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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jolisue

  1. Great topic! I love to cook and eat, but I'm finding it hard to cook now. I feel like I over eat when I read how others on this forum eat. I have made my same recipes but small portions. The only thing is I'm guessing the portions so am probably not being honest or accountable. (I'm 10 weeks post, have lost 50 lbs with 50 to go. ) I think I need to focus on Protein based meals, fish, chicken, pork, beef... I work fairly long hours so I get home late. My saving grace has always been my crockpot. Any ideas/recipes would be super appreciated!
  2. Jolisue

    Post Op Calorie Count

    Hi! My doc said don't count calories, just get your protein in, water and work out. My nut said between 800-1000. I'm eating close to 1000 a day, and have lost 50lbs. I've got 60 to go, and am 5'10" btw. I might lose faster if I ate less.
  3. Jolisue

    How fast do you drink your liquids?

    I'm 10 weeks post op today.
  4. Jolisue

    How fast do you drink your liquids?

    I'm able to drink almost as before, but as I gulp, I remember I'm not supposed to do that anymore! Then I stop myself. It is strange, but sometimes I wonder if I actually had the surgery...
  5. Jolisue


    I'm 9 weeks out and realized the pain meds were making me feel depressed too. Once I stopped the pain meds, I felt better. It also is just very common post op after anesthesia. Hang in there it will pass.
  6. Jolisue

    Frustrated. ...SLOW WL!

    I use Food Tracker. I also use Map My Walk. It keeps track of calories burned, but I track my food on the Food Tracker App. My nut recommended I eat between 800-1000 calories per day, and I'm 5'10, so I typically eat 1000. Some days I want to eat everything in sight, and really have to work on my head hunger. Other days I don't want anything. Good luck! If you follow your guidelines you will lose! Hang in there!
  7. P.S. I should also say I had the bypass when I discovered I was 100 pounds overweight and was overwhelmed at the thought of losing that much weight. I'm 5'10", so people kept telling me that I didn't look that overweight. But I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea and anemia. I knew I wanted to be healthy. So here I am and couldn't be happier!
  8. Hi! I'm 54, and am 9 weeks out. I've lost 48 lbs and feel amazing. I have 52 pounds to goal. I just started exercising seriously this week, and am feeling amazing! I'd love to chat with you and get support!
  9. Jolisue

    Right after surgery

    Hi! My first two days were easy in the hospital. I went home day three and had pain. By day five I was good. Everyday there after it got better. The more I walked the better I felt.
  10. Hi! When I first joined this forum I was going for a sleeve, but had to have a bypass. I'm so happy I did but I want to change my profile to show I had a bypass, but don't know how. Any ideas? Just want to be sure folks see I'm a bypass patient and not a VSG patient?
  11. Both surgeries have risks so you will face those regardless off the procedure. I think it's ultimately the lifestyle you'll end up wanting. U sister had the sleeve a year ago and is at her goal weight. She looks amazing. She had severe complications that put her in the hospital for a full month. However, what she went through is very rare. I had bypass with no complications. I'm pretty textbook. I'm losing weight, and can eat almost everything. My sister can eat anything but is restricted to portion. I wish I felt more restricted, but that's my head hungry and food issues. The head stuff won't change no matter which surgery you choose. WLS is a tool not a cure.
  12. Jolisue

    Ideal size?

    Hi! You and I are similar height! I think we can do it. We will be healthy and looking great!
  13. Thank you for your reply! I always use my phone, so I'll go the computer to changes profile. What made you change your mind from sleeve to bypass?
  14. I agree with everyone. I didn't lose weight when I first came home. It took a good week to ten days before the weight started coming off. You have fluid from the IVs which is normal. Same thing happened to me after my hysterectomy. Give it time, and focus on recovery. You will be amazed how your body will start to melt the fat away. Take care!
  15. I'm so thrilled! Today I was able to work out for a full hour! I walked on my treadmill at 4.0, and did two easy miles in 34 minutes. I lifted light weights after the fast walk! After that I got on my bike and took my dog on a run! Losing 45 pounds has a made a huge difference in my energy and ability to exercise.
  16. Jolisue

