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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kele_Kana

  1. Ok...I couldn't help it. I was banded on 10/13, followed the post-op liquid stage completely, and am now in the mushy stage (I'm certain this has been discussed in another thread, but can't find it, so I'm sorry for any redundancy). Anyway, I've cheated a few times, having solid foods that need to be chewed (things like chicken, fish and non blended creamy soups). I keep finding myself justifying such things as mushy - "Well if I chew it enough, it could be mushy". Ridiculous, I know, but it's something I'm working hard to rectify...I promise. I haven't had any problems holding it down (no tummy aches or anything). I am at zero restriction and am ALWAYS hungry. I am just concerned that I'm doing something to my band, perhaps even screwing it up for myself completely. I'll be honest in saying that it hasn't happened only once, twice or three times. Everyday is better, so I'm really not concerned about getting worse, I just want to make sure I haven't ruined it for myself. :help: Any advice would be great!!
  2. I haven't tried unjury yet, but so far my fave's been Body Fortress in Vanilla, found at Wal Mart. It's CHEAP ($14) and good, IMO. I added half a banana once to be a little different and it was deeelicious! I too have tried the Isopure liquid Protein drinks, and it also left a weird film in my mouth and throat...blegh! Great source of protein, but not worth it to me... Got my first fill and am finally on solids! Yippeeee!!!!
  3. Kele_Kana

    I'm done...I made it

    Congrats! Keep on walkin'!! It was the best medicine for me, as hard as it was... =D
  4. I, too, used Care Credit and got immediate approval after applying online. Definitely try them. When I applied alone I was only approved for half of what I needed (but my credit is TERRIBLE so half was actually a huge surprise to me), I applied again w/ a co-signer (thank you mom!) and was approved for the whole amount...again immediately (the account number was given to me upon approval as well, no need to wait for the card) I did what you did and set a date not knowing for sure if I'd get the loan. Somehow things have their ways of working out...
  5. So I've cheated...several times. But I'm DONE. I have vowed to stick STRICTLY to doctor's orders (yes, as I should have to begin with, I know), but now I canNOT stop thinking about what I possibly could have done, or have done, to my band and stomach. I want nothing more than to move on, but I can't with these terrible thoughts in my head. My band is empty, so I know that's why I feel no restriction, but is that the only reason why? Do I no longer feel restriction because I've stretched the pouch and can now take more in? I followed doctors orders word for word until about 3ish days into mushies (yeah, not long at all), when I decided I was just going to "test myself". What a load of sh** that was. So yes, after reading a thread on cheating, I've woken up and realized that I potentially could have screwed it up for myself completely. I've never been so disappointed in myself. Seriously, EVER in my life...and I've done a lot to disappoint those around me. I'm not sure what I'm looking for in a response here. Perhaps some words of encouragement? I dunno... ...please help.:think Resa
  6. Are you currently signed into AIM? Would you mind msg'ing me? My SN is kimoleka. No worries if you don't want to...
  7. I would love nothing more than to do the same, but I'm having trouble with facing the unfortunate, perhaps deserved, reality that I may have done something to my band and/or stomach. When you decided to get back up on the horse did you assume your 'insides' were fine or did you get it checked out? But you're absolutely right, tomorrow's a new day and I do realize that dwelling on my mistakes aren't going to help me. I just need something to put my mind at ease so I can move on w/o the guilt I put upon myself in the past. I plan on calling my doctor today... Errr...I hate me right now.
  8. If they clear you and you decide to go through with it, try using Delsym. It's a medicine that controls the need to cough, as opposed to expectorants that help you cough and get the yucky stuff out. It helped me anyway, and my husband swears by the stuff. I still tried to cough as doctor suggested, to clear my lungs, but Delsym kept me from coughing excessively. Oh, and Ricola makes this sugar-free Lemon Mint (or something like that) throat drop. These helped me A LOT too, but must admit they're quite addictive. To me they were like candy...sooo good! Hope this helps!
  9. I went in with a cough, but the anesthesiologist listened to my chest and found me clear enough for surgery. It was the end of a cough and I could sleep and breath well, so I figured I'd be fine. But when I came out of surgery, having to cough proved to be a HUGE problem for me. Oh the pain! They told me to "splint" my belly with a pillow when I had to cough to minimize the pain, and though it helped some, it didn't help much. I found myself sitting there for several minutes at a time, my husband holding my hand, just trying to get one cough out. I couldn't do it because I knew how it felt. Now, the docs will encourage you to cough after surgery so you can clear your lungs of any gunk that settled while you were out (to avoid lung infection), but personally the less coughing I could do the better; so the cough I really wish I could've let fade before going in. Sneezing...holy cow. I'm allergic to just about everything, so I was surprised to find that I didn't need to sneeze. I've literally sneezed twice since my surgery, but they were not pretty. OUCH! Since then, though my port site seems to have healed, I've avoided sneezing at all costs because even the memory of the pain keeps me from getting it out. Kind of like negative reinforcement for a pet or child...haha. Anyway, this isn't meant to scare you, just sharing my experience. I found myself saying that I should've let the cough go away; and it seemed my port site took a tad longer to heal than others, maybe because of the coughing and how my ab muscle was involved in having to do so. But as mentioned above, definitely tell the docs about it. They told me as long as I didn't have a fever and my lungs sound clear I should be fine, but you're obviously not me. =D Good luck!
  10. Kele_Kana

    So CAL Bandsters

    Oh wow we are neighbors! I live in El Monte =D You're as close to 626 as 909 gets...hehe.
  11. Kele_Kana

    So CAL Bandsters

    Hi Stephanie! Where in the 909?
  12. Kele_Kana

    i have some questions...

