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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kele_Kana

  1. Kele_Kana

    protein powders

    The only Protein powder I've tried, after searching these threads for recommendations, is the Body Fortress 100% Whey Protein in Vanilla. YUM! When I went into this, I was dreading the protein drinks; I tried ISOPURE's clear Protein drinks, not bad, but I could only get so much of it. I went to Wal Mart and found their second biggest size of Protein Powder for under $14. I was SO surprised at how good it was. It's great alone, but I later added 1/2 a banana and just that much better! I only take 8 oz, but with milk (10g of protein) and the powder, I get 33g of protein in one small 8 oz sitting. Not bad if you ask me. Oh, I also add a few ice cubes so it's nice and chilly. I need to go to GNC and get some of those cheap, plastic shakers...I'm getting tired of the blender...
  2. LOL...it was either that or an in depth discussion on the 'other gas'. Even in typing that I was going to use a phrase far more inappropriate, but decided against being myself for a second. You'll thank me later!
  3. Kele_Kana

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hey Myra, I used to live at the Terrace Apts in Orange (at the Block). I miss passing by Angels Stadium every day Well, with the exception of game days (yay traffic). Err, I just miss living in OC. Nice to 'meet' ya!
  4. Kele_Kana

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    626 here...just wanted to say hello! :biggrin1:
  5. Kele_Kana

    So CAL Bandsters

    Hey Cali! I'm in the 626, but have also lived in Orange, Corona and Burbank. I have plans on covering more area codes Just wanted to say hello!
  6. For me it wasn't until day 7 that the gas STARTED to subside. Even today, day 9, I'm not 100%, but it's about 95% bearable. I have my moments... Keep on walkin'! That's all I can say...
  7. Good to hear Kaycee =) Please tell me when I finally do burp (I haven't since before the surgery) that it will be a manly, 30 second burp, to which I can recite the ABC's... ...now that would be impressive. Screw the weight loss!
  8. Those are the EXACT feelings (like word for word) that I just kinda got over (I'm on my 8th day - and the post "non-burp" pain is still present, but bearable). I seriously thought it was my heart. I called my doc, went on here and posted; they were all right when they said it was normal and it would pass. CO2 tension is NOT fun, but it does go away. I just had to force myself to walk...even if just around the house. Mine was my chest; not sure where yours exactly is. As for the tummy rumbling. I was confused, too. I wasn't sure if it was just gas or if my body needed sustenance, which I wasn't readily willing to give it because I didn't feel hungry. All normal, it will go away and everyday each thing starts to make more and more sense, esp. if you continue to read advice given on this forum. I posted my thread with the subj: "CO2 Tension...owie" look for that and check out the responses I received. It's still good to hear I'm not alone on this...I got to the point where I thought my doc was just saying it's normal to get me off his back; it was so painful that I thought there was no way that was normal, and I refused to believe him.
  9. Kele_Kana

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    Thank you! I have a nutritionist, but the sheets he had w/ his advice are a little different than what I've been reading, so I wanted to clarify. I very well could've called him, but before I found this forum I've been calling them with ALL of my questions! Haha! They're awesome people; as sweet as can be, but they deserve a break from me Thanks for your help!! Hmmm...anything I don't have to chew...I don't have to chew sushi...do I? =P
  10. Kele_Kana

    Breakfast Cookie...

    Argon...11.2 lbs to go?!? Amazing! CONGRATS!! Before/After pictures?
  11. Kele_Kana

    Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli Soup

    Ooooh...think Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana's okay to eat anytime soon? I'm starting mushies on Monday... This would be WONDERFUL if I could. I love that stuff...
  12. I hear that completely. My first day post op I couldn't believe the pain. I remember reading a lot on people who were back to work two days later with pain subsiding w/in three days. It was just a reminder that everyone's different. Today's my 7th day and I'm just barely getting around to laughing w/o a lot of pain...just soreness now. Though I think I'll be fine by this Monday, I'm still not going to work...my job's pretty physically demanding. Every day is better than the last....even if by little. I'm sure people are sick of me saying that. You can do it!! :clap2:
  13. ...oh, not to mention that until today I've been getting no more than 20g of protein (if that) a day. Bad, I know. But thanks to this thread I can be rid of the dizzy spells and moodiness =D My husband and son couldn't appreciate you more!
  14. I know there are at least two of you who've mentioned Wal Mart's Body Fortress in Vanilla. Can I just say THANK YOU! This stuff is delicious (mixed it w/ low fat Lactaid milk)!!! I've been dreading these Protein shakes; I've tried the Isopure Protein drinks (the one in the glass bottle) and I wasn't into it at all (really not bad at all, just got tired of it). Anyway, this Body Fortress stuff is great and kind of tastes like cake batter milk. It's not thick, maybe barely thicker than milk. I love it! Thanks all! :whoo:
  15. Kele_Kana

    Pepperoni with the band..

