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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dianechef

  1. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Hey P'Nut! I admit I was hiding in the closet with the GS Cookies. Here's my current stats. 202 /-3 this week/ -55 total
  2. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    Hey Kathy!! I'm making my shopping list right now & I will be going out to get Aloe Vera juice AND some Egg Drop Soup! My dad is a big believer in Aloe Vera Juice. He's dranken it since I can remember. And, he's 76 yrs. old stick alive & kickin'!! It must work!!!! And yes, Dr. Ortiz & Martinez are THE BEST!! I can't say enough about them. They're new clinic is AMAZING!!
  3. Dianechef

    Who's reached goal weight?

    I have to agree with Alex. I know a lady who hit goal weight with her band & she is living her life. She says she doesn't have time to go to support groups & "all that stuff." However, I WILL get to goal weight & I WILL continue to hang around here!!! (Whether you want me or not!!!!)
  4. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    Hi P'Nut!! I must have been fixin' it while you were typing!!! I learned how to fix pictures from YOU!!!! Thanks!!!! Tammy - You're going to have to PAY me to pose in a swimming suit. These clothes really do hide A LOT!! :becky:
  5. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    I took some sunset pictures of me while I was in San Diego. This is the happy me AFTER I was able to eat!! It's one of the first times I have seen a picture of me & didn't think - "Gosh, I look fat!" I actually look like a normal person!!
  6. Dianechef


    Kelly, you look great!!! Okay, maybe great isn't the word. You look like you just had surgery!!! ha! But, your stomach is UP!! No more hanging. I am following you closely as I am SOOO thinking of having the same thing done when I get to goal. Can't wait to see updated pictures!! Hang in there!!
  7. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    Hey Everyone! After a good night of rest, I am feeling so much better!!! Dawg & P'Nut: Good call!! You were right on with the diagnosis!! Next time I'll skip the long 6 hr drive to see my Doctor & just consult YOU!! Sunta: Thanks for being so concerned about me!! I saw that you checked back here several times. So sweet of you!! To answer your question about the blockage - Once the saline was taken completely out of my band & I drank the Water, everything that was blocking the way went right through. The doctor said that the skin of the hotdogs do not chew well even if you chewed them 100 times. They're just rubbery & it's like I had a rubber stop clogging my band. He suggested that if I really wanted to eat another one to peel the skin off first. I assured him that I would just completely stay away from them!! I DO NOT want to go through that again!!!!!! Just to clarify, the hot dog was probably long gone from my throwing it up. However, the swelling, inflammation & bleeding had already gotten to the point of no return & the band had to be unfilled to fix the problem. After reading other posts about several other people who have had slipped bands, I feel VERY, VERY blessed. I don't know why or how come mine was just blocked!! The black vomit to me was a dead give away that my band had slipped. I think it was all the prayers & white lights everyone sent my way. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! My doctor didn't charge me for the visit either!! I only had to pay $30 for the needle. That was also a blessing. After weighing in this morning, I gained back 2 lbs. from all the milkshakes, cream Soups, ice cream & yogurt I ate. Oh well!! They sure did taste good!! Anne - So sorry you had to have surgery for your slipped band!!! Did you by chance eat a hot dog?!?!?!?!? :speechles Here's to a fast recovery. I am officially banning Girl Scout Cookies & Hot dogs from my diet for the rest of my life!!!
  8. Hi Anne! I am so sorry your band slipped!! I was going through the same thing as you & thought FOR SURE my band had slipped also. I was very lucky that it didn't. I hope you have a good recooperation. Was this surgery as easy as the first one?!?!
  9. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    I live in AZ & traveled to Tijuana to see Dr. Ortiz who is my doctor. It was a 6 hr. drive. But, I am back home & happy!!! First of all, I just have to tell you that MY BAND HAS NOT SLIPPED!! I was very scared that it had because I had all the symptoms of slippage. When the Dr. looked at my band under flouroscope, we saw that my stomach & esophagus were very swollen. Apparently, I had a blockage at the band area that caused everything to swell & then bleed. It bled into my stomach which was the black tar I threw up. The swelling & throwing up caused severe Reflux. The terrible pain I was feeling was the pressure from my band around my swollen stomach. The doctor took out all the Fluid in my band & I was able to drink water!!! Up to that point, I was able to get only a few sips down at a time & it wasn't enough to keep my hydrated. I was feeling very weak!! It was wonderful to drink a whole cup of water!!! My doctor told me to be on liquids for 3 days & to take Acid Reflux medicine 3x a day. He filled my band half way & then wanted to monitor me to make sure I was fine. I drank a shake & some chicken broth without any problems!! He gave me the okay. One of the last things I had eaten before all these problems started was a Hot Dog. The doctor said that he has had a lot of people come in with similar Hot Dog stories. I can gaurantee you I will NOT be eating another hot dog. The good news is that through this whole ordeal I lost 5 lbs!!! I do not reccomend this form of weight loss, however; I will take the 5 lb. loss!! Thanks for all the concerns!! I feel very special knowing that I had so many people waiting for me to share what happened!! You all are WONDERFUL!!!
  10. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    I just got off the phone with my doctor & he wants to see me immediately!! I have an appointment tomorrow in TJ. I will let you know what happens when I return.
  11. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    I'm much worse today!!! The burning in my throat never went away. I can't even keep liquids down. I am choking on a popsicle right now. I have a terrible pain at my band area & was up all night. I threw up black tar. (I didn't eat ANYTHING!!) These are not good signs!! I've got a call into the doctor. I'll let you know what I find out. :paranoid I'm a little scared. After having no complications for 8 months - I now have this!!!
  12. Dianechef


