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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dianechef

  1. Shanna, Please keep us updated on how you're doing!! I sure hope it "slips" back into place!! *HUGS!*
  2. Dianechef

    I have no will power!

    Well, I just downed a Marshmallow egg!!! It was sooooo good. I just added it into my calories for the day. And yep, I ate it because......I JUST WANTED TOO!!! :eek:
  3. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    Hey Everyone, I just had to tell you all that the Aloe Vera juice really has done wonders!! I bought the Cherry Berry flavor & it actually tastes pretty good. I can feel it soothing my throat as it goes down. I went to the Melting Pot last night (oh.....so good!) & some of the spices of the meat were kindof irritating my throat. 1 oz. of the Aloe Vera juice & I no more throat irritation. LOVE the stuff!! Kathy, great suggestion! I will definately keep a bottle around the house permanently!!
  4. Dianechef

    What are you not willing to give up?

    Soup has a lot of nutrients in it, while cherry coke has no nutritional value what so ever. However, they both are liquid calories that go right through the band. So, if you have 200 calories to waste & these are your choices......DEFINATELY choose the soup. However, if you're feeling a little lose & want to just let go - definately go with the Cherry Coke!! OH, they taste so good!!! I haven't had one in a very long time!!!! :confused:
  5. I have done very good for such a long time!!!!!!! But, I have jumped off the wagon & hangin' by a rope with a big ice cream cone in my hand!! I had to have a partial un-fill this week due to some complications. After being on liquids/soft foods for 3 days I was finally able to eat REAL food yesterday. I am soooo out of control & can't seem to get back on track. What is wrong with me?!?!? I have been eating healthy for 8 MONTHS!! I thought that if my band were to get unfilled I would be fine because I had developed a good eating habit. Boy, was I WRONG!!! I went to a birthday party yesterday & they had a smorgasborg (sp?) of all kinds of food. I sampled them all & then went back for more. I couldn't pass up the heaping plate of cake & ice cream - right?!?! Then, that night I stopped at Sonic to order a drink. I ended up getting a thousand island burger & tator tots along with it!! WHAT IS MY PROBLEM!?!?! It didn't even taste good. I am constantly hungry & can't get satisified. I've been eating candy from my kids rooms & left over ice cream!!! I will get my band re-filled in a few weeks, but until then I may blow up like a big balloon & gain back all the pounds I worked so diligently to lose!! I'm sure there's some underlying reason why I'm eating so crazily, but I don't know what it is. I am happy. Maybe I am TOO happy & having a little party for myself!! :help: Anybody have some Hoodia they'd like to share?!?! Where's the website so I can order some NOW!!!!! I need some major help.
  6. One thing that has really surprised me with my weight loss are the responses from other people. I don't expect compliments from anyone, as a matter of fact I feel a little uncomfortable when all eyes are on me! However, I have noticed that when people have noticed you are losing weight they are one of 2 things: 1)They go OVERBOARD with compliments . 2)They say NOTHING AT ALL & kindof act uncomfortable around you. My hairstylist is a beautiful, large woman. I've been going to her for over 2 years. We have become good friends. When I originally told her I was having WLS, she seemed pretty supportive & asked lots of questions. However, as I've successfully lost the weight, she has been different. She's just kindof stand-of-ish. This last time I got my hair cut, a woman came up to me & went on & on about how much weight I'd lost & how "great" I looked.....etc. She said to my hairstylist - "Doesn't she look good?" My hair lady responded with a shrug & said- "Oh yeah, I noticed." When I went to the front to pay my bill, the front desk lady whispered to me - "I think she's a little jealous of you. I wouldn't worry about it." Now that I think back, I have had several people who have responded to me in a similar fashion. One of my sisters does not say a word about my weight loss while my other sister can't stop with the compliments. I teach piano lessons & see the students mothers once a week. Some of them hug me & tell me how proud they are of me & others are so quiet. These are all people that I knew very well & had good relationships with. What responses have you noticed from others?
  7. Dianechef

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Okay, the "real" Diane is back & I am ARMED!!!! :madgrin: I went to the store today & picked up all my weapons so I could have something to defend myself. Here's what I got: 1) LOTS & LOTS of yummy, sugar-free drinks & waters. 2) Ready-made veggies to snack on. 3) Low calorie snack pria bars for when I REALLY need chocolate. 4) Lots of vegetables & fixin's for salad 5) A new workout suit (It motivates me if I look GOOD!!!!!) 6) Lean turkey & chicken for snack if I'm still hungry after lunch. I also got rid of all the ice cream, chocolate, treats, pudding, jello & sugar drinks. THEY'RE GONE!! No temptations. This is the only thing that works for me. If it's in the house, I eat it. I am still in awe that Vines can have a box of Dove bars in her home & not eat the whole thing!!!! KUDDOS TO YOU VINES!!!! (lend me your willpower?!?!?) Someone said earlier that I was having a love affair with a long lost friend. THEY WERE SO RIGHT!! Food was my long lost friend & I just wanted to indugle in it ONE more time. But, it's all out of my system. No more one night stands. I'm finished. My food affair was kicked out of the house!! I stepped on the scale & was very surprised that 2 lbs was the only amount of weight I gained. NOT BAD!! This band is still working. I CAN DO THIS!! :eek:
  8. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    Just an update - I'm now on regular food. I've been here for 3 days. I am not feeling any restriction & I feel like I can eat the whole house. As someone said on another post - I am having a love affair with a long lost friend. (food!!) But, the burning & pain are completely GONE!! I am back 100%. I just need to get control of my eating. I can't wait to get my fill!!!
  9. Dianechef

    What others think of your weight loss!!

