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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by msspiceybaby

  1. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    Good luck and speedy recovery jrt.
  2. msspiceybaby

    Surgery date Sept. 30th

    To jbauman13,ranece, and ArleneV Just wanted to say I hope that everyone surgery went well and a speedy recovery to all. Enjoy the journey.
  3. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    To Karen Allen and AuriP These next 2 days will be the beginning of your new lives. Embrace and always remember where you came from that way you can appreciate the new journey you're about to have. Good Luck and know that a lot of people will be thinking about you and sending prayers.
  4. Hello Joy59 Our day is coming up rapidly. Lucky you only had 2 days. I had 2 weeks but,I wasn't 100% compliant. I was having problems with my blood sugars 59,62,92 (after eating 4 grapes)and 72. So I had to eat bites but I'm still losing. I hope I can get to 269-270 by the 8th. I do ok with Water I usually try to drink 4 16.9 bottles that will give me almost 68oz. plus any other liquids. With the Protein Idrink a cup of ta when I get up. I put 1 spoonful of Splenda/sugar and 1 spoonful of GENEPRO in the tea. Genepro is 30 grams of protein. Then I drink 1 Premier chocolate shake that's 30 grams. and a Equate Shake before bed 10 gram. I don't get my 800 cal. I will be glad when surgery day is here and over. Let the healing begin.
  5. Hi ksmanatee hope this finds you doing well after your surgery. Let us know how you are doing.
  6. Hey all my October buddies Welcome to all new people to the site. I will have my surgery on October 8th. I started my pre-op on Oct. 26th. Hope all of us have easy surgeries and recovery. Let's stay in touch.
  7. msspiceybaby

    October 8th surgery date

    Hey misstvb Glad to see someone else on for Oct. 8th. There area lot of Oct.7th and as matter of fact there are a lot of Oct fest people. You can look under Oct 7th surgery. Everyone on the sites are really nice. Wow my doctor had me start my liquids on the 26th. I had sort of a problem with my blood sugarsso I am 90% liquid lol.. I'd be glad to be your buddy maybe we can find some more Oct. 8th buddies. But like I said the October group is nice. And welcome
  8. msspiceybaby

    Scared to death....

    Hello mindylouho I always tried to keep a happy face about my surgery (Oct.8th) I always try to uplift everyone I respond to. But these last few days have been trying I need some of that uplift. This year has been an awareness to a lot of medical problems just developed this year. Yesterday I went for my pre-op. First of all I was there all day(didn't expect that). Took an EKG, and the doctor tells me it was abnormal looks like I had a heart attack. So now I have to go to and have a stress test. My granddaughter just got a cold (she lives with me), my CPAP machine (don't have). Why? The doctor office never gave the medical company the needed information (from July). My instructions for my stress test,"no caffeine or caffeine free products". WHAT! I'm already on a liquid diet, my Protein is chocolate both of them (although I do use GENEPRO it's great). This bit of information is just to say at the end of the day I started to think that maybe these were signs that I shouldn't get the surgery. But then I realized maybe some of the medical problems were due to the diabetes I have. Hopefully, this will stop or get rid of some of the problems I could possibly get in the future. So with that being said, think about the reasons you wanted the surgery. And embrace those thoughts. See talking to you has made me feel better. Good luck to both of us and I will see you on our journey.
  9. msspiceybaby

    Awaiting approval....

    I know the feeling mrsaizsha_101, but Oct. 17 is good but, I know you want that approval. My surgery is suppose to be Oct. 8th. I finished the 6 month (meetings weight ins etc...)the end of March. I had to go get my heart checked out then sleep study all things that could have been done during the six months previously, before I got excited about getting my surgery in June (I thought). My insurance company told me that it could take up to 30 days and it did. I got my on the phone approval. It was approved Aug 8th. but the clinic had to have a letter from them. So now, here I am waiting and it seems like these days are really flying by. I am hoping and praying that I don't get a cold. So I say call the doctor and the insurance company. And I am glad you don't have to wait a long time ( easy for me to say). Good luck on your day
  10. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    I agree don't test the juicing until later on . Best to be safe that sorry.
  11. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    All of you are right. I take care of my mom and I'd do whatever for her. I have always put everyone before myself. And you're right it's time to look out for myself. My mom used to tell me that "you can't take care of someone else if you don't take care of yourself", because you won't have the energy. She was another reason I decided to go ahead with the surgery. She would say "I wish you would lose a little of that weight". So now the time is here. So thanks with the first day nerves.
  12. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    Yes it is Beni I have to get a new mind set. I think today will be one of my hardest because I have to remember that I start my liquid diet today. I believe once I get started maybe I'll be ok. I've been up for some time (maybe nerves). I thought let me go get some grapes ah--no not on my liquid diet. I don't usually eat breakfast so this will be new for me in it self I've got to make sure I get all of my protein and water. Wish me luck on the first day. (smile)
  13. msspiceybaby