    We were at it 1 week after. Of course, no crazy positions or weird contraptions!!!! Then again, my husband is so dang cute that it was me that couldn't resist. He took good care of me while I was down so I took good care of him!!!!! :eek: Enough said...
  13. Dianechef

    NSV - I'm a slob!

    Great NSV P'nut!!!! My boobs have gone down SOME, but not enough. They are still terribly big. I have to share a "compliment" my husband gave me yesterday. It didn't come across as a compliment at the time... I had on a different shirt that I hadn't worn in a long time. It was fitting rather TIGHT on my bust line. My husband came home from work & said - "Wow!! You are looking.........EXTRA-ORDINARILY huge today!!" I had no idea he was talking about my girls. I thought he was talking about ME & my body. Now, to tell a woman who has just lost 54 lbs that she looks extraordinaly HUGE was not what I was lookin' for. I must have givin' him "the evil look" & he immediately had to backtrack & stammered. He was in EXTRAORDINARLY HUGE trouble that day. :angry But, I got over it & realized he was TRYING to compliment me. So, in other words, food is still dripping on my girls. I am envious P'nut!!!
  14. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    So, this is what I get for cursing everyone with the Girl Scout Cookie Curse!!! Oh well...... at least this burning feeling has kept me from eating Girl Scout Cookies!!!! :speechles I am sticking with clear liquids for today. Gosh, I didn't know tomato soup was acidic. What about Split Pea soup?! How do you know so much P'nut?!?!?!? I am amazed by you!!!! I DID lose 2 lbs from it all!!!! But, I am sooooo hungry!!! :hungry: Steak sounds so good.....with A1 sauce. Oh, what about a baked potatoe with lots of butter & sour cream? Gosh, rocks with butter & sour cream sound good right now!!!
  15. Dianechef

