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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About npurdy6

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  1. Well guys as of nov 25, I am in the below 200 club! 196 woo hoo! happy and not regretful at all to have my sleeve!

  2. So close to being below 200! Can't wait come on three pounds!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LAG50


      Ha! haven't see below 200 since............wow....

      Let us know when it happens so we can celebrate with you..

    3. npurdy6


      Thank you guys, I am so excited I will keep you all posted because it will be a victory!! yipppee Thankful to be losing :0)

    4. npurdy6


      Nora your right, forever it feels like, here's to this new week!

  3. npurdy6

    6weeks post op

    I agree janice , I am down 28 lbs and its 6wks for me. I get on the scale every two weeks, and I don't want to lose too fast just slow and steady. It seems two pounds a week is how my body has been. The thought of saggy skin is something I am trying to avoid if at all possible:)
  4. Does anybody find that after the 6 wks post op, they are feeling like their lower back is weak? It's so weird feeling like this. I feel really good other wise!

    1. BeagleLover


      I'm about 6 weeks out too. I go to the gym. I used to have trouble with my lower back, but I haven't had trouble since my surgery. That doesn't mean I won't, but doing back exercises with resistance certainly helps!

    2. npurdy6


      I am going to try and see if that works. I wasn't sure if my body is just adjusting to my weight loss or if it's just that I need to lift weights. Going to talk to my trainer and see what she says. Thanks so much!

  5. I have been doing great during the day but am finding at night that i want to snack? I get all protein and water in. So I don't know why i am craving carbs at night?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. npurdy6


      i think its both everybody is snacking around me and I guess I want to also. Trying to break those bad habits mentally is tough. I am trying to figure out how to not get weak and eat like the rest of my family. YUCK! thanks for the suggestions, it's a work in progress thats for sure! @packerfan

    3. Packerfan61964


      i can't even imagine how hard it would be to sit there and watch other people eat food while the only thing I can do is drink liquids and have popsickles........good luck npurdy6, stay strong and stay the course!!!!

    4. npurdy6


      Thank you, I am going to try with all of my might! lol I wish you well with your healing, I am 6 wks out and I feel great other than the temptations around me:)


  6. npurdy6

    anyone dealing with emotional issues?

    When you are losing weight that quick your hormones are stored in your fat cells. You lose fat cells and you tend to be emotional or moody. It's quite interesting how our body acts as a coping mechanism to this great big change in our life. I find myself tearing up with things that would never bother me before.
  7. Hi everybody, back to work started last week. Tired at the end of the day, trying to figure out how to work, exercise and go to school? The positive side is I am feeling better and better everyday:) Anybody else exhausted being back to work a month out?

    1. haleytrim


      Yea!! So glad you are doing well. It gives me hope.

    2. npurdy6


      Thanks how are you doing?

  8. I am going into my fourth week tomorrow. I have first a Water bottle right after I brush my teeth. wait a little then have my Protein drink which is GNC lean 25 grams of protein. Then 2 hours later I usually have a light and fit greek yogurt, 12 grams of protein. lunch I have ounce and a half of chicken fajita with some light sour cream, little salsa and sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top. crystal light ice tea half hour later. 16.8 water bottle size, cheese stick after work. then more water. dinner is usually something chicken or Soup. i average 65 to 70 grams of protein a day.
  9. npurdy6


    Almost went for bacon the other day. My husband made a huge breakfast and the smell of the bacon was so tempting. I was like one little piece my husband says no you can't have that remember? I am like oh man I almost forgot, he saved me from that bite. Thank God it was an instinct to just take a piece. close call that was the old me not new sleeved me. thanks for the advice I will stay away to from it.
  10. npurdy6

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    Hey keeping my secrets, When I was feeling like that in the third day after surgery, I had to go to the er. I was so sick there was no way of getting anything but a little bit of water in me. They hospitalized me and gave me ivs which really made me feel better. I found out from upper gi that I too had a blockage. It was so horrible but after a few days in the hospital they told me it would pass on its own. I also was able to keep the clear liquids down in hospital so they let me go home. I was throwing up so much at home. I couldn't take any medication only by iv at hospital. So glad now I am going into my fourth week and feel so much better. If you don't feel better soon I would go to the hospital that you had surgery and get at least iv with potassium and vitamins. This was the stepping stones I had to take to start to be able to recover properly. Good luck to you, I will never regret