Quote by Sunta:
"I still think people that have extreme amounts of children are idiots, and that they are uneducated regarding the environment."
Sunta, I am not going to judge you, but I do want you to understand that what you're saying is extremely hurtful.
I think it is wise to get to know a person before you make blanket statements about them. It sounds as if you may know a few people who actually have several children & didn't seem to like the choices they have made. You are therefore judging all people who have lots of children because of the handful you know.
PLEASE, PLEASE think before you say things. I try to think postively about others & since I don't know you, I am just going to assume that your statements were made without intentions to be hurtful.
This post is simply to let you know that you indeed are hurting others. If hurting others truly is your intent, then I feel very sorry for you. :phanvan