Hang in there, your revenge will, indeed, be sweet. :)Laura

  7. I hope it goes ok for you after 8 fills. I have had 4 or 5 (or 6!!, I forget!) fills and have just gotten some restriction. However, I am not losing any weight yet. Dunno what's the matter. I finally have the portion size controled, doing ok with my Water, getting the Protein I need and Fiber is ok. Eating protein first. Haven't been able to excerise, which I enjoy at this time of the year. No matter how bad Washington DC is, they have wonderful springs and Indian summers. I fractured an ankle and tore a couple of tendons (missed a step off my front deck at 4:30am, too dark to see. I finally got rid of the crutches but need the splint and sometimes an ace bandage. Somedays you just can't seem to catch that golden ring. Good thing I'm usually an upbeat person, otherwise, I think I could have stayed in bed for the past few weeks! Good luck! :)Laura

  8. OMG! I am so happy. I went for my 4th or 5th fill and have waited an entire week before allowing myself to hope this is it. Did my liquid 2 days, then softies 3 days. Now I can only eat a couple or 3 spoonsful and I feel it! Before, only time I felt anything was up to about 4 days then restriction was gone. The Dr unfilled first to make sure how much I had in my band (10cc band) I had 8 and she added 1. I love this. I have never enjoyed pain like I enjoy this. The first time I overate, the pain was awful, I couldn't do anything except moan for at least 30 minutes,then it was another 30 minutes before it went away. Only wish I had someone close to share this with. I hope this is going to be my "turn-around"!


  9. I had my 4th (or 5th, can't remember exactly) fill yesterday and am hoping the restriction will last longer than a week. Quite a few people have had the same experience, not losing much after the initial post-op. Just hang in there and, hopefully, it will change. How many fills have you had? Remember, the LapBand is only a tool, most of us don't lose much weight at first, it's really important to watch your portion sizes. Good luck, I hope you do better.

    :blush: Laura

  10. Banded 10-03-07, left 4cc's in. Just had my 4th (or 5th not sure) fill to 9cc's. I have had basically no restriction beyond 1 week so I am hoping this fill works and helps me control my eating. I'm getting my Portion Control down pretty good now, but the stress eating, especially at night, is what really does me in. Did ok when I did have some restriciton, was able to stop when I felt rsistance, but like I said restriction only lasted about a week. My Dr does the fills without fluero and has never missed the port. Yesterday (my last fill) she withdrew my Fluid so she could be sure how much I had, then refilled me. Here's hoping it works. :)

  11. I have lost about 50% of my hair over the last year, but I don't know if any was from the LB surgery since I have just come off radiaiton a few months ago and just over a year of chemo before that. And it is depressing at times at times because people say the most awful things to you. I had a close friend when I first starting losing my hair during the first chemo, who remarked that chemo was a treatment for AIDs! (needless to say, he is not a close friend anymore). So the hair will probably come back for you. Mine has, a little thinner, a little more prone to breaking off, but at least there's "some" there. Though if I didn't have such an ugly scalp I would probably shave my head, it is soooo cool. Hang in there, it will come back. :)Laura

  12. Hi: I was banded with the 10cc Lapband. Dr said he left 4cc in.When I went to my first fill, Dr put in 2 cc; 2nd fill was 1cc; 3rd was .50cc. I have had almost no restriction since the 2nd week out of the hospital and I am hungry a lot (actually, most of the time). Fill Dr says if I don't feel any restriction (and start losing any weight!), at next appt she will take all fill out to see how much was in there and then refill. Has anyone else had this done? and what can I expect? I have a very low threshhold for pain, at least as far as it's mine (joke).

    I'm not losing much, maybe 6 lbs since I was banded. I've got the portion controls down, but I get hungry and I "pick". I am also yo-yoing, I will lose 5 lbs on a strict diet, then gain back at least 4. My biggest problem is the Water after eating. As a former cancer patient, the various chemo and radi treatments had the side effect of leaving me with a dry mouth. Sometimes it is so bad, I not only can't talk, I throw up. Which I know would be a problem with my l/b. My (cancer) Dr says this is a common problem with Cancer treatments and says there are no real medical facts as to how long that side effect will last. I am doing as one bandster suggested and drinking a lot of Water before I eat, but it doesn't seem to help.

