Dear All,
I am in the same situation, I was 410 lbs when I started and banded @ 390 lbs reached 295 lbs 4 months and went back to 315 lbs now my current weight is 304 lbs with 3 weeks of stick diet and 2-3 hrs workouts hence I have only 3 months left for my wedding and I want reach 250 lbs by that time hence I am starting HCG Diet next week and will post soon about everything I will go through.
FYI, I can now do 5K, 10K and shit load of cross-fit, I am one of the healthiest person @ work in terms of heart rate, flexibility and endurance. I have 30 % body fat left hence my target of 220 lbs its reasonable considering BF leftover by that time should be 10-15%.
After talking to couple trainers and dietitian they believe that my metabolism is not working fast as it should be due to prolonged low-cal diet my body has adjusted to live on low-cal diet of 1000-1500 hence I should try this to re-boot my metabolism so now spending $795 for HCG diet which comes with regular visits to dietitian and body compositions measurements etc.. which they say can help reboot my metabolism through HCG hormone !
Lets cross fingers and see if this last resort helps as otherwise my surgeon told me to have skin surgery for loose skin as I and my family are not in favor of going under a surgery for skin at this point.