This is so awesome! Much of what I've come to understand about this community is so fantastic. You're all so supportive, which in the world we live in is saying something to begin with. The nerves come and go, as I suspect they will through out the process. However, for the first time in my life I'm making a choice to be a priority. I'm a people pleaser by nature and find I'm often shuffled to the bottom (if I make it at all) of the list. I've always been heavy, as I said women's sizes since grade school, up until a couple if years ago I was comfortable as I was, but as I moved through turning 30 and beyond my body doesn't heal as quickly from my athsma and allergy related issues, my joints ache, and I who have loved to be in the center of everything through photos, adventures, and the like have started to pull back. It's just time to accept that all the diets are not for me, and start working on me. I'm excited (and nervous) to start the process but I'm really glad I get to do it with all of you!