    Preventing Childhood Obesity

    This is a great topic!! I have an 8 & 10 yr. old who I worry about A LOT!! Both of them are very thin, active kids. However; my 10 yr. old daughter is starting to really fill her plate & loves to snack, snack, snack! I've noticed that her stomach is starting to get a little flat tire around the edges. Here's what I've done: About an hr. after eating, I'll find her rummaging the kitchen looking for something to eat. I asked her to think about if she was "really" hungry or just wanting to put something in her mouth. She said she wasn't sure. I told her to get a drink & then if she still feels hungry to come back. She never came back!! I don't ever want to mention the word FAT, OVERWEIGHT or anything about weight to her. I just want her to know that I love her for the wonderful little girl that she is. No matter what her weight is, I will always love her just because she's my daughter!! I'm sure as she gets older & doesn't want to listen to me, it will get much harder. I am hoping my best weapon against my kids being overweight is that HOPEFULLY I can be a good example for her. I think the way I eat speaks waaaay louder then anything I can say to her.
  16. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Okay, the first person to mention those evil "things" was probably me. Go ahead & send the fish my way!! I'm ready for um!!! You're off the hook Dawg. By the way - can I just share one more thing - PLEEEEAAAASE?!?!? My DH brought home a box of the Samoa GS cookies.:faint: He said he couldn't resist the little girls standing out in front of the grocery store. SICK! I told him to eat them FAST & FURIOUS until they were completely gone. And to not let me see one, smell one or touch one. HE ATE THEM ALL!!
  17. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Everybody smack Dawg with a wet fish & the curse is OFF!!!
  18. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Oh Paula!!! IT GOT YOU!!! Holy cow. Do you want me to add up all the calories you comsumed by eating half the box?!?!? (I didn't think so!!) Did I not warn you all!?!?!? Those dang "things" truly have some type of strange transe over you. You can't simply be nice to a little kid on the side of the road & buy their freakin' "things!" Once you actually LOOK at the cookie, it's like it jumps in your mouth. Am I right Paula?!?! I sware the curse is real!! I don't know anyone who has successfully LOOKED at a cookie & not eaten it. And, you don't just eat ONE. You eat the whole box!! Go ahead Dawg!! Give me a slap with the fish!! Okay, who will the curse hit next?!?!
  19. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    The Curse Of The Girl Scout Cookies Is Upon You!!! The curse is real!! All you have to do is LOOK at a cookie & you got it!! Say your prayers! Hide behind the couch! And don't anwer your door to any cute little girls! :eek P'nut, hopefully you only smelt the cookie & didn't actually SEE IT!! I have successfully kept myself away from the cookies for 1 full week.
  20. Dianechef

    What others think of your weight loss!!

    Hi Vines, Wow!! Great comments. I am positive this is how my hairdresser is feeling!!! Don't worry. I never planned on writing her off, or the others who didn't respond. Just noticing that it was happening. It's almost eaiser when people don't respond!!! When I started on my weight loss journey I wasn't prepared for the extra attention & I truly am not comfortable with it. So, I can honestly say I appreciate the quiet, "secretly jealous" people. And Vines, I hope that you can someday feel the awkward (& happy) feeling when someone comments on your weight loss. Your day is coming!!! I would not do well in your shoes & I applaud you for your continued efforts in offering advice to those of us who totally annoy you with our weight loss.
  21. Dianechef

    Gatric Balloon anybody???

    I had a friend who did the Gastric Balloon & after the 6 months she regained all her weight back in 2 months. I would stick with something that is going to be permanent unless you know yourself & think you can change your habits permanetly in 6 months. I CAN'T!! The band was perfect for me!!
  22. Dianechef

    Fruit Smoothie 1 Week Post-op?

    I would steer clear of milk products until you doctor tell you it's okay. I was told that it takes more work for your stomach to digest it & your stomach isn't quite ready for that. I don't know about the fruit. Remember, you're healing right now!!
  23. Dianechef

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I love this THREAD!! Thanks for starting it Robin!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! I am so proud of you. I know it took a whole heck of a lot of dedication to lose those lbs & I am thrilled for you!!! YEAH!!!! My #1 goal in my life right now is to lose 100 lbs!! I can't wait to have my name on this list someday!!!!! :) I plan on coming back here often to see some good ideas & tips from you 100 lb. losers!! I have a question for you guys... How many of you are at your goal weight? Or, if you're not at goal weight, how much more do you need to get there?!?
  24. Dianechef

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    When I was about 6 yrs. old, my Mom was pregnant with my little sister. I saw her stomach grow & grow & she was telling me it was almost time for the baby to come out. I used to sit in my room & try to figure out how the baby was going to "come out" & exactly WHERE does the baby come out?!?!? I finally got up the nerve to ask my Mom to explain HOW & WHERE the baby comes out. She said that when the times comes, she would PUSH & PUSH really hard & the baby would come out of her bottom. Everytime I went to the bathroom I was scared to death that if I PUSHED & PUSHED really hard a baby would come out. I didn't want a baby to come out of my bottom!!! I became very constipated for several months after that because I REFUSED to push!!!!
  25. I don't remember this, but I apparently a few hours after surgery I was still drugged & VERY loopy. I kept saying that something was bothering me. A few minutes later I pulled out my IV & there was blood all over the place. They had to give me all the rest of my meds in shot version. UGH!!! The lady kept asking me why I pulled it out. I DIDN'T REMEMBER DOING IT!!!

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