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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by happysilly307

  1. happysilly307

    Can this band be saved?

    I had the band last oct. 31. It has been a resounding failure. I was either underfilled or overfilled the whole time, and I didn't lose much (maybe 15 lbs). My doc wants to revise me to a sleeve. I am very interested and I think it would work for me, but it turns out the price is too high (even with the doc waiving his fee). I am wondering, is there a way to "start over", to really try hard with this band? I cannot be filled any more than I am now, due to a hietal hernia. I have low to moderate restriction. I get full easily and stop eating, but then I am hungry an hour later. Can this band work??? I just don't want the money and time to be for nothing. I had a hernia at the time the band was placed, and he fixed it. As we were looking into reasons why the band might not be working, he ordered a GI series, and it was then that we discovered the hietal hernia had popped back out. He feels that fixing it again would be fruitless bc it will probably just pop out again. I take full responsibility for not always making good choices. I sometimes get frustrated with the band and things getting stuck/feeling uncomfortable that I "eat around" the band. I usually exercise quite a bit. 4-6 times per week. For some reason, in the past few months I have been so down that I have let exercise go. I know brain-wise that exercise will help in all respects. I just can't make myself do it lately, for the first time in my life I am pretty sedentary (except that I run after three kids and work). I was excited about the sleeve bc of the fact that it is more restrictive, and bc of the fact that the sleeve cuts out the part of the tomach that produces grehlin, the hunger hormone. One question: I know in my heart that I accelerated through the post-op diet too fast. Could that have "stretched" out the stoma/relegated me to failure? Thanks so much, y'all. I appreciate the time and help.
  2. happysilly307

    Help need advice

    Hi I had lapband surgery last Oct 31. I weighed 22o at the time and, sadly, lost virtually NO weight for 6 months. Then, in April, I embarked on a fairly radical diet wherein I cut out sugar, flour, and soda, and ate all-organic, whole foods, and also exercised quite a bit. I have lost 25 lbs from that. Here is the problem. I have been advised by my surgeon that I have a hietal hernia which is pushing on the band and causing me lots of reflux and heartburn. He has suggested that I convert to a gastric sleeve or to a gastric bypass. Either that, or remove the band entirely and do nothing else. (He will waive his fee for any of the above.) I am currently 195 lbs, at 5"8". I am 44. Has anyone else faced this decision? What do you think I should do? Thanks so much for reading this and for any help you may have. Ginny What
  3. happysilly307

    Would I know if I have a slipped band??

    Hi I noticed that you revised from a band to bypass. Do you mind sharing your experience with me? My doc is suggesting I revise to either a sleeve or a bypass due to a hiatal hernia impeding y band. Thanks!!! Ginny
  4. happysilly307

    HELP Please Advise!!!!

    I have an unusual problem. First off, let me say I have had virtually NO weight loss, after 4 months of banding. Maybe 5 lbs, but that is all. Here is the unusual problem: I am definitely over-filled. food gets stuck 24/7. Even liquids. It is a rare meal when something does NOT get stuck. And the pain is horrible!!! I get referred pain all along my jaw line and up to my head, in addition to the awful pain I get in my upper tummy/esophagus area. But, even with this, I have NOT lost weight!!! All I can figure is, I am eating the wrong things, and I pick things I can "get down" without getting stuck, then eat alot of it, since I am so hungry (After I get stcuk on two or three bites of food, I stop eating. BUT, maybe 30 minutes later, I am hungry!!! I take responsibility here. I obviously am doing the wrong thing re food choices. My question is...I am going to the Dr on Tuesday and I don't know what to do. Should I get an unfill? Even though I am clearly not losing weight? Should I demand that they do an xray to determine if the band is placed correctly? I am NEVER full. Yet, things get stuck. It is not fair, that I get NO positive consequences of being banded, yet I get the bad consequence of severe pain and getting stuck all the time. PLEASE HELP!!! I am desperate!!!!
  5. I have not lost a single pound. Have had several fills, the most recent of which seems to be "taking". The others gave me zero restriction. So now, 3 months after surgery, I feel like a failure and have to re-think how to eat like a bander! What are the basic rules, etc again? I forgot them!!! And what also worries me is even though I feel restriction, I find a way to "move past" it and keep eating. What do you guys, my fellow Oct 07 banders, suggest??? HELP!!!!
  6. happysilly307

    Wierd Tummy Noises!!!