    Just wondering if anyone knows about the pain and has any suggestions about the water. Thanks:)Laura

  13. Oh I am so sorry you are feeling bad today. You're at a point where it's only normal to want to scream and cry. You've done so much and worked so hard and you're almost there. And it's that "almost" that's trying to drive you crazy. But you are doing such a great job so far, don't get discouraged. You've lost 1/2 half the weight you wanted to and that is so wonderful. And I know you're probably tired of hearing it will soon be over. But try to hang in there. If you can, fix yourself some hot chocolate (or whatever drink you like, put in a couple of marshmellows, find some music on the radio or find a women's magazine, run a bath with lots of bubbles, even if you have to use the kids stuff(!), lock the bath room door, kick back and relax. Don't even try to think about anything except pampering yourself. You will feel so much better,not just mentally but physically also as the warm Water will soothe your aches and pains. I hope you feel better soon. Laura

  14. well, I am with you too. Banded Oct 4, I've had 2 fills and the dr only wants me to come back every 2 months! LB dr left 4cc in a 10cc band, my first fill was 2cc, 2nd was .5cc. Last time I called dr and got in 2 wks early and I'm going to do that now, I think. This is so discouraging, I too am back on the yo-yo, except I have not felt any restriction after the 1st day or so after a fill. I am trying to stick to a sensible diet but the reason I got the band was to use it as a tool to help with my over eating! I am a self pay also. And it is really hard when I go into some of the chats and they are all losing weight or, even worse, if you complain, have some one post a nasty reply about not whining or belly aching which really gets me down. So I just don't post very often. I mean, if I can't vocalize my worries about the LB with you guys, who am I supposed to "belly ache" to? I'm going to call my dr right now to see if I can get in earlier. Thanks for listening to me. Good luck

  15. If the weakness happens again, eat a banana. Has a bunch of nutrients and will help if you get dehydrated from not enough fluids. I used to be a runner and that was written in stone, drink lots of fluids and eat a banana. Hope everything works out.

  16. Thanks, I'm going to spring for a 3 month m/s at the gym downstairs from my office. They only have treadmill and bikes, but that's fine. I don't have (really) time except at lunch. I leave home at 4:45a and don't get back home until around 7:15 (the few times that da_n train is on time!). I do try to get in exercise on my days off (F,S,Su).

  17. I have wondered why the Dr schedules me so far apart, especially since I see others are going monthly or 6-wk. Last time I called her and went in 2 wks early. It's a disappointment, also since I see many here banded at the same time or later, and they are losing. I just try to tell myself I am in it for the long run and it will come. It is hard though, I don't see my scales moving much and I'm currently following about 900 calories a day. I can go about 5-6 days then I start eating boiled eggs because I'm so hungry. I might call her a couple weeks earlier if I don't start losing. I just want this to work! Sounds like you are doing ok,the exercise is definately good. I walk, but the weather has been really strange lately. Anyway, good luck.

  18. I am still having trouble with exercise. It is just so darn cold outside and I do not like cold weather. When I retire and go home to Florida, I don't think (at least right now) that I ever want to go somewhere it is cold! I'll do my travel in the summer! That said, I'm doing a little better with Portion Control but still have no restriction since the day after my 2nd fill. I am 7cc in a 10cc band. Next fill is in March. But the dr says it will come and I will forget all the misery of worrying why I'm not losing weight. It is nice to have a dr who has been banded herself, she knows where you are coming from. Good luck to everyone of us.

  19. I do bellydance one day a week also. Since I haven't mastered the "tummy roll" yet, I don't know how that will effect my band. I'm not real good at the shimmy yet, but it is so much fun. Our instructor works several nights a week dancing (teaches 5th grade otherwise) and she has shown us a video of her dances. I made 4 different outfits, including the headband so I could practice with different types/weights of material. It is a good all round exercise if you do it a lot (which I dont, sigh). I like my group, we have fatties and twiggys, and we help out each other with different routines. Several women have lost weight and/or firmed up. I found it thru a local recreation dept, now I go to her private classes. Sorry this post is so long, it's a wonderful exercise and fun.

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