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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About 3in1wOL

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  1. VSGAnn2014--It will be two surgeries because I am having both knees done at the same time. I don't really want to go into the reasons why it is a problem for me to wait. I may be able to wait until January but not longer than that.
  2. Recycled--the thought was that after surgery I wouldn't be able to move very much and that is what would slow the weight loss. I posted here and another support group I am in and it seems that their fears are unfounded. I am grateful for the input.
  3. The team thought is that it would halt or drastically slow my weight loss.
  4. Had my two month check up on Monday. Team is pleased with my progress. I told them I am scheduled for bilateral knee replacements on Nov 20th and they were not pleased with that bit of information. Their fear is that my weight loss will slow down considerably--or even halt. They would like me to wait a year -- but would even be ok with 6 months -- For a variety of reasons waiting 6 months or a year will be a hardship--may be able to wait until January. Has anyone had experience with joint replacement after being sleeved.
  5. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    Sandi, I am so glad to hear there are other bariatric vitamins. I also bought UNJURY multi's prior to surgery, mostly because they have only US ingredients. I take them every day but do not like them. When I am finished I will have to try one of your favorites.
  6. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    I was sleeved on the 5th of August. I have lost 34 lbs since the day of surgery (66 lbs since the start of the journey). Size 18 starting to get big but 16 still too small. I have had no problems with any food I have tried and at times that is scary. I had my 2 month check up today and doc is pleased (although I feel like I am losing so slowly). I am unable to exercise too much because of my knees. I have a tentative date of 20 November for bilateral knee replacements. This was not well received this morning. The bariatric doc would prefer I wait until the one year mark, 6 months at the very least so as not to halt (or drastically slow down) my weight loss. Waiting until February is not really an option. Have been considering waiting until January. There are so many pieces to the puzzle and I feel a bit of a swirl right now. I am going to take some time to weigh all sides. Prayers for this intention are greatly appreciated.
  7. 3in1wOL

    Emotional swing

    I had my surgery on august 5th and this last week I have found myself to be very weepy--the littlest things make me cry.
  8. In 3rd and 4th grade I was called "power house pig" (although heavy I was strong and athletic) and in 5th and 6th grade it was "moose". It broke my heart but I always pretended it didn't.
  9. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    One thing I have found about myself and other people who are obese, is we tend to share too much too soon. If you have just started talking with him I would say there is no need to tell him at this point. If after your surgery, and it looks like your talks may be moving in the direction of "relationship" then you can tell him. Test the waters first. A sign of intimacy is to share things close to your heart with someone and not be rejected, judged, etc. If you have just started talking I would say you aren't ready or at the point of that kind of intimacy. good luck with your surgery...you will do great.
  10. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    I never worried about gulping post-surgery when I was pre....but there have been times since Wednesday (surgery was Tuesday) that I thought, "I am going to forget I can't gulp and end up throwing up". Fortunately that hasn't happened. There have been a few times I have had too many sips too close together...when that happens I get a pain in my belly and it feels like a little cramp. I must say I am really getting much better at knowing exactly how much I can sip at a time. You will do great....stay positive.
  11. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    I had great thirst during the pre-op phase. I was drinking a gallon or more of water a day and never felt refreshed.
  12. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    good luck to all those having their surgery this week!!!
  13. 3in1wOL

    August Sleevers Check In

    stacyfae, I had my surgery on the 5th as well. I can't say I am struggling with the protein shakes, but I have been experiencing "head" hunger. At these times I have to find something else to do--walk a bit outside, watch a movie--stay away from commercial TV since there are so many food commercials, read a book, write in a journal. Our tummies need to heal. And unfortunately the reasons we are overweight do not go away with the surgery--it is going to be tough at times--we need to find new ways to deal with life. Keep on plugging away and you will overcome the wants --- onward to success!!
  14. 3in1wOL

    Possible dehydration?

    I had my surgery on Tuesday and had awful headaches the night of surgery and most of the next day. I was told it was from the anesthesia. I haven't had any since so not sure. I am not having any issues taking in enough Water. Have decided I am going to start adding a few ounces here and there of coconut water for the extra boost in electrolytes. Good luck.
  15. Had my surgery on Tuesday, home yesterday. Doing remarkably well, thanks be to God. I had decided (why I can't recall) to go with powdered Calcium Citrate rather than chew-ables-----BIG mistake--it would be fine if I could drink 1/2 cup of Water in one mouthful but not good with just little sips. Wondering what chew-able calcium supplement people are using and liking. I need to either order them on line or get out and get them because I won't be able to continue with the powder. Thanks!

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