    Yeah, I too wouldn't have known they intubated if they didn't tell me before.
  13. Kele_Kana

    i have some questions...

    Ain't this right! I barely remember being wheeled into the OR. The anesthesiologist said we're going to have a party (cuz I had the "happy juice" in me) and the last thing I said was "Bring in the dancing boys!!" Next thing I knew I was in recovery feeling like an a$$ for saying such a thing!!
  14. Oh man I know! I keep telling myself that 4 more weeks is nothing compared to the rest of my life, but keep falling into my own traps. But yes, you are absolutely right and I will stick to it. In fact, today's been a great day so far!! BTW, Nov 16th is my first fill too
  15. Oh wow...5 days in I was in too much pain to even think of food. Cheating or not, this first stage is about healing, so it's great that you're still getting 4 lbs per week....really good in fact!!
  16. ...I think it's the whey that's bothering me anyway. I FINALLY found a GREAT tasting Protein shake (Body Fortress in vanilla from Wal Mart), but have been getting bad tummy aches every time I drink it (I've been using lactose free or soy milk with it) . I am so disappointed cuz I thought it was so good I looked forward to the next serving. Anyone face this problem? Is it common? I'm not into Isopure's liquid Protein Drink, so I would really prefer a shake-like alternative (must be DELISH!). Thanks everyone!
  17. Kele_Kana

    i have some questions...

    I was worried (not quite terrified), because it was the first time I'd EVER had surgery. But then I started thinking about how we all tend to focus on the few incidents where such bad things happen (hard to forget, I know) and forget that it's not a common occurrence It's, of course, normal to be scared, but I definitely wouldn't worry. Now, I'm actually completely fascinated by general anesthesia...it's the best nap you'll ever have! Find solace in the fact that you've chosen a place with a great reputation, which in turn will have great surgeons and and an equally-as-great anethesiology team. And yes, they intubate...the only thing you may feel from this is a sore throat when you wake up (I felt absolutely nothing). I know for the super super morbidly obese (I saw this on Big Medicine), some will do a wake intubation in fear of an airway collapse while the patient is asleep. It...was...not...pretty. =(
  18. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best....as the saying goes (did I get that right?) Just remember everyone's different and there are actually some who are up and running the day after. I just wish I was one of those! Then again I only took my meds twice and felt I'd rather sit through the pain than taste the medicine...so it couldn't have been that bad. Ha.
  19. Kele_Kana

    can"t burp

    Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhahahaha! Same here! I keep telling me husband, after a failed burp, that "I used to be so good!" He'd just laugh and relish in the fact that he's better than me now. Boo to him!!
  20. Kele_Kana

    can"t burp

    Hiccup burp! Precisely! Never exactly new how to explain it, but yes...that's what I still have to this day. I'm a little disappointed to hear you haven't gone back to normal burping. Booooo...is it weird for me to admit that I love when I get a nice burp out? So many times I've wished I could just get a swig of some Coke or Sprite to help me along, but I know we're not supposed to (oh man I miss that stuff!).
  21. I went to my follow up ready to complain because of the pain I was in....and they told me I looked good for being 2 days post op and that some come in crying regretting what they've done. Then he told me those same people come in a month later as happy as can be about their decision. You'll get there soon!
  22. Kele_Kana

    How many days before Mushies...

    I was never put on clear liquids specifically. For 10 days post-op I was told to have broths, protein shakes and yogurt. Beyond 10 days post op my nutritionist let me add in things like scrambled eggs (soft), oatmeal and cottage cheese. 6 weeks I can get back into the "normal" stuff....can't wait for that!
  23. Kele_Kana

    I've just discovered Chai Tea!!!!

    If you can find CoffeMate's Chai Spiced vanilla creamer (or something to that effect) it's AWESOME with Chai Tea (WAY better than Starbucks' Chai Latte). It's not the healthiest additive, but it's a GREAT treat! *tasting it already*
  24. Kele_Kana

    can"t burp

    I was banded on the 13th and I'm still not 100% free of exactly what you're talking about (and I still haven't burped!). BUT, it is almost 100% bearable, I just kinda pause and wait it out...no big deal. I just kept moving/walking like everyone on here suggested and it got better as each day passed. It was PAINFUL in the beginning...scary, but normal...and Gas-X didn't work for me and hardly anyone I spoke to (it's not that kind of gas). It'll pass...promise
  25. Hi guys, I've had this pain in my back and it seems it's almost directly across the port in front. Is this a coincidence or is it safe to assume they're related? I can't really explain the pain. It's by no means unbearable, perhaps it's more of a soreness, but it makes sitting up comfortably impossible. I either have to stretch my torso and sit with amazingly perfect posture, recline or lay down; and when I lay down for too long it starts to hurt again. I can't pinpoint it when I ask my husband to massage it. Just weird... Just wondering if anyone's experienced this. Thanks all!

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