    I just met a "friend" who I hadn't seen in a long time. She was a friend who never really seemed to be all that in to me. We did things together in a group, but we never really clicked. She is a VERY fit, energetic, beautiful woman that everyone envies. When she saw me she immediately asked me about my weight loss & went into detail about how thin my face looks. She asked me if I wanted to work out with her at her gym & seemed EXTREMELY friendly towards me. I'm not sure why I feel so funny about this because she was VERY nice to me, however; it just seems very convenient that she's so nice to me now that I'm thinner.
  10. Dianechef

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Miper70, please don't be discouraged of getting the band because of this post!! You have to remember that I have only had the band for 7 months. Even though I THOUGHT I had learned self-control in those short months, I guess I haven't. This is only my experience - everyone is so different. It's only because I had to be un-filled. My experience is not normal! I AM NOT NORMAL!!! My lapse has not brought on my previous eating habits AT ALL. I have definately improved since pe-band. My out of control behavior has only cost me 2 lbs!! (Not bad, I thought it would be more!!!) Had I gone off the deep end before the band, I would have gained so much more!! NO SURGERY IS going to be a miracle! You still have to work hard & eat right now matter what surgery you choose to get. I am thrilled with the little problems I have had with the band. I wouldn't trade it for a minute to have the problems some of the bypass people have experienced!! Don't be scared!! Please ask more questions if you'd like & I'd be happy to answer them. The band is nothing to be afraid of.
  11. Dianechef

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Hey Everyone! Vines - I actually have been eating small portions of EVERYTHING since I was banded. I have eaten ice cream & junk all along the way. I just kept in control. I didn't eat bread because I just couldn't! I agree that food is not the enemy. It is all ME baby!! I am just out of control. I'm getting seconds & thirds of everything because I know my band won't restrict me!! You are very strong to have just one Dove ice cream bar. If they were in my house, the ENTIRE box would disappear very fast. Good for you for having so much self-control!! I am SOOOOO NOT that way. Grizgirl - I felt those phsycic waves!! Thank you! I'm doing a little better today. No ice cream!! :biggrin1: Puddinpie- It's not that time of the month. Gosh, I almost wish it was so I could have something to blame it on!!!!! :heh: Sounds like there's a lot of people going through this same thing!! Let's all hold hands & give each other support!! (Take the hand of the person on your left. Now the person on your right.) Okay, everybody say HMMMMMMMMMMMM....... Can you feel the energy?!?!?! WE CAN DO THIS!! We've done it before & we can do it again!! C'mon, do I hear a high five all the way around?!?!? Don't worry Vines! I AM NOT GIVING UP!! I have worked too hard & payed out waaaay to much $$ to get here & I'm not going down that easy. This little pity party will end soon........very soon. (Just as soon as I finish this last peice of chocolate! ha!) I'm countin' the days until my next fill!!
  12. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Great rule Mary!! Everyone raise your right hand & say out loud together- "I ________ (fill in your name) PROMISE to never buy or consume another Girl Scout Cookie for the rest of my life!!" I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!! Say it louder!!! :biggrin1: I think rule #2 should be to never eat any more HOT DOGS!! (For those who don't know, I had a very bad obstruction incident involving a hot dog! Bands and hot dogs don't get along very well!!) Here's to no more GS cookies & banning all hot dogs!!! :speechles Anybody out there with me on this?!?!
  13. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    Skye!!! I'm sure I can't understand your pain right now. But, I can only imagine how I would feel if the same thing happened to my amazingly supportive husband. HANG IN THERE!! You are definately in my thoughts & prayers. Please keep us updated! You can handle this!!!!!!
  14. Dianechef

    Wannabee banded in Mexico!

    Check out Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana, MX. I love him! His website is www.obesitycontrolcenter.com Good luck!!
  15. Dianechef

    Band Problem or Body problem??

    Yep. Sounds like the gall bladder. I would definately suggest more testing.
  16. Dianechef

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Boo - 10 days!! I remember the count down. It seems just like yesterday. Good choice in your doctor. You will love Dr. Ortiz!! Jess - Did you say BREAD?!?!?! OMG!! It goes down so easily & tastes heavenly. I had some homeade bread with butter today & I had forgotten how good it was. What are we going to do with ourselves? I have NO self-control. I keep saying I'll jump back on the wagon, but so far the wagon isn't even coming my way. It's heading the other direction!! :biggrin1: I am baffled at how I did so well when the band was properly restricted. It made me THINK I was in complete control of myself. I am very dissappointed that I really don't have it. Strike that. I'm not dissappointed. I'm MAD at myself!! :devious I am amazed at people who were de-banded & are still maintaining their weight loss. What's the secret?!?! Did you learn something that I'm missing?!?! :faint: It's time to sit down & have a LONG talk with myself. I want the strong, in-control Diane to come back & kick this lazy, no-good, ice cream eating Diane OUT!!! I thought that old Diane was looooooong gone!! NOPE!! She's showing her face & her face is UGLY!! I just re-read that last paragraph & now I'm worried that maybe I have bi-polar issues. HA!! Is there a physciatrist in the house?!?!?!?!?!? :help:
  17. Dianechef

