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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by hhp29

  1. hhp29

    August Sleevers Check In

    I have only told a few people too, firstly because it's nobody's business! secondly there are always going to the people who whether it's intentional or not, get you down! I like to think they do it because they care but sometimes they are doing it to me rude. my one cousin, after I told her I was getting it done replied "I'm so mad, now I'm going to be the fat one!" as to imply it was my job to be the fat friend. then to tell me she is just gonna loose weight the old fashioned way, like I'm doing the easy way. not once had she said I'm happy that you made a health decision. my mother loves to remind me of foods I can't eat anymore, and she is not doing it to be mean. but it is an adjust for her too.
  2. hhp29

    newbie here aug 26th surgery date

    congrats on your surgery date!! I got mine last week also and mine is the 25th. my whole process took about 2 1/2 months from 1st Dr. appt. I'm glad I didn't have any required waiting period. do they have u on a pre op diet? I was suppose to be on a 2 week one but I got my date last Friday so it's only a week pre op diet. hope everything goes well! congratulations !
  3. hhp29

    Calling all August Sleevers!

    I'm on day 4 of my pre op diet, which consists of 2 high protein shakes and a lean meat and green veggie dinner with two snacks. the first two days were rough as hell. I cheated on the second day, I ate some fries, I felt so awful about it I dnt think I'll ever do it again. it wasn't worth it. I'm not required to loose weight but my surgeon said a light liver makes the surgery easier. I never realized how much my life revolved around food. today I feel good and comfortable with my diet. I dnt get hungry as much as I just want to eat lol. I was a grazer and snacker. but I'm not anymore and I'm ok with it! my surgery is August 25th so one more week, I'm so happy! good luck to everyone!
  4. thats my surgery date too!!!! i get a rush thinking about how close it is! Good luck and congrats!!!
  5. i agree with everyone else. when discussing with my surgeon the different surgeries to have the statistics claim the bypass will only help you lose 5-10% more than the sleeve. And we decided that i can make that up and some with leading a healthy lifestyle. so after weighing the pros an cons, the amount of weight loss really depends on ourselves and how dedicated we are.
  6. hhp29

    Unflavored protein

    i use Bariatric Fusion u can buy it online at bariatricfusion.com, they also have sample packs to which is nice in case u want to try a flavor.
  7. hhp29

    August Sleevers Check In

    I'm planning on taking at least 6 weeks off work. I am a nurse also. I didn't want to risk back too early and hurt myself, with the lifting restrictions they wouldn't let me back anyway. I have been saving up some money to help cushion being out of work. even if I felt able I think I'd like to take the extra time to get used to the new me, my eating habits and such. I wouldn't want to be getting sick at work. that's great that some of you are able to return to work so soon!
  8. hhp29

    August Sleevers Check In

    found out today that my surgery is august 25th! im excited and nervous all at the same time. im glad its not a long wait because im so happy to start my new life. ive got such a busy week ahead now. i start my pre op diet tomorrow. it kinda feels surreal like i cant believe ive gotten to this step! good luck to everyone! and congrats to the newly sleeved!
  9. last Friday I received a letter approving my hospital admission and surgery. I called my surgeons office today because I wanted to make sure they had gotten it too. they said no, I told them I received one and she said that wasn't the approval letter even though it says approval on it. so I called my insurance company and they said that they have approved it. they are pre authorization to do the surgery and hospital stay and the only other step is to have the surgery so they can bill it. I asked insurance to re send it to the doctor. it even has an admission date on it which is only two weeks away. if I'm having surgery that soon I kinda need to know! I don't want to keep bugging the office. but I'm kinda going crazy. is there another letter they are waiting for??
  10. it took my surgeons office a week longer than me but they finally got everything they needed! surgery is scheduled for August 25th! I go for my pre op tests tomorrow
  11. that is really wonderful! congratulations!!! it makes me even more excited to get mine done! My mindset is to stick to the diet also, im overjoyed to see another success!! keep up the good work!
  12. My son is six and he has no problem telling me im fat, he is a little kid it never really bothered me. but this past year when we went to an amusement park, i brought other people with us to ride the rides with him cus i knew i couldnt fit in most of them. but still he wanted me to go on. and it almost broke my heart thinking this is the first let down in a long line of let downs because of my weight.he shouldnt feel bad because of my choices.
  13. thanks for all the encouraging words!!! i know that im excited/nervous about my surgery so im trying not to be too bothersome to the receptionist/scheduler. i have tomorrow off so i think i will go down to the doctors office and see what they say about the letter i received!
  14. thanks, I think I'm going to have to keeping calling even if they think I'm a pain lol. congrats on getting approved!! good luck on everything!
  15. thank you so much for sharing your story. my surgery is still. few weeks away but I already sometimes get the nervous "should I go through with it?" feeling. the more posts I'm reading the more I see that's a normal way to feel. I know my experience could be totally different I still find comfort in your story. I wish u all the luck in ur continuing. weight loss journey!
  16. since I decided to the the surgery the whole process has gone quite quickly, that is until this week. I have completed all the requirements and just waiting to here back from insurance. the nurse at my surgeon office said in her experience that it should only take a week and my insurance hasn't denied anyone since she done the submitting. yet I'm still so nervous. I can't stop thinking about getting that phone call!
  17. thank for the input, I just got another call saying the surgery was approved too! so it was two separate approvals. now just have to wait for the office to call with my surgery date!
  18. so I just got a phone call from my insurance company saying that my request for inpatient hospital services was approved. it was an automated service so I dnt know if that's my surgery or not. I dnt know if I should call my insurance company or should I call my surgeons office to figure out what that meant. I don't want to seem like I'm bugging them but I'm freaking out wanting to know lol
  19. you look amazing!!! congratulations on all your success so far! your pictures my me so excited to see my results
  20. the wait is nerve wrecking! I hope you get your approval soon! I'll let you know if I get mine!
  21. congrats! and good luck! I'm so very happy for you

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