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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by uxbus5

  1. uxbus5

    Under 200!!!

    Congrats !!!! I too just got to ONEDERLAND !! I thought I would never see the day. Things have slowed down a bit for me but I figure "slow and steady wins the race". Keep up the good work.
  2. uxbus5

    Getting to know you...

    Hello, My name is Bekkie I live in Uxbridge Ma. I was banded on Oct. 17,2007 by Dr Paul Arcand at Worcester Medical Center. I have had 5 fills and finally have restriction. So far I have lost 70 lbs ( 20 before and 50 after surgery). Does anyone else go through the program at Fallon clinic ?
  3. uxbus5

    great doc.

    Dr Paul Arcand at Worcester Medical Center is great. I went through the program through Fallon Clinic. I think it is a great program. Hope you find what you need. Good luck. Bekkie
  4. I finally got restriction so I lost 16 instead of 10 !!!! Name............starting#......current#.......goal#.....to go Anitak33...........245............218..........199.......19 Anna2766____.......232............226..........220.......6 TxArcher...........360............346..........345.......1 Candle.............218............207..........207.......0 chickatee..........188............179..........175.......4 Cookielover........202............202..........192.......10 cQQlgirl...........220............217..........210.......7 Faithmd............306............301.2........296.......5.2 georgiagirl........275............264..........261.......3 Hollyberries.......298............298..........285.......13 Hoppingto..........350............314..........294.......20 Irishmae11.........233.8..........230.4........219.......11.4 Jennie1976.........290............251..........235.......16 jfran..............187............181..........177.......4 Jillrn.............176............171..........166.......5 Jsrico.............255............171..........165.......6 juliegeraci........220............220..........210.......8 KarenG.............207............189..........189.......0 keekahari..........220............217..........205.......12 kjl315.............237.5..........227..........220.......7 legster............223.5..........210..........199.......11 LessnLess..........172............163.75.......164.......(.25) liz_hager..........202............198..........190.......8 Manatee............188............175..........175.......0 Mandyjo............191............179..........180.......-1 metawnny...........252............252..........240.......12 MJRouse84..........274............233..........218.......15 nip50..............250............235..........238.......-3 Rainer.............264............250..........248.......2 Redtulips3.........248............225.5........226......-.5 RenewedHope........228............213.5........210.......3.5 rharriet...........367............256..........248.......8 Sades..............199.7..........198.4........189.......9.4 Skinny_Jill........195............187..........180.......7 Stacy73............230............222..........222.......0 SueMagoo...........230............219..........220......-1 Sunny112...........145............145..........140.......5 Susan4794..........240............240..........225.......15 Suzzzie............303............291.1........290.......1.1 SWEETY.............180............174..........170.......4 Trystelle..........219............209..........205.......4 Twilight...........206............191..........185.......6 uxbus5.............240............240..........230.......(-6) want2lose..........236............236..........225.......11 wombat712..........154.8..........146.8........140.......6.8 __________________
  5. uxbus5

    Weight Loss Totals

    I lost 20 lbs pre surgery had surgery on 10/17 lost 50 lbs post surgery 70 total 5 fills and finally feel restriction!!!!
  6. You are right on with this. Our band is just a tool. We have to do the work. Everyone IS different but I think the common bond is we were all overweight and we all need to learn what made us that way and find ways to help our band help ourselves. That will be different for many of us. I will say that it is easier with the band than without. I haven't found my sweet spot yet so I am doing alot of my weight loss on my own but I think that all the classes (nutrition and behavior) have helped me out alot. We all want a magic pill but the reality is that we need to be our own magic pill. I thank you for your post. It really brings things into perspective . Everyone has and will have moments of weakness, but lets use what we have learned through our mistakes to succeed. We made it this far. Lets keep going. Bekkie
  7. Thanks for getting us going !!!! name ........ starting# .... current#......goal#.....togo# Rainer..........264............264..........248.......16 wombat712.......154.8..........154.8........140.......14.8 LessnLess.......172............172..........164.......8 metawnny........252............252..........240.......12 Skinny_Jill.....195............195..........180.......15 Candle .........218............218..........207.......11 KarenG..........207............207..........199.......8 Hoppingto.......350............314..........294.......20 SWEETY..........180............180..........170.......10 juliegeraci.....220............220..........210.......8 Trystelle.......219............219..........205.......14 Susan4794.......240............240..........225.......15 rharriet........367............256..........248.......8 nip50...........250............250..........238.......12 keekahari.......220............220..........205.......15 Hollyberries....298............298..........285.......13 Stacy73.........230............230..........222.......8 Irishmae11......233............233..........219.......14 jfran...........187............187..........177.......10 liz_hager.......202............202..........190.......12 SueMagoo........230............229..........220.......9 MJRouse84.......274............233..........218.......15 Cagstorm........360............360..........345.......15 Jsrico..........255............178..........165.......13 kjl315..........237.5..........237.5........220.......17.5 chickatee.......188............188..........175.......13 want2lose.......236............236..........225.......11 Cerrin..........350............350..........325.......25 Twilight........206............206..........185.......21 RenewedHope.....228............228..........210.......18 georgia girl....275............275..........260.......15 Anitak33........245............218..........199.......19 Redtulips3......248............248..........235.......13 cQQlgirl........220............220..........210.......10 Manatee.........188............188..........175.......13 Jennie1976.......290..........251...........235.......16 Cookielover.......202..........202...........192.......10 uxbus5.............240..........240...........230.......10
  8. uxbus5

    I have to be the biggest failure here!