    Progress Report

    Holy Rabbbits!!!! What are you doing that is working so well!?!? I'm at 8 months & am desperately TRYING to hit -60 this month. You are AWESOME!! I am very jealous!!!!!!!!!! Are you just a model bandster or what? Size 12 pants are a dream come true. You rock!! WE WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!
  18. Dianechef

    Jeez I feel fantastic!

    I am so happy for you!! What a GREAT feeling!!!!!! :clap2: You probably feel just like a regular, normal person is supposed to feel! We have been missing out on life & straightened hair & size 16 pants too long!! You're motivating & inspiring!! Keep up the great work. Those are fabulous NSV's!!!!!
  19. Dianechef

    New Latte Lites from Dunkin Donuts

    Donna, I thought the same thing!! One of those cream donuts would just fly into my mouth without any effort on my part. I don't think I could ever step foot in a Dunkin' Donuts without gaining 10 lbs. Krispy Kremes are 10 times worse!!!
  20. Dianechef

    Burning in throat

    3loves, You're so cute. The Aloe Vera juice tastes just like the Aloe Vera plant. It's not too bad, but I can't say it tastes YUMMY!! I've definately drank things that were worse. (Any body ever drink the green stuff?!?!?) Egg Drop soup is a chinese soup. It basically broth with an egg cooked in it. Good protien!! And no, it doesn't really taste like an egg. You'll have to try one. I can't describe it. By the way, I've never seen Egg Drop Soup that you can buy in the store. It has to be ordered & made right at a Chinese Restaurant. I go down to street & pick some up when I want Egg Drop Soup. I never did get to the store to buy the Aloe Vera juice or soup. One of my good friends called me & said she was bringing over dinner that night. (I have some great friends!!!) So, I ditched the shopping list & vegged at home. Maybe I'll get to the store tomorrow. :rolleyes
  21. Dianechef

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    The squeezing, throbbing pain in my stomach & up into my espohagus is similar to what I felt this past weekend when I had an obstruction. Now, that doesn't mean that's what your problem is, but I can understand your pain. Is it worse at night? I could hardly get any sleep from the pain. When I saw my stomach under flouro, my stomach looked like it was being strangled & was trying to gasp for air. (Does that make sense?) The doctor said that THAT is what was causing the pain. As soon as he took out the Fluid, the strangling stomach calmed down & NO MORE PAIN!! I am wondering if you have a band that is smaller then what you need!?!? You don't have a fill, right?! I don't know how you are dealing with that pain. It was able to still do stuff & live my life, but it was very uncomfortable. I could hardly be left alone with myself because all I could feel & think about was the pain at my band. Good luck Leener!! Not sure if I helped or not, but at least I can sympathize with you!!! NO FUN!!! :straight
  22. Dianechef

    Completely Unfilled--Givin it a rest

    COUNT ME IN THE EATING RAVENOUS CLUB!! I definately agree that once you change something with your fills, your stomach sends a VERY BIG signal to your brain telling it that it's STARVING & to stuff some food in your mouth. After my partial unfill I want to eat the house!! I am so out of control! I wish you luck Sal!! Unfills are HARD!!!
  23. Dianechef

    199!!! I made first goal!

    WAHOO!!!! I hope to join you very soon. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  24. Dianechef

    Out of CONTROL!!

    If you're starting a "Fell off the bandwagon" group here, please add my name to the list! I recently had my band partially unfilled and I CAN'T STOP EATING!! I had a miserable 4-5 days when I could barely get down water!! I lost 5 lbs. from it all. As soon as I could start eating again, it's been a feeding frenzy!! I have some kind, caring friends who brought dinner over for me & my family. There was a jello/whip cream salad, ice cream with hot fudge, full fat yogurt, a creamy chicken casserole thing that was heavenly & MORE!! I am downing it all and have gained back all the 5 lbs. I had weight I lost & more. I am feeling ZERO restriction and just having a party!! Why do we do this to ourselves?!?!?!?!?!??! Thank goodness there hasn't been any chocolate in the house because the entire bag would be GONE. How is it that we can be in such control over ourselves & then the next day we completely LOSE IT!! It's like a Jeckel & Hyde thing. It makes me feel like a freak when I'm so out of control! SOMEBODY PLEASE WIRE MY MOUTH SHUT & THROW ME INTO THE PSYCH WARD!! :speechles
  25. Dianechef

    The Gone for Good Club

    HA!! I think I just found a new name for my band. The DOGGIE BAND!! (After my hot dog episode, it is so fitting!!!) And, my last name IS Shephard. What do you think? P'Nut, you're GOOD!!!

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