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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raine

  1. raine

    Down under

    thank you .. I'll look it up not too happy today, I knew this problem I was having with dieticians would come back and bite me lol just got a call from the surgeons office saying they have put my surgery back a week on the condition they get a report from a dietician .. the one I first saw, sent them a letter saying I would be reviewed after 6 weeks so now I am rushing round trying to get a referral for a new one from the dr .. I ended up getting an appointment where the first one I had, but its a different dietician but she is willing to see me next wednesday and will fax a report back to them, but its up to them if they will accept it or not given she will not be my regular one after the op, but I'm hoping I will at least have an appointment for another by then to show I will be seeing one .. if they cancel the op on the 30th I may not have the op til next year unless they have a cancellation but she said that is possible as not all patients get down to the goal weight this doctor tells them he wants them at .. its funny, cause I thought that would be my biggest problem and I found it quite easy lol
  2. raine

    Down under

    Hi Hilary, MSS and Rasits, thank you, I found having the Optifast twice a day quite easy, but I am finding it hard now that I know I am suppose to have it every meal but I'm getting there my surgeon is Dr Werepithya from bunbury, my doctor did originally refer me to a perth surgeon but I read one day on a message board that there was no waiting list in bunbury so took the chance and rang and luckily I was the last one they were going to take from perth so it was meant to be MSS, can you tell me where I might get a copy of this book, I dont have a dietician as yet as my first one left the local hospital, the replacement gave me an appointment and then rang me the next day saying as they dont do the op there they can not see me so now I am still waiting to find another and I am really worried about not having one .. I know I have to go on liquids after but thats all I know lol
  3. raine

    Down under

    Hi all .. my name is Lorraine and I'm from perth .. I will be banded a week tomorrow and am starting to get really nervous already, suffer from anxiety so more than likely it will get worse as each day passes I first saw my surgeon about 6 mths ago and he wanted me to lose 19 kgs before he would give me a date, on my 4th visit (6 weeks ago) I had 9 to go so he gave me my date on the condition I let him know 2 weeks before that I was at the goal he set, so here I am 1 week to go and 2kgs to go so all is good Hope to get to know you all and start following everyone's progress

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