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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by motherof5

  1. Wow this is something. At almost two months out, I can have whole grains, some frutis,low fat cheese and even a pat of butter. I am sitting her snacking on 2 tbls of bulgar and curry shrimp(one shrimp) now. truly every plan is different. I hope the best for you. Hang in there. Later Loser!
  2. motherof5

    Am I alone here?

    I was sleeved on August 26th. I was nervous as all out back. I was so nervous that I was quiet and calm, scarey. I was just going through the motions. I was there and I just kept moving through the process. This people were taking me here and there and asking questions. They gave me something to calm me right before going in the OR. I am so glad that I went through with it. I hope next time you will too. No regrets
  3. motherof5

    3 days post op

    Just remember to keep sipping those fluids and move around. It will get better. Later loser!
  4. motherof5

    Read me.

    And fell down to her knees..
  5. motherof5

    I crossed my legs today

    Ah man! It is such a wonderful accomplishment. I am not fully able to cross my legs but I am getting there. I semi-cross them everyday. My husband says that I think I am cute. He will never understand. But you guys do. Its not about being cute. To be able to sit like a woman and not with my legs COCKED wide open with my hand on my hip. Or with my hands under my belly. To look at a pic and see that, I hated it. I have never been able to cross my legs and always wanted to know how it feels. That is one of my NSV goals. Everyday I am going to keep trying until it's right. So, YOU GO GIRL! later losers!
  6. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Congrats to everyone with their awesome weight lose. Can you believe that it is almost 2 or 3 months for some of us? It has been a very interesting ride. I will have my weigh in Monday and will update then. Keep pushing forward! It's all down hill from here. Later losers!
  7. They are very filling! In the past I would take down like four with the bun. Amazing!
  8. motherof5

    Gurgling stomach

    My tummy loves to talk. When I have my first sip in the morning. You will have to be patient. Every tummy is different. At three I couldn't eat eggs or yogurt and such. At 7 weeks, I still can not eat an egg. Concentrate on you fluids and you will see it get better. Later loser!
  9. At 7 weeks out, I did have some the other day. It was all beef and very salty to me. I was only able to eat half. It is very heavy. Not going there again any time soon.
  10. The folks above had some awesome suggestions. I will also look at http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/03/plan-for-success.html This is very beneficial site that a RNYer blogged about her WL journey. She also has some good recipes too for each stage. Later Loser!
  11. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Way to go. Only 34 pounds to go. You can do it!
  12. motherof5

    Am I the only one with Diarrhea?

    It is normal. I had it bad in the beginning as well. There were times when I went on myself and didn't know it, too much info I know. But it is true. I used to hear people complain about constipation but I did not experience it at the time. Make sure you stay hydrated like jessiquoi said. It will get better.
  13. I have to be honest, I didn't work hard at all to get rid of that. One of the first things to go down was my bum and that shelf, lol. Hopefully you will be the same. Where are you from Sleeve Sistah?
  14. Yes, it is. I disliked myself for a long time. SMH
  15. motherof5

    Good bye to fast food

    I didn't have a conversation with my departure food but we did have a good time. I had banana pudding and overdosed on Little Debbies swiss roles. I like the fact that you were up front and honest with the fast food. I just did not have the right words to say, lol.
  16. Never even tried to buy or try them on. I knew it would not work. I can't wait to get a pair.
  17. I do not and will not miss my shelf that the top of my bum had. This is something that my hubby loved to rub and grab but I absolutely hated it. I am glad its gone. It's like someone shaved it off. I will not miss that fat lump on my neck. I will not miss the odor. I feel comfortable being around people now. I will not miss my fat head or face.
  18. I originally posted this in the recipes but got no responses. I wanted to know if anyone would like to share their whole wheat bowls recipes. I am interested in quinoa, wheat berries and bulgur. I saw a lot of good recipes online but I want to hear from the sleeve community too. Eventhough I probably only eat about two tablespoons, I would like to add this to my diet for much needed Fiber. Thanks
  19. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    I had to do 9 months of visitation with my primary only for them to advise me about losing weight. They suggested that I see a dietician and at first I declined. I changed my mind because I realized that everything is being documented and I wanted my documentation s to look good for the insurance. It was a long journey for me but worth it.
  20. motherof5

    African American vsgers!

    I was just in Norfolk visiting my mother and brother. It felt so good to be home. It felt so good to be home again. I have fam in Richmond too. Congrats gals! You will love this sleeve if you don't already. Later losers!
  21. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    @@karen, I definitely feel you on that one. In the beginning I really felt the same way. I do acknowledge that I still have a long journey ahead of me. I sure hope that when I reach my goal that I will not have the same thoughts. Then I will be in trouble. Much success to us!
  22. motherof5

    Whole Wheat Bowls

    Hello. I wanted to get back into my oatmeal for breakfast but wanted to try other whole grains. It would be the same as rice bowls but with whole grains. I am interested in wheat berries because it is versatile. I totally understand the protein thing Which the wheat berries has. Thanks
  23. motherof5

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Motherof5 checking in. Feeling awesome and still learning this sleeve. Still a struggle trying to rotate between eating and drinking but it's getting better. I am noticing a difference in my body and can not wait until weigh in on the 20th. Still taking these darn BP pills too. Oh, I am too lazy to exercise but I did get on the bike today though. Later losers!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