    Food and really emotional

    Hi' I'm dealing with it too. I'm cooking for everyone and am having a hard time not tasting. Hang in there. It's just one meal! It's just one day! And for today you will be fine. It's difficult so remember what your motivations were for surgery. I know we'll both be alright.
  17. Hi! I have lost 46 pounds and am 9 weeks out. I started eating everything in small portions, wasn't exercising, and wasn't losing. I went back to the rules: protein, veggies, carbs if room. I'm losing again. Today I had a great exercising experience. I walked on my treadmill at 4.0 speed and did two miles in 34 minutes! Then I lifted weights and ran my dog while one bike. I'm so happy! Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Jolisue

    Today is the day!

    Walk! Walk! Walk! Take your pain meds and walk some more. The movement will help get rid of any gas build up from your surgery and reduce the pain. I'm so happy for you! I'm 9 weeks out and have lost 46 lbs. It has been amazing!
  19. Hi! If this helps I was totally prepared for a sleeve. My sister had it a year ago and met goal and then some. After my endoscope, my doctor said he wouldn't do the sleeve on me because of a severe hiatal hernia. I was crushed because I had my mind totally made up. Then I started doing research on RNY and posted questions here. I had the RNY 9 weeks ago and am down 46 pounds, 54 to go. I don't regret it. The RNY is the gold WLS standard, with over 30 years of research. The sleeve is a great option too. Best of luck!
  20. Jolisue

    Protein drinks

    I used Premier Protein shakes. I got them at Costco. I'd add berries to them for variety, but I did get sick of them. My sister loves Light Muscle Milk too. And you are right, they leave a horrible after taste and bad breath! I usually use a Listerine Strip afterwards.
  21. Jolisue

    Ideal size?

    Hi! I am 5'10", and I weigh 218. I'm 9 weeks post op, and have lost 45 pounds. I currently wear a size 16! I was able able to buy jeans at the Gap! I keeping making small goals. My current goal is to reach "onederland" by the new year. I was thrilled to fit into a regular size! My goal weight is 165, which I weighed in my 30's. That will put me at a BMI of 25. I think my size will be a 10 or 12. It's so inspiring to read each of your stories. Thank you all, and Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. Jolisue

    I need advice

    Hi Mandy. Sorry for your tummy issue. It sounds like you need to see your surgeon. I'm 9 weeks post, and occasionally have those symptoms but not chronically. Sounds more serious than this forum can handle. Keep us posted on how you do, but go see your doc!
  23. Jolisue

    To be sleeved or bypass?

    My sister had the sleeve with great success so I went in thinking I'd get sleeved. After my endoscope my surgeon said he wouldn't do the sleeve because I would suffer from gerd the rest of my life! I had RNY 9 weeks ago, have lost 45 pounds and don't regret a moment. Good luck to you!
  24. Jolisue


    I've experienced this too! I am 9 weeks post op, but it happened at solid food day one, (week 4). Scrambled eggs once. I ate too fast, didn't chew well, and up it came. I do notice the feeling now, so I slow down, or stop eating. I have also done it with beef. Just part of the journey.
  25. Hi, I'm 9 weeks post op, RNY. 1) follow the rules your team gives you. Mine are, Protein first, then veggies, carbs last, if you have room. Nothing to eat or drink 30 minutes before or after a meal. 2) don't graze! You won't lose weight, and you'll wonder why. 3) be honest with yourself. 4) log your food! 5) measure your food! 6) be honest. It bears repeating! I have to honest with myself and you, I have eaten carbs, grazed, didn't log... I read these posts so I remember! Good luck! Oh I wouldn't trust a fart either. I have experienced some embarrassing moments because I did! Ugh! Sorry if tmi.

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