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About mayadurga

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/05/1972
  1. Happy 41st Birthday mayadurga!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday mayadurga!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary mayadurga!

  4. mayadurga

    lapband surgeons in boisie idaho

    Boise Bandsters need a fill permalink Hi everyone. just wanted to spread the word about Dr. Luke Mayes :thumbup:in Boise, Idaho. I was banded in July of 2008 here in Boise, however, my surgeon recently relocated to Portland. So, I first went to Fill Center USA. In my opinion...I WILL NEVER RETURN TO FILL CENTER USA in Boise. They did not meet my expectation. So, then, I did more research and found Dr. Luke Mayes, D.C. I have been into his office twice for fills. HE is GREAT GREAT!!! I highly recommend him. He takes time to know you, has lots of great information & professional. His website is Dr. Luke Mayes - Natural Medicine, Wellness & Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Boise, Idaho ID 83709. Especially if you were banded outside Boise, it's important to develop connection locally for fills & other band concerns. PS, I love my band
  5. mayadurga

    Boise Bandsters?

    Hi everyone. just wanted to spread the word about Dr. Luke Mayes :thumbup:in Boise, Idaho. I was banded in July of 2008 here in Boise, however, my surgeon recently relocated to Portland. So, I first went to Fill Center USA. In my opinion...I WILL NEVER RETURN TO FILL CENTER USA in Boise. They did not meet my expectation. So, then, I did more research and found Dr. Luke Mayes, D.C. I have been into his office twice for fills. HE is GREAT GREAT!!! I highly recommend him. He takes time to know you, has lots of great information & professional. His website is Dr. Luke Mayes - Natural Medicine, Wellness & Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Boise, Idaho ID 83709. Especially if you were banded outside Boise, it's important to develop connection locally for fills & other band concerns. PS, I love my band
  6. mayadurga

    chest pain question

    My chiropractor told me it is 'referred' pain from the nerves that connect with the stomach. "Chest Pain" is often the first place that stomach nerve irritations will show up. Hope this helps. BTW, I get regular chiro ajustments after a fill to help...and it does.
  7. what are you eating? liquid can be a HUGE source of calories. Fruit juice, icecream, cream soups, milkshakes etc. Make sure you are getting protein -- 60 grams a day. Protein increases metabolism. I lost 18 pounds in the 1st 3 weeks. I ate a protein shake for breakfast, chicken broth for lunch, protein shake in the mid day and miso soup for dinner. Also, make sure to get in exercise. My doc gave me no exercise restrictions after 10 days. Good luck. Reaching out to the bandster community was a great step. m
  8. mayadurga

    Whey protein powder that tastes good?

    HI Everyone. I am getting banded July 2nd. Amazing that 8 months have passed since I began the journey. Thanks for starting a natural health thread. I know protein and protein shakes are very important but my body does not like too much whey. It makes my nose and throat mucousy and I don't like the after taste. There are a few great alternatives to any of you who are vegan or dairy sensitive. One brand is http://www.lifetimevitamins.com/products/lifetime_plantprotein.html and a really good price is at http://www.iherb.com/productdetails.aspx?c=1&pid=-6590434856717345201&utm_source=gb&utm_medium=f3 . I have been really happy with the weightloss results and it tastes good. m
  9. mayadurga

    Alternative medicine and natural health

    HI Everyone. I am getting banded July 2nd. Amazing that 8 months have passed since I began the journey. Thanks for starting a natural health thread. I know protein and protein shakes are very important but my body does not like too much whey. It makes my nose and throat mucousy and I don't like the after taste. There are a few great alternatives to any of you who are vegan or dairy sensitive. One brand is LifeTime and a really good price is at Life's Basics, Plant Protein, 18.6 oz . I have been really happy with the weightloss results and it tastes good. m
  10. mayadurga

    saw surgeon AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

    My Doctor is in Boise. Dr. Cahn at St. Lukes Meridian. He is great. I had to do a psych eval. I was very nervous because I have depression. I take an SSRI. My eval was by Dr. Mark Snow in Boise. He does alot of evals for Lap Band candidates. I really liked him too. It is NOT uncommon for people with weight issues to have depression or other mental issues. It can actually help your insurance approve you. I had to go thru alot of hoops for insurance approval...took me 7 months. Don't give up. Just go step by step by step. You'll get there. m
  11. Your insurance company looks at your beginning weight for your BMI rating. My BMI was 42. I had a 6 month weight loss with my Doctor. My current BMI when everything was submitted to insurance is 38. But, again the insurance looks at beginning weight. If they require six months....make sure you go to your Doc every month and that your doctor states in their dictation 'obesity' and 'lap band' and 'weight loss' so your insurance sees you are working on loosing weight. I also had to have a sleep apnea study, psyhological evaluation, meetings with a registered dietitian. Lots of hoops but it was not as difficult as it first appeared. Another tip..make sure you really like your doctor and your lap band surgeon because it is a 'long term' relationship.
  12. Hi. I was just approved by BCBS in 3 days. I DID NOT send any info to BCBS until I knew I met all of their requirements, and yes it did include 6 months supervised weightloss with my Doctor. My original BMI was 42. Call one of your insurance reps and have them fax you the requirements for lap band. Then, sit with your Doc and decide how to best execute approval. m
  13. Good question. I called my insurance about the 6 month waiting period/documented weight loss before qualifing for the surgery. Interesting because the insurance customer service rep got banded 3 months ago. She said the insurance looks at the beginning BMI at the 1st Dr. visit and it is OK if BMI drops alittle below 40. Hopefully this is the same for your insurance. good luck. m
  14. mayadurga

    Newbie in Boise

    I have BC/BS as of Jan. 08 so I am beginning the journey to having a band....not exactly the 'band group' I was dreaming of joining but, I'm sure this group is FULL of rock stars. Anyway, I'm attending Dr. Anderson's free seminar on Oct. 23rd. My goal is to be banded by May 2008. Any one have experience with Dr. Anderson at St. Al's in Boise? Who did you go to as a GP Doc, pulmonologist, nutritionist? I'm tired of yo yo dieting. I would LOVE to feel/fill full after just a small meal. and just plain tired of looking at myself in the mirror through the fat filter. Looking forward to hearing from all of you in Boise. Thanks. m

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