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Cody's mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Cody's mom

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    Aspiring Evangelist

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  1. I have never done the 30 minutes before or after routine, but sometimes if I eat more than I should, I will get the foaming or need to retch if I drink too much. I'm at almost a year out, and it still happens, very rarely, but I do pin point it to too much to eat. Good luck!
  2. Ya, buns of steel, but a belly of jelly, that's me (well the buns aren't actually steel, but they don't look lite two big barrels anymore). Gotta take the good with the bad!
  3. You'll be surprised. The people I had surgery with were pretty much back to a normal life within a week or two. We were shopping (in Tijuana) two days after surgery (surgery on Sunday, shopping on Tuesday). Some people have a rougher time, but many are up and back to regular life quickly. I drove eight hours to work in a remote location ten days after surgery without a problem, and could have gone back sooner but my site was on regular days off. Every person is different, I found things very easy, some haven't. I wish you luck!
  4. Cody's mom

    Day 2 pretty miserable

    Every body is different, every body heals different, I was up shopping at costco and the streets of Tijuana two days after surgery, working my horses seven days afterand driving eight hours to work on day ten to a very remote location and eating what was made for everyone on the job site. I've heard some people take longer. Just like snow flakes no two people are alike. Find someone in the same situation as you and go threw the process together, lean on each other and find comfort with someone in the same boat as you. I found the entire experience very easy, others did not. Good luck, when you feel better you'll be so excited.
  5. Cody's mom

    Bariatric Vitamins

    costco has great ones, those are what I used, they're good and affordable, and they don't stick to your teeth like some of the other ones I tried like juice Plus, didn't like those at all.
  6. Cody's mom

    I'm so sick of water

    @@leag78, no then it's not a hydration problem with you, maybe just moving too fast, or getting use to the lower caloric intake. My water intake is so low some days less than 8 oz a day, I went weeks like that, then was able to increase it slightly, but my max with great effort is 32 oz, but most often much less.
  7. Cody's mom

    I'm so sick of water

    @@Inner Surfer Girl, I am already suffering, the dizzy spells are so bad I have to hang on to something, I can't even open my eyes some mornings when I'm laying in bed things are spinning so bad. I just can't stand drinking it anymore, I'm trying everything possible. If I try to hard it just comes back up on me. I was up to 32 oz a day, but have fallen behind again with only 16 for the past few days again, but that is better than my less than 8 oz a day in the past. This is my only drawback from the surgery.
  8. Cody's mom

    Warning: Fresh/frozen cherries

    Every body is different, what makes one person sick may not make the other sick. I had prime rib and brussel sprouts ten days after surgery (just a small portion), and not a problem. I drank mineral Water a month out, no problem, but that was me and only me. To this day I can't stomach milk, it makes me very sick, but I can eat ice cream just fine. It's all a learning curve listening to your body and understanding what you can and can't eat or drink.
  9. Cody's mom

    I'm so sick of water

    I hate Water, and it's effecting me horribly, I get such dizzy spells I almost fall over. Water is so important, but I just can't stand it any longer. I've been forcing myself to up it to almost 30 oz a day which is huge compared to what I've been drinking for the past ten months (about 8 oz a day). I did start drinking mineral water with lemon a month or two out from surgery just to get some hydration into me, I like lots of ice, lots of lemon and it was delightful, made me burp a few times, but no adverse effects, but sadly I just keep forgetting about it. Protein shakes and water are two things that have been the most difficult to manage with this surgery, everything else is a breeze!
  10. Cody's mom

    Water, you elusive necessity!

    Drinking Water has been my most difficult task. I hate it, I'm luck if I get 8 oz in a day (for the last six months). Because of dehydration issues I've had to up it the best I can, now I get almost 32 oz a day in which is a BIG improvement (the past two weeks), but I just HATE it. I use to LOVE water, but now it's a struggle. I hope to be able to increase the amount to maybe even 48 oz a day, but really 32 oz is a stretch right now. I have tried everything to try to get it in, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all for it, and sorry a marked mug isn't going to help.
  11. Cody's mom

    Any Regrets?

    Like many, my only regret is not doing it sooner, if only I could turn back time! I am so eternally grateful for having it done and not waiting longer, this is without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done for myself.
  12. Cody's mom

    Sleeved June 24th & I have questions

    Everyone's bodies are different. I took pain pills for a day or two once out of the hospital. Some people might need them longer some shorter. Also, stressing about too many things will wear you down, do what you need for your wee one, the rest will fall nto place.
  13. Cody's mom

    Sleeve or Lap Band?

    Love, love, love my sleeve. Just saying! Never had a single moment of regret or a single problem. Went to Mexico on my own, had it done, didn't skip a beat. I'm 53 years old, and my only regret is not doing it sooner! Did I mention I LOVE MY SLEEVE!
  14. Cody's mom

    2 weeks post missing food

    Well I'm nine months out, my situation was different as I worked in a very isolated area, and couldn't drink Protein shakes, so I jumped into real foods right away (ten days after surgery). Where I work all meals are provided, so I couldn't "request" certain things, I just ate what they had, very little and very slowly. Tonight just happens to be wing and steak night, and even being nine months out, I might be able to eat 3-4 wings, and at that point I'll be happy. I might have two wings and a few bites of steak, not because that's all I'm allowed, but because that's all I want, I might even nibble on a few veggies, I might not, I might have an extra bite of steak, but the desire to over eat is gone, not the desire to eat. food cravings for me never left, ever, I still crave the same things I craved the months before surgery, the day before surgery, the day after surgery and now nine months after surgery, and I still enjoy every single one of my cravings, but it's so wonderful to go out for chinese food and MAYBE eat 1/4 cup, or out for pizza and maybe eat one small piece, and be completely happy to be done. That's it, that's all, I DON'T WANT ANY MORE, even if I could eat more, I just don't want to. I was a foodie, I loved food, I absolutely loved food, I loved cooking food, feeding others food and I loved eating, and I still do each and everyone of those things. This is a tool to get your life under control, to get a grip on what you think is the most important thing in your life, the rest is up to you, this is NOT a death sentence with food, it's a learn to enjoy the quality, not the quantity. Best of luck to you!
  15. Cody's mom

    Not losing anything? ?

    @@LipstickLady, I laughed the other day when I read I should be able to eat up to a cup of food, then watched what I actually ate. I think I might, just might be up to 1/2 cup food per meal, but probably more realistically 1/4 cup.. I was sleeved last September. I can eat a piece of pizza, ONE, and it's a small one. I went out for chinese food, pretty sure after less than 1/4 cup I was happy and satisfied, and couldn't eat a drop more, even though it tasted sooo good and I wanted more, I just couldn't eat more. When I'm busy I do forget to eat, and don't notice till I'm seeing stars, (not good), but this tool, this great tool has made me appreciate quality, not quantity!

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