My file was sent to United Health Care on Tuesday for my final approval and I have such a nervous, excited, stressed feeling! I absolutely have no feelings of apprehension as I know this is the best thing I can do for myself, however, I am very nervous and excited, all at the same time.
I am so looking forward to the new year, new me and getting my life back. In preparation for my new lifestyle, I've institute the changes I can commit to. I've started going to my spinning classes three times a week again, which I used to do all the time before I gained all this weight. And, I did my first yoga class on Saturday. Let me just say, Yoga is not for the larger version of me! LOL I was exhausted after a few minutes! But I did enjoy it.
I guess what I'm trying to express in all this babel is that I haven't felt like myself is about 6 years and I so miss the fun, on the go, healthy me! I can't wait to see her again!