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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by tmartin1023

  1. I told everyone before having it done. I felt like they needed to know what to expect. Well, except one...when I began to lose weight, he asked his dad if I was sick or something because of the weight loss. I'm his dad's room mate, His dad told him "no it's the weight loss surgery she had". I thought it was funny.

  2. Thanks for all the help...I think I may try that Preparation H and Vick's Vapor Rub thing... That's only if my insurance doesn't cover it. I'd like to be sure if it helps me or not. I've also noticed that everywhere that is sagging itches all the time. Thanks also for the compliment that I look fine already, but yes, the fat is covered. I believe I look hideous, and it depresses me. I don't mind being the size I am, I just don't like the sagging skin. That's all that I don't like about it.

  3. Hello everyone, or anyone...I have had my gastric bypass just a little over a year ago and lost 105 lbs. I'm scared to try to lose more because of the skin hanging all over my body...you can exercise only so much to tone it up. I'm having a meeting with my primary doctor to have him check me out and see if he can recommend the excess skin needs to be taken off due to "medical reasons". I have to have that for my insurance to "possibly" cover it. I hate my body now. Yes, I expected the weight loss, however, I did not consider all this hanging skin. Now it's depressing me and I feel miserable.



  4. So happy for you!!! You are sticking to the advice of your doctor ... and YES, I know how the cravings can be. I had them myself. I also noticed that my taste buds changed as well. Things I use to like before, I don't like now. Sweet candy, I tried it but don't like it anymore. I'm over 1 year of having my full gastric bypass. So I experiment with things now and then. I don't like my Splenda in my coffee any more... I have cheated. I now have to start over with using the Splenda in everything. I have tasted some birthday cake (it was a birthday celebration and a very small piece) I took my 1st bite and almost had to vomit. I don't like them anymore. I was kinda happy about that. It let me know I don't like sweets any more. There are other things I don't like any more also that I need to eat like chicken, but that's only how it is cooked. I don't crave much of anything anymore. Except my coffee in the morning. I have cheated with drinking sweet ice tea when I go out to eat dinner and sipping on it with my meal, but I end up taking most of my mean home with me for later. I hope you have a wonder time losing the weight...my bypass was June 2013 and at this time now, I have lost 105 lbs. It's amazing. I don't even look like the same person. Now I'm checking if my insurance will cover the left over hanging skin I could not get toned back up. You can only tone up so much. This my only worry.

  5. I had my gastric bypass last year at the age of 43. I have lost just over 100 lbs. It was worth it. My only problem is the excess skin hanging and you can only tone up but so much of the skin. I have to have my doctor write a referral to a plastic surgeon to get the excess skin taken off. I can only pray that my primary doctor will do this for me. I don't like the way my body looks at all. I was prepared for the weight loss, but was not ready for the hanging skin.

  6. I have already had my 1 year anniversary, having lost just over 100 lbs. I had the full gastric bypass. I hope you all have a good outcome with your surgery, no, I'm not saying I had a bad experience...I'm just wishing you all good luck. Your body will go through a lot of changes. Your taste buds go through a change, things may taste different, and things you use to like, you may not like them anymore. It really changes your whole body chemistry. I found that out the hard way. Also, (not saying this will happen to you) I have a problem that causes me to be able to eat something I like and I will be ok. However, I can eat the same thing another time and it may upset my stomach. Strange, I know, but I have no idea what is causing it. And, you really do need to drink the amount of Water they say. I have worked out too. My insurance actually provided me with a workout video that I could do at home, and yes, it has worked on me. However, I still have sagging skin, and now have to try to get my insurance to get the excess skin taken in. I have to have a doctor referral. I pray this doesn't happen to any of you. You can only tone up but so much by exercising.

  7. I always wake up tired almost all the time when I know I'm getting enough sleep. I even get sleepy throughout the daytime. I sometimes need a nap during the day. Not sure why but I do. I also have Fibromyalgia which is known to cause chronic fatigue. So I'm not sure what is causing this.

  8. I'm going through the same as you. I need my doctor to write to my insurance stating that it is medically that I have the excess skin removed to get it done through insurance. I didn't expect this...my body looks awful now after losing over 100 lbs. My room mate even said I look like a sickly person.

  9. I was diagnosed with severe depression years before my surgery. So, I was going in to this fine. What I didn't expect was the sagging skin on my body that I couldn't tone up. You can only exercise but so much and it will only tone up but so much skin...now I'm waiting to find out if my doctor is going to write to my insurance to state that it is medically necessary to have plastic surgery to remove the excess skin. My body (to me) now looks so gross with this sagging skin. Now, THAT is what is making me depressed now. And yes I am already on medication for my severe depression.

  10. I'm glad I joined this group...the questions I had have already been asked and the answers are there. :) I find this to be a great site for answers to my problems with my gastric bypass. I'm learning a lot about it from others who have been through it and will ask questions (if they have not already been asked) if needed. I'm happy I found this group.

  11. I do hope everything goes right for you. I had my gastric bypass last year, have lost just over 100 lbs. Now I have skin hanging and my insurance won't cover a plastic surgeon to take it off unless my doc writes to them that it is "medically necessary". I can only pray that that will happen. I feel like my body looks gross. So not what I was expecting. I pray this does not happen to anyone else, and NOT trying to stop from having the surgery. I wouldn't have lost the weight without having the bypass surgery. I am glad I had it.

  12. My gastric bypass was done over a year ago on June 5th of 2013. I have lost 100 lbs. Yes, I'm happy about that, I couldn't have done it without the gastric bypass. What I had not planned on was the excess skin hanging on my body...everywhere. It is under my arms, on the sides of my breast, my breast, my stomach, my neck and the inner parts on my thighs. My insurance won't cover it unless my doctor puts in a notice that it is "medically necessary". I refuse to lose anymore weight until I get this skin taken off. I am fine the way I am, and would consider that a lot of weight would come off if they take this excess skin off my body.

    I feel like my body is gross looking, I don't even want to look at it. I feel like a freak with the way it looks naked. This is what I was not prepared for. But, you can only tone up so much of the skin with exercise, and I've done exercise. I can only pray my doctor can put in that it is medically necessary and they accept it and do it. If not, my depression will only get worse.

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