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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by send2steph

  1. send2steph

    How is your fill done?

    I was banded on 9/11 and just had my second fill this week. My doc has me stand, leaning back, butt against the counter behind me. I got 2cc's four weeks ago and 1cc this week.
  2. My stomach is literally growling (seemingly below the band). At the same time, I just finished a Protein shake and I have that chest tightness/fullness feeling (above the band). I'm four days post op. Is this normal? The lap band forces us to feel full through restriction and by triggering the vagus nerve. What about ghrelin? Isn't the remainder of our underused stomach still producing ghrelin, and inducing hunger?
  3. I AM HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! Is this a potentially normal response? I'm three weeks post surgery today and have moved up to "normal" food over the last week. I weigh the same today as I did on surgery day. I had lost a couple pounds, but they've come back. Should I just concentrate on the small bites and chewing and wait for my fill to worry about losing weight? Or should I be dieting "the old way" being hungry and miserable all the time?
  4. send2steph

    Post surg, Before first fill

    I had my fill yesterday. They gave me 1cc. Hope it helps. However, today being "Weigh-in Wednesday", I see a trend. My weight loss is slow, but I have lost an average of more than a pound a week since surgery. It's not huge, but it is progress and what they told me to expect (1-2 pounds a week). So, I'm not going to worry about it so much and just keep trying to do better.
  5. send2steph

    Fill or no fill? Opinions needed!

    On the chocolate thing, I get my fix via my calcium supplement: Adora Dark Chocolate http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00B7V1Y24/ref=pd_aw_sims_1?pi=SY115&simLd=1
  6. send2steph

    Full Liquids?

  7. send2steph

    Shoulder pain relief?

    Just to tie this up... Five days out and it's mostly gone. Heat and laying flat helped me.
  8. My wedding ring fits again!
  9. send2steph

    Hunger, vagus nerve, ghrelin

    This has been really informative. Thanks!
  10. send2steph

    Savory Options?

    Okay, and now I'm on day three and right there with you. I would love a turkey sandwich!
  11. send2steph

    Savory Options?

    If you are on full liquids, then you can have strained/blended cream soups. Cream of tomato or we'll blended cream of mushroom ought to do well.
  12. send2steph

    Band Slippage

    I'm scared of this happening, but I'm just newly banded; two days post-op. Hoping for them best for you. Congrats on your loss.
  13. send2steph

    Just got my date - 9/11

    Two days post op and I'm doing okay. The biggest issue is that laparoscopy shoulder pain.
  14. I'm so excited to get this tool! Looking forward to meeting folks here. Hi!
  15. Regarding the gastric distress from protein shakes - I'm wondering what type of shakes you have tried? I can't do whey protein as it causes lactose intolerance symptoms. I prefer to not eat soy. There are veggie proteins (pea flour and such) and I have one brand on order to try of that. The other options I've used are egg protein and beef (!) protein. The beef one is relatively new to the market and I really like them. I've tried two brands and one is "fluffier" than the other but both end up making really creamy shakes. Finally, you can try adding gelatin to a smoothie. http://www.amazon.com/Great-Lakes-Unflavored-Gelatin-Kosher/dp/B0008D6WBA
  16. I'm on myfitnesspal.com as well - send2steph.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
