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Cody's mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cody's mom

  1. I truly believe I chose the wrong Doctor and medical company. I have sever doubts and confidence in ALM, and am trying to decide if I should walk out, I'm sure other doctors have better care!
  2. I guess the worst is yet to come, oh yay for me!
  3. Really I just tried to have a shower to to calm myself down, slipped in the shower and almost put my IV pole threw the plexi door and not one person cared to check! The air conditions in my room doesn't work and I can't get up without seeing stars. The care in Canada isn't even this bad! Truly am feeling this was a mistake!
  4. Not expecting to find smiling faces and confident hearts around here. I've gotten myself so upset m have what I think to be an anxiety attach.
  5. Cody's mom

    Frequently Asked Questions

    At this point I certainly wouldn't be recommending Dr. E Ortiz! Have been left in the dark far too often, still sitting waiting for surgery it's 4:05 here so probably won't get in till 6:00 ish he told me I'd be next around 1:00 ish but nope I get to be last, my biggest fear! Everything in me is saying run! I have nothing good to say about this whole ordeal so far!
  6. Well still sitting waiting for my surgery I requested to be first, so they put me last. Don't make that mistake. Been NPO since last night at 8:00, didn't get an IV with fluids till 1:30, so dehydrated by that time and they couldn't get a vein for the IV so repete stabs! No one here to talk to or ask questions, so far nurses have been anything but compassionate! So many bells and whistles are going off in my head right now, I feel like pulling the IV and calling another doctor. It's now almost 4:00 pm another two hours I was told for my surgery. Lots of time to reflect if I'm doing the right thing or if I choose the right doctor. At this point I'm anything but impressed with Dr. E. Ortiz and this team.
  7. I'm heading there on Saturday for surgery on Sunday with Dr. E Ortis. Barngirl and Sashasmom both had theirs done with him in the last two weeks and said it was great, without any complications.
  8. Cody's mom


    Ohhh, I'm being sleeved on the 14th, good luck to you!
  9. Cody's mom


    I'm sorry, but am I reading this right, you had a gastric sleeve and it took you over a year to loose 29 pounds?
  10. Cody's mom

    Preop meeting had to go to

    Yes I was thinking the exact same thing. Getting out and taking a short walk ever hour or two so my poor little body doesn't go into shock. That a lot of abuse in a short time. I'm less than one week away from surgery, yay!
  11. Cody's mom

    Trip to Japan

    Just texted a friend who's brother lives in Japan, and the whole family goes back and forth for visits, and never had a problem, she said they never even thought of it of being an issue before (never crossed their minds to think of it), her mom is 78 and she too goes back and forth to Japan, and it's never crossed her mind either about taking meds into Japan (she does and several). I'd be more worried about do I have enough room in my suitcase for everything I've bought.
  12. Cody's mom

    Trip to Japan

    I have been to China, Thailand, Africa and never once had problems with meds and crossing into these countries, so I certainly wouldn't worry, just don't put a pile of single pills in a baggie, that might look bad, just carry them in the bottles from your pharmacy. Haven't heard of anyone ever having problems, and I have friends that go there regularly! Enjoy your trip, and the food.
  13. Cody's mom

    Scheduled Surgery in Tijuana!

    And my surgery is the 14 with Dr. E Ortiz in TJ. I've lived my life at 110 pounds, not becasue I'm naturally thin, but because I would crash diet and exercise three times a day loose it, then gain it all in a few months and repeat the cycle for about the last 30 years. This last time I snapped my leg, and that was it, I gained 75 pounds and can't get it off.. So here, like the rest I need a tool to help me, and to change my ways of bing eating then starving. I have five different sizes of clothes not including the size I'm in right now, does a person really need that? Good luck to everyone, see you on the other side!
  14. Cody's mom

    Help me, im completely freaking out!

    Truly, who gives heart meds to someone without a heart condition. Maybe he has his reasons, but so far this is the first time I've heard of this. I go next week and all I was instructed to do was my pre-op diet, and discontinue all meds.
  15. @@Jersrose43 I was responding to par1959 and his opinion of your statement and mine, nowhere did you imply you were intoxicated. Enjoy life and all it has to offer, you can not live life by only thinking how many calories does this have. I will always enjoy wine, cesars, chocolate martini's and many other drinks. If this surgery ment I could never live again, I wouldn't be having it. There are many things in life I can give up, but WINE is not one of them! It might be awhile, but I will enjoy dinner and drinks with friends again, and it will be guilt free!
  16. Not seeing where anyone said they need to be intoxicated to live life!
  17. Really, honestly, a night of fun is what you probably really needed. I intend to enjoy life, and if I fall off the wagon once in awhile because I've enjoyed a night with friends and let loose after such a strick diet, so be it. It's just as important to live life as it is to loose weight. Let loose and enjoy, just keep in mind where you came from! Don't be so hard on yourself.
  18. I've made an appointment with my regular doctor for after care who I'll see immediately when I return back to Canada. I go back to work three days after I return home from surgery and I work in a remote location eight hours from home and two hours from any town (and the closest one is not more than a speck). I'm not really too concerned about any problems afterwards, and if any arise I'll deal with it then, I have no choice, I work in the middle of the bush, and believe me, there is no medical care. I'll go see my doctor again when I get my first break from work (I work 16 days on 5 days off).
  19. Looking forward to Next week, I'm almost there!
  20. In case you haven't been congratulated enough today, "WOW! Chin up, and always remember if you loose 40 pounds or 10 pounds, you are loosing and not gaining, that in itself is something to be proud of.
  21. I'm Sept 14, but will offer you any information you need for your journey. Ronda the patient care specialist will be there when you are and will be offering classes in the eveing for all pt. there at that time.
  22. @ I'm with ya, no puree for this girl.. My sugery is Sept 14, and I won;t be doing puree'd foods at all.
  23. Cody's mom

    Dont be a b***h

    @@elpasovet, so far you are the only negative person that I've seen so far on this site. Please don't attempt to create something that doesn't exist for your own personal entertainment. Everyone on here is here for a reason, emotional stability, someone to relate to, advice / direction and sometimes a shoulder to cry on (and sometimes the honest truth).
  24. Cody's mom

    Dont be a b***h

    @@pink dahlia, I agree. I'm not the sugar coating type, I don't like sugar coating things, and I hate it when people sugar coat the truth, so if I ask this board something, please, answer honestly, and no sugar coating, I've always enjoyed the truth. If I come on here whinning I'm gainng weight becasue I've slipped back to my old ways of what led me to obesity, then please don't coddle me, give me straight answers and force me back to reality. Me and only me got me into this mess, I appreciate straight and honest talk, please!.. And to everyone on this board / forum, you are all kind and compassionate people, and I am blind to anything the originator of this post has said and beleive me, I have eight hours a day at work to surf this site, and I've seen NOTHING of the sort!, I think everyone has tried to give honest feedback, even if they try to guide you in a manor that seems a little harsh. Kudo's to you all!

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