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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lorammy

  1. Most people don't seem to notice I've lost weight, though I saw someone after a 3-week absence and she could tell. I was stalled out for 3 weeks, though. Since Jan 1st I've lost 5 more pounds, so finally on the downward trend again, yippee!
  2. Hi everybody, Sorry about the long absence. During the holidays I stalled for almost 3 weeks - sooooo discouraging. I don't think anything would have helped - my body just needed time. I started seeing the scale move down 3 days ago, so feeling better.
  3. jacqbult, I am on pureeds, but haven't tried actually pureeing (<--funny looking spelling?) anything yet. Your meatball idea sounds good. Have you tried anything else?
  4. Lorammy

    Cant Sleep

    I had kind of a meltdown a few days before my surgery, even though I had been looking forward to it for over a year, planning for it, taking care of all of the insurance requirements, and attending support group meetings every month. Strangely enough, my biggest fear was how I would deal with the liquid diet that seems to go on forever, and not being able to use food to soothe myself. Now that I am 18 days postop, I realize that the liquid diet is a real challenge for me (though some sail through it just fine), but having my weight drop has boosted my mood so much that I've stopped caring about it. You got some good advice above - take time to think and remember and visualize all the reasons you chose this path, get a massage and a manicure, or do some things that help you slow down and feel more peaceful - they really help.
  5. emsgirl114: Please talk to your doctor's office immediately. My husband had a "slow bleeder" and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital one month after his surgery. He was so anemic he could hardly stand. You might not have that problem, of course, but you shouldn't be getting dizzy. Are you having shortness of breath, black poop or lacking energy?
  6. Jacqbult, I am so sorry about your puppy. You must be so sad. *hugs* Shadow, nice poetry girl! I LIKE it! It would seem my stall is breaking: 12/7, 252.4 12/8, 252.2 12/9, 251 12/10, 250.4 12/11, 250 Yay! I was thinking my husband's postsurgery weight loss was nice and steady with no staying the same or going up, but I was wrong. I looked through his journal and he was doing the same thing I've been doing at 2 weeks out. There is hope! The scale will move in the right direction again! Press on, be of good courage! It also helps that I got to eat mashed potatoes yesterday. I haven't figured out anything else to add now that I'm on pureeds. Any ideas?
  7. Ok, nice to know I'm not the only one stalling. It has been an up and down week, and my net loss was only 1 pound, but my husband says my body is becoming a fat burner, and the weight is coming off so keep a positive attitude. It's funny, I wasn't going to weigh myself every day, but hubby wanted to know (he had RNY a year ago and lost 95 lbs). I was thinking I would just weigh once a week, but it seems once we start the every-day weighing it is so hard to stop! Thanks for telling me about your challenges, everybody. It seems impossible that we could eat 600-700 calories/day and not lose, doesn't it? But now I've seen it with my own eyes.
  8. It seems to be 2 steps forward, one step back right now. To continue from where I left off above, Friday 253.4 (3rd day in a row) Saturday 252 Sunday 252.4 Monday 252.2 Tomorrow is my 2-week anniversary from surgery, so will see how the scale looks then. I do need to get some walking in. Cleaning house and Christmas decorating probably isn't enough exercise. I get my Protein in, and really eat little else other than juice and pudding. Oh yeah, I have a few Soups. Occasionally I'll eat Jell-O. Popsicles are too cold this time of year - brrrrr!
  9. Nice going, Msbritt! On your way! I've hit my first stall, hoping it doesn't last too long: Monday: 253.4 Tuesday: 252 Wednesday: 253.4 Thursday: 253.4 Anyone else having this kind of plateau already? I thought I'd get at least 3 weeks postop before hitting a plateau. I feel pretty good. Incisions are healing nicely, not too sore anymore. I'm having BAD head hunger on the liquid diet, though. Really have to stay busy to not think about it.
  10. Hi everybody! Had my sleeve on the 25th and I'm doing great. So glad to hear you are, too. Hating the liquid diet, though. 7 more days to pureeds. I've lost about 8 pounds since surgery a week ago. Hubby and I can already tell I'm shrinking. So fun!
  11. Day 8 post surgery. I have felt extraordinarily well with very little pain since coming home. I do get hungry, though, and the liquid diet has been awful! So tired of it, but I have 7 more days so have to persevere.

    1. 4me4them


      Congrats! Hang in there and you will never have to do a liquid diet again!

  12. So cool to have a group to compare notes with. My surgery will be on the 25th, just 2 days away! My surgeon is going to take out my gallbladder at the same time because my ultrasound showed a bunch of gallstrones - no symptoms from this! Guess I should count my blessings. My husband had RNY Dec 5 last year and is down 95 pounds, I hope I do as well. Sending good thoughts and prayers to all of you going in tomorrow. Speedy recoveries to all! Keep in touch.
  13. Lorammy

    Who Are You?

    Hi there! I'm a 57 y/o mom of 6, grandmom of 6 (soon to be 8), and a medical transcriptionist trainer. I've been married for 35+ years and my hubs had roux en y in Dec 2013 (down 85 pounds so far). I first decided I wanted WLS about 3 years ago, but my family and even my husband were against it. They had watched me for years and knew I loved the hard work of DIY home improvements, and they had also seen me lose weight several times - they felt I could do it again. But a few things combined to make hard work very difficult - hitting 50+, working at an extremely sedentary job, and continuing to gain about 3-5 pounds a year. Eventually the hard work I loved became very painful, especially for my back. Last summer my husband and I decided we both wanted WLS and applied for insurance to cover it. He got approved, but I was denied, twice. As 2014 rolled around, a change in insurance coverage meant I was able to qualify (after 6 months medically supervised weight loss). My first appointment with the surgeon is Aug 13, and I'm both excited and wary/not looking forward to the liquid diet. I'm an emotional eater, I eat to feel better. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it when eating isn't an alternative. I'm reading cognitive behavior books that are helpful with changing my thoughts, trying to prepare as best I can. I wasn't fat my whole life, but felt like I was anyway because I always had a tummy. Skinny kid with a tummy. I gained weight a few pounds a year over several years, intermittently losing between 10 and 30 pounds, then gradually gaining it back. My only weight related health problems are sleep apnea and fatty liver disease. I don't know how I can weigh this much and still have low blood pressure and normal blood sugar, especially with my sweet tooth and love of bread. But I know I can't count on my relatively good health to continue indefinitely without losing the excess weight. I'm looking forward to sleeve surgery and will make the most of it as a tool to get healthier. I'm going to need all the help I can get and am so grateful for the people on Bariatric Pal and all of the great encouragement and information. Thank you in advance for sharing what you know.

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