    I don't remember ever reading about this and I am wondering if I am the only one. I was banded in October and only had restriction after my last fill 10 days ago. I have been having a "symphony" of noises in my belly...when I am hungry, when I am full, no matter! LOUD noises, all different kinds of noises, from all over my belly...left, right, up, down. What is this?!?
  7. Hi I was banded Oct 31 and had ZERO restriction until last week. I got my fourth fill and now have 4.9 in a 10cc band. I DO feel restriction...in fact, I feel very tight and have that golf-ball feeling at almost every meal. However, I am STILL hungry! There is no "full" feeling. Is there a way to live post-band where you have restriction without pain, and no hunger between meals??? If so, HOW? I think I have a problem with liquids. I don't seem to be good at stopping drinking before I eat and then waiting another hour to drink. I get thirsty!!! Thanks so much for any help. Ginny
  8. happysilly307

    I have to be the biggest failure here!

    I appreciate the tips and advice!!! I will keep trying. My problem is, even when things get stuck I try to push more down. You know how ehen, pre-band, things got stuck....well, for me my first inclination was to wash it down. That doesn't work here!!! I simply do not understand how to eat small and not shovel food in. THAT will take some getting used to!!! One question. Can I be over-filled? Almost everything gets stuck. Thanks a bunch you guys!!!!
  9. At what point post-op did you feel ok? I am 6 days post op, and surprised by how bloated and tired I feel, along with PAIN. I am hungry, tired, and downright icky-feeling.
  10. happysilly307

    i'm tired and depressed

    Hi... For those of us who struggle with feeling overwhelmed and depressed bc our houses are out of order, messy, dirty....there is a website that offers great help and support. FlyLady.net: Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home It changed my life several years ago. It's COMPLETELY free. Check it out! This site offers a system that is workable and doable to help you feel more in control. And boy is it supporive and encouraging.
  11. happysilly307

    AACK Day 6 and Not sure!!!!

    What is wrong with me? I do not feel like I am losing weight, and I am soooo bloated I feel like I am pregnant with a bowling ball. Seriously! That's what I look like! I am hungry, and this liquid diet does NOT satisfy. I am wondering if it was all worth it? Plus, I miss my diet cokes! WAH! I'm a big baby.:help:
  12. happysilly307

    i'm tired and depressed

    VEry depressed. Six days out, no weight loss. No restriction. Lots of hunger. I miss my old friend, "Eating". We were pals and I feel lost without her!!!!!
  13. I don't have pics but I will try to take some and post them. My scars will hopefully get more pale. But the problem is how thick and wide they are....more than half an inch wide from the armpit down to my elbow. There are seven points where the scar is just more than an inch wide. Even white, they will still be noticeable. I HOPE HOPE HOPE that you do not have the same problems I did. BTW, my Dad is a PS as well. And my surgeon is definitely one of the best. I don't blame her. Anyway, good luck. I just felt compelled to write when I read that you were fine with having scar revision down the road if needed. That was exactly my attitude, and the scar revision didn;t help at all. I am unable to wear short sleeves now. Before, I was worried about being able to go sleeveless! I just wish I could go back.
  14. Hi, I was banded Weds 10/31. I am a Mom of three (twins who are 14 and a 12 yo) and attorney, 43, living in a suburb of New Orleans. I am active with my church and bible studies, and have great friends. I was divorced 3.5 years ago...horrible! My kids keep me busy, and young!!!! I am with my gorgeous daughter in this pic, taken in May. I gained another 20 lbs before surgery, so this pic doesn't show me at the heaviest.
  15. Brachioplasty - DON'T!!! Ladies, in 2004, after losing about 80 lbs, I had a TT. I was very pleased with it. In 2006, I had a brachioplasty and a breast reduction. I am fairly pleased with the breasts but WISH so much I had not "done" my arms. The scars are more unsightly than the skin was....thick, ugly, pink scars. AND, I had a scar revision!!!! The scars are even more ugly now. I am horrified at what I look like naked....Frankenstein. The bad part is, the arm scars show even when I am NOT naked. If I could do one thing over again, it would be to pass on the brachioplasty. Seriously consider this: I am obviously "pro" PS, and yet I wish I hadn't done this. My surgeon (I had lapband AFTER PS) told me he has NEVER seen a brachioplasty that looks good. He said it is just a waste of money. Good luck to you, whatever your decision.
  16. happysilly307

