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Everything posted by lmaher718

  1. I am post op sleeve October 1,2014.. Have lost 87lbs since and last month experienced foot drop in right foot I can't extend my toes to my body!! Had MRI of back and seeing neuro doctor on Thursday Please give input if you experienced this Help
  2. I had my sleeve done October 1, 2014.. I lost 142lb.. this past winter put on 20lbs and I feel it and hate myself and can't stand this... I need guidance to jump start myself back to losing... I don't know did my stomach stretch and is bigger now.. is that possible??? Help!! I don't know what to do
  3. I will think of all that... thank you
  4. It's crazy cause my food log does seem too bad I have a yogurt and banana for breakfast Salad for lunch cottage cheese for midday snack and dinner I have chicken thigh with veg I still get that extreme full feeling.. like yesterday I took my son to Buffalo Wild Wings and I had salad with chicken and after about 6-8 bites I felt like I was going to puke I get that full puke feeling a lot I don't eat a lot Not sure what's going on
  5. I had my sleeve done October 1, 2014.. I started at 246 with a bmi of 40.2... I am down to 129 with a bmi of 19.. I feel wonderful.. No knee issues or back issues Below is my after pix Don't have before cause I never wanted my pic taken Hope everyone is doing great and at their goal like me
  6. No i dont thank god.. Once I got ok to work out I was at gym everyday Doing sit ups Walking running squats I did lose a lot in my boobs lol Having them done in February:)
  7. Can you ask her how long it lasted?? Did it heal on its own.. Been doing exercises to build the muscle there It started for me March 18 My surgeon said he never heard of this from sleeve
  8. Saw neuro doctor yesterday and am scheduled for EMG Monday from my back to my toes Joy
  9. lmaher718


    Your told after surgery at least by my surgeon and nutritionist to journal every piece of food you put in your mouth .. I did not experience a stall I'm actually worried I'm losing too much since October started at 238 and now 145.. At doctor now But journal every thing and change up your exercise routine that tricks the body
  10. lmaher718

    Is anyone freezing?

    I am freezing all the time.. Our cushion is gone so we are cold.. We don't have the fat to keep us warm .. I was sleeved October 1,2014 and down 92#.:: I'm always cold
  11. lmaher718

    Sleeved yesterday

    I am confused as to you guys being allowed Protein Shakes right after surgery.. I was clear liquids first week.. Full liquids second week.. Purred food third week.. Soft foods fourth week and then started regular food I think the Protein shake is too thick straight out of surgery and that's the problem
  12. Yeah I have to agree.. I try not to cross my legs at work.. But go to neurologist on Thursday I read a lot on the weight loss and bariatric surgery.. Seems common.. Everyone at work thinks I lost too much weight too fast.. I went from a size 16 to a size 2.. And depends on brand size 0 pants.. I don't know but it's driving me insane
  13. MRI showed annular tear on L5-S1 but my doctor said that is not significant to give foot drop but when I google it says it.. But when I google foot drop after bariatric surgery there is a bunch of stuff.. Back doctor said follow up with neuro and will most likely do EMG..
  14. You need to do what you think is good for you.. Healthy and be there for your kids.. I'm a single mom of 2 and had it done October 2014 and lost 88 lbs:: was 230.. I feel great My cholesterol is normal my BMI is 22 now.. Was 37.2.. No hypoglycemic attacks.. No knee pain.. Did you consult a doctor yet?? How tall are you
  15. Where is everyone from... From Brick, NJ (jersey shore) ????????????
  16. Hope you all had a fabulous holiday... I am October 1, 2014 post op.. Down 51 lbs and feel wonderful Feel like a new person.. I stayed strong with all the goodies during the holidays.. No carbs except from fresh fruit.. Eliminated lactose from my diet and what a difference I feel.. Surgeon thinks I'm lactose intolerant and he's right.. Still to this day it's a whole new learning process on eating with my new stomach.. Sometimes my eyes seem bigger than my stomach then I'm paying the price later.. would love to hear you post op status how your doing.. Feeling.. Anything obstacles you came to and how it was resolved.. I have learned so much from this app and everyone's ideas Lauren ????????????
  17. lmaher718

    Finding my groove

    Yes it takes a very small bite to upset the stomach on dairy products.. Feel like I'm 8months preggo.. So far today I have had NO dairy and feel ok.. So I think that's the culprit.. I do take protonix once a day..
  18. lmaher718

    Finding my groove

    I was sleeved on Oct 1.. I am having a hard time in real food with the fact of feeling bloated all the time I am fine when I don't eat.. I think dairy is a big culprit.. I'm going back to some Soups for a bit.. And my Protein shake smoothies Anyone else have issue with dairy?? Lauren
  19. lmaher718

    1 month post op

    I am 4 weeks post op also and lost 27 lbs down and have started regular food and I feel the same way after I eat.... it can be anything I eat... I think im going to go back to a bit bland food for a bit and soups. Not sure if im ready for regular food. I hate the feeling
  20. Thank you for the suggestions ????
  21. I am 4 weeks post op... Seems anything I eat including just Protein shakes I get extremely bloated... Not something I want to share but this is a forum for advice... Anyone else get this and if you have suggestions Thanks
  22. lmaher718

    October 2014

    I was sleeved 10/1 Kept 3 nights cause of vomiting As of today down 26lbs ???????????????? Feel wonderful Good luck all
  23. Just made a simple Protein shake vanilla Protein powder .. Choc almond milk and PB2 Choc Peanut Butter Girls best friend
  24. My fave flavor isopod is grape

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