    You're a genius. I think I love you.
  16. Kele_Kana

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    Hey all, I'm fairly new at all this so please bare with me I'm going to start the next eating stage on Monday. But before I go any further, let me tell you the diet my doc currently has me on. Of course, we start w/ the liquid diet. I hear of many people being put on a clear liquid diet for the first 10ish days, such wasn't my case. Included in his list are things like low fat yogurt and low fat milk...in addition to broth and Protein shakes (which I'm ashamed to admit I did not do...*yuck*). Next (10 days post op) he has me on soft foods, which include things like oatmeal, soft scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. Stupid question, but will I be in what everyone calls the mushy stage? The reason I ask is 1)I often hear of stage two being pureed foods and 2)because I see recipes for [delicious] things like crab cakes and baked potatoes and it seems a little too good to be true....that my stomach may not be ready for this. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to have me some crab cakes on Monday, I just want to make sure I'm getting it right. If he says I can have oatmeal, soft scrambled eggs and cottage cheese, is it safe to say that I will officially be in the Mushies stage? I'm looking forward to hearing "yes" for an answer because I canNOT wait to use the recipes I've found so far in this wonderful forum... Please help the newbie...
  17. #2 was a difficult one. It took me I think 3 days, first of all, to get somewhat of an urge....emphasis on somewhat. The 4th day was productive, but it didn't come easy. Today, my 7th day, was my first easy day of doing so, actually the first day at all since that 4th day. Give it some time and definitely keep hydrated. As for the gas....that's my biggest problem. I posted a thread on CO2 tension and everyone who replied said to MOVE MOVE MOVE, WALK WALK WALK. It was hard for me to do these things because that's when the gas hurt me most, but I listened to them, went to Disneyland the next day, walked around for 2 hours and went home. Today I feel great. The pain isn't 100% gone, but it's FINALLY bearable. So I will definitely continue to keep moving until it goes away. Then I'll go back to sitting on my a$$. =D Hope this helps!
  18. Kele_Kana

    Opinions Please

    I'm 5'7"...prob the tallest Filipina you'll ever meet...ha.
  19. Kele_Kana

    Opinions Please

    Renewedhope...our starting and goal weights are the same. Cool...hehehe. Ok, I'm a dork.
  20. Kele_Kana

    Opinions Please

    My pre-op diet was one day...ONE...but I still never thought to have Chinese food before that. Aaaaack! I looove chinese! I'm Filipino, too, and rice is an everyday, at least twice a day, food item. I've given it up before for months, but the idea of not being able to tolerate it, and therefore not having the option to eat it, is kind of a harsh reality...:think I say wait til you're allowed to eat solids and have your chinese in moderation. We can't deprive ourselves of everything. There's a thread about a LB patient who has a small Breakfast from McDonald's everyday and ice cream every night...he's lost 110 lbs and continues to lose rapidly. Not the smartest move, but just as an example...
  21. Aha! But there is a lifetime of good health and a hot body ahead of you I was fortunate enough to have friends go on the liquid diet for both my one pre op and 10 post op days and at least one friend to quit smoking with me. Feels great, but I know they're dying too and once we all get together I have a feeling we'll all get to the point where we say "Ehh...one won't be too bad." And it begins (again) from there... :heh:
  22. Kele_Kana

    Considering Dr. Mark Paya

    Hi all, Did any of you end up going with Dr. Paya? I had mine done by him almost a week ago and I loved them all! His staff is absolutely wonderful!! Just wondering :biggrin1:
  23. Isn't it funny how some people are put on 12 days pre op diets and some one only one? I was DYING on my ONE pre op day of liquids. I applaud you for doing 12.:clap2:
  24. Another good point. When I told my anesthesiologist that I smoked (of course he wouldn't believe I quit cuz I did so just two days pre op), he nodded his head and warned me that I was going to cough up a lot of "goop" after surgery. Only thing is, I also went under with a cough and recent chest congestion, so I don't know if the post op goop is because of the smoking, cough, or normal post op lung action. Coughing after having the procedure is NOT fun. I told my husband I'd rather have given birth 4 times than endure my so far 5 days of pain from coughing.
  25. I quit smoking two days before my surgery (I was only required one pre-op diet day, so I quit the day before that)...I figured it would only make sense to do so with all the talk of having the procedure done to be healthier. Of course, it's only been 5 days since the surgery and I couldn't tell you how hard it'll be once I'm back in my social scene. But I can tell you that getting banded has motivated me and this is as confident as I've ever EVER felt, compared to the other times I've tried to quit. No better time than now to make other big changes in life...:whoo:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