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Audree, I think I need some of that supplement as well, considering that you said it does not make you jumpy. I just banded yesterday and can already tell I have no restriction. I want to do all I can to stick to liquids for the next month to let it all heal. So this next month might be tough! You can PM me if you want, but I want to get in on that!!!! Ginny
  17. happysilly307

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hi All I am banded and iy went great. NO nausea, NO caughing, those things that used to bother me after surgery. I feel very sore at the port site but I also had an undiagnosed heital hernia they fixed and the doc told me the painful part would come from that. Honestly the pain is about a 3. There is uncomfortablility from the trapped air, but very manageable. I just keep walking and walking all over the hous.e I could prob have even gone Trick or Treating! One thing...I am hungry! I think this is bc I am feeling somewhat "normal" and not sick, ao what do I normally do??? Eat!!! I have had a good amount of juice, jello, broth, etc just fine.
  18. happysilly307

    Christian bandsters

    Wow, firebolt, thanks so much for remembering and for speaking truth into exactly what my issues are....being forgiven for failing in the past! I REALLY needed that! I am home and doing very well. The air pressure from the gas is a bit aggravating but nothing I cannot handle. I could have even walked around the neighborhood trick or treating but did not. Hugs! Ginny
  19. happysilly307

    Christian bandsters

    Oh PS, In addition to the banding today I had a hietal hernia!!!! Has anyone had that?
  20. happysilly307

    Christian bandsters

    DEar Ones in Christ, I am HOME!!! Got home at 2 pm after a 10 am surg. I am doing very well...very little pain. No nausea or coughing etc after surgery which has been a probem for me before. God is good!!!! I AMMMM a little hungry though....will have some more juice and a Jello. Thanks. God bless us all!!!
  21. happysilly307

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    To Rvingdi I think that you have lost a great amount, considering your lifestyle!!! Think of it like this, if you are anything like me, absent the band, you'd be UP another 10 to 20 lbs. So be glad that you are where you are. Good luck with your fill. I am getting banded tomorrow!!! Ginny
  22. Hi I am being banded the day after tomorrow. My name is Ginny, and I am a relatively 'low" BMI, so the doctor did NOT put me on a pre-surg diet. Therefore, I have been eating my way through town this weekend. Truthfully, I am SICK of food and wish tomorrow was the big day instead of WEds! Thanks for letting me introduce myself. Looking forward to joining everyone in Band Land.
  23. happysilly307

    Seriously Thinking About Backing Out

    Hi Molly, YES I had your feelings, even as late as last week. I am being banded day after tomorrow and I am just SOOOOO ready to get on with it. I have been eating SO much that I have made myslef sick and disgusted. I was not put on a prediet surg due to low BMI. This food fest has shown me once and for all that I am powerless over food. God led me to the Lap Band and with His help, and my surgeon's, I will have a normal life where EVERYTHING is not defined by what I eat, what I weighed at a particular event, etc. I want to FEEL GOOD. THis will help. Meantime, hurry up Weds!!!!! Ginny
  24. happysilly307

    Any Cajuns out there?

    Being banded Weds 10/31 by Dr. LAvin from Surgical Specialists. EXCITED. Tomorrow is the day I start liquids. I have not been on any kid of pre-surg diet.
  25. happysilly307

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey Y'all... I am being banded on WEds, 10/31. I was not placed on a pre-surgery diet, so tomorrow is the first and only day that I am having to "restrict" myself. I have to say that I am SICK of food! I have been on a tour of all my favorite restaurants and I feel bloated and READY for surgery. Anyway, please pray for me! Thanks alot, Ginny

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