    Wow!!!! Sooo glad to hear your story. I feel the same way. I am loosing on just sheer willpower and that is beginning to run thin. I have had three fills and I sometimes feel a slight restiction but I need to learn to pay better attention to it because I tend to keep on eating. I'm so afraid to stretch my pouch or damage my band. This is much harder than I thought it would be. I sometimes wish I had opted for the full bypass. Well it is what it is so I better get with the program. Good Luck!!!!! Bekkie
  9. I never thought of that. I think I will get one. With the card I think it is handy for the restaurants that put on the menu no splitting or half portions. So far I have not tried it out but I have it incase I need it.
  10. I have the card . I never thought of the bracelet. What would be the purpose ?
  11. uxbus5

    Pouch Says "NO MORE", Head says "EAT MORE"

    I keep telling myself. "the surgery was on my stomach not my brain", so I still have the same problems that I did before. We need to remember that the surgery was the easy part. The hard part is what we do now. Good luck to all on "08" Bekkie
  12. uxbus5

    Not happy

    I had my first fill on 12/3 and I feel no different than I did before. My Dr. put in 1 and 1/2 cc. He said I have a 4cc band and that should give me a good jump start. I have my next one on 12/14 this time he said he would add only 1/2 cc. I'm hoping I feel something. So far I have been doing this by sheer willpower but with the Holiday parties coming up , I am getting frustrated. What does it feel like to have a fill that works for you??? Bekkie
  13. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if there is anyone from Massachusetts out there. I live in Uxbridge ,Ma. A small town bordering Rhode Island. I am the first one from my barriatric group to have surgery. I love this site and will tell the others in my group to log on. Keep up the great work. Bekkie:)
  14. I just had mine done on oct 16th and I started in January. I too wanted it yesterday but I was glad I went through the process. I learned sooo much about behavior and making the changes I needed to make to be successful. My insurance covered me 100 % but even if I was paying out of pocket this program requires you to comply with everything in order to be approved for surgery. I do know some but not many who had hit the fast track to their surgery. Make the first step go to the seminar and get informed. I hope you have much success. Bekkie
  15. I was banded on Oct 16 and everything seems to be going fine except for the fact that I can't burp. Sounds petty but I feel the need and if I try I do this strange hiccup and it really hurts. This happens all day. Just wondering if any one feels like this. Bekkie:help:
  16. uxbus5

    Massachusetts October banders

    Hi to both of you. I'm glad to see someone else from here. Are you RED SOX fans? Great game last night. Hope we keep it going. Bekkie
  17. uxbus5

    Banded 10/3/07

    I'm curious. I have seen many postings from those who were banded in Mexico. Why did you have to go all the way there ? Is it for insurance reasons? I know if my insurance wouldn't cover me then I too would be looking for some place to have it done. I think you are brave going to another country to have it done. I don't know if I would of had the guts. Good luck to you. I hope you have great success. Bekkie
  18. uxbus5

    can"t burp

    Thanks to all !!!! It's so good to hear that the strangest things that are happening are normal. Bekkie
  19. I am wondering about protein. Everyone seems to talk about it being hard to get enough. I am three days post op and I make a shake with carnation breakfast (sugar free) with 1 cup of simply smart milk and one scoop of whey protein for a total of 38 grams of protein. My doctor said get at least 60 grams of protein a day. Two of these shakes gives me 76 grams. Am I doing this right ? I drink chicken broth and water in between. I don't want to screw things up so soon. I also want to know if it is ok to add benifiber to my liquids??. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Bekkie:confused:
  20. uxbus5

    Who still has steri-strips?

    I don't have the steri strips. I actually wish I did. I have staples....many staples. I was banded on 10/16 and I wont have them out until 10/29. They get caught on my clothing and boy does that hurt. I have been buying the xxl bandaids to cover them up. Does anyone else have staples.
  21. uxbus5

    One week post-op update

    I am a week today. I feel pretty good. Just sore. I went back to work on Monday ( I drive school bus ) The bumps in the road hurt but I am taking it slow. The shakes are getting to me a little but I was thrilled to have cottage cheese for lunch. Who would have thought that we would be thrilled about cottage cheese....LOL. It is soooo nice to have a group of people who understand what you are going through. I wish everyone the best. We are doing something great here. Bekkie
  22. uxbus5

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Hi there, I was banded on 10-16-2007. Thanks Bekkie
  23. uxbus5

    can"t burp

    I will have to try the peppermint tea. Thanks for the advice and good luck to you too. Bekkie
  24. uxbus5

    can"t burp

    I'm hoping it will get better. I guess I still have a lot of healing to do. Thanks for your reply. Bekkie
  25. uxbus5

    Back pain

    I am starting to get this too. I was told it was the gas. I also think it is from trying to stay straight and not slouch because if I do my bra rubs on my incision and it hurts. I think I am trying so hard not to hurt my stomach that I am putting stress on new areas. I hope this helps. Bekkie

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