    Weigh in surprise

    Hi micmt Be very happy your doctor is right on point. I had finish everything by the end of March and didn't get a date until Aug. I thought by now I would be well on my way instead of just getting started. So congratulations and yeah it's getting real.
  14. walkin'onsunshine Are you ready? When I took note of my ticker I was like "week and 5 days " doesn't seem that long now. There are a number of our October friends having surgery Oct. 7th. I wish all of you good luck and much success.
  15. Hello October friends My computer is not working well,but wan ted to welcome NCGirl. Oct. 2nd will be before you know it.I start my pre-op liquids today. What are you ladies eating (drinking) to help make you successful. I am little nervous. Can we use Splenda in tea -coffee?
  16. msspiceybaby

    October Surgery Date

    Hello ladies Beni and Amylynns, I t's great to hear that you got a October date (Beni) . I start my re-op liquid diet today. It's just like Amylynns 2 weeks before 2 weeks post for the liquids as well. My surgery day is October 8th. Welcome to the Oct. group.
  17. msspiceybaby

    Sept. 8th & 9th Gastric Bypass surgery.

    SheriL1 That's a really good trick with the cottage cheese and Jello. I don't like cottage cheese either,that may change my mind and it's good Protein.
  18. @@Beni that idea about the apples is really good. What type of apples do you suggest? This is the best time of the year for them Thanks @@hharrison43 I think you will enjoy the sugar free Hershey. Is that 5gram a meal? Have you bought any of the sugar free syrups . I have but I haven't tried any yet? I think I will order those 2 books from Amazon. Have you ever went on the Bariactric Foodie site. because I know she(Nikki) has a book on Amazon as well. Anyone else excited and nervous.I'm worried about sticking with the program,keeping up with the and dumping. But excited as of Oct we will be starting a new adventure in our lives and that's a good thing.
  19. Good you started out with samples. I did not. When I was during my 6 months, I bought some different proteins. I got the large containers. I did try Body Fortress triple chocolate,I mixed it with dark chocolate silk milk,Hershey chocolate powder,Hershey syrup and ice and blend. It was really good even my grandchildren liked it. Only thing was I didn't measure because I was making a whole container. I need to scale it down and count calories. I did buy some sugar-free Hershey chocolate. I got that at Wal-mart. I bought the Fuzzy Navel added Crystal light(orange a whole container)and I may have used some diet jello. I don't remember if mixed with water or milk but it was horrible to me and my kids. So once again the samples are the best way to go.I bought some already mixed protein shakes that I read about on the forum. I'll have to try Muscle Milk,Premium, I got some Simple Start Breakfast it has 15g of protein, but it has 14g of sugar. I haven't found out what the sugar and carb count will be. I ordered Genepro from Amamzon its suppose to be tasteless,odorless, and blends well with hot temp.
  20. @@hharrison43 I actually start pre-op on 26th. And go see the doctor on the 29th.So glad to have new friends on this journey. It seem like this time moving quickly. I see my primary on the 23rd. So I may even start on the 24th. I'm waiting on my GENEPRO Protein to be delivered. I hope it's as good as the advertised. So lets make sure we keep in contact. I'll put you on my friend list as soon as I remember how to do it.
  21. Hi This is msspiceybaby, My surgery date is Oct.8th. Do have to do a pre-op diet? I start on the 26th of Sept.Good luck to you.
  22. msspiceybaby

    Sept. 8th & 9th Gastric Bypass surgery.

    Hey Shauna29 It's so good to hear from you. And to be presented with such good news. Please let us know when you will have your surgery and how you are recovering. Good luck
  23. msspiceybaby

    Sept. 8th & 9th Gastric Bypass surgery.

    I haven't been on iin a few days . I am so thrilled to hear that everyone is doing so well. No COPD issues. Hopefully no colds within the next 3 weeks. I don't want to have to re-schedule my surgery. My mom will be home tonight. I'll be heading over to her house to take care of her. I wish she could see and understand the steps I'm going through . She used to say You need to try to lose so weight for your health. I told her about the program and hope that she can understand somewhere within.
  24. msspiceybaby

    Sept. 8th & 9th Gastric Bypass surgery.

    AngelicHG7 I'll have to let you know I'm at my house until Tues. (I take care of my mom with my daughter. She in respice). Most of my product is at my mom's house,because that's where we are at most of the time. When I was drinking it was when I was during my 6 mons. Is the name of the protein you ordered on Amazon called GENEPRO. I understand you can even sprinkle it on your food.I bought some ready made. I don't see the doctor until the 29th. To get all final details
  25. msspiceybaby

    Sept. 8th & 9th Gastric Bypass surgery.

    AngelicHG7 I'll have to let you know I'm at my house until Tues. (I take care of my mom with my daughter. She in respice). Most of my product is at my mom's house,because that's where we are at most of the time. When I was drinking it was when I was during my 6 mons. Is the name of the protein you ordered on Amazon called GENEPRO. I understand you can even sprinkle it on your food.I bought some ready made. I don't see the doctor until the 29th. To get all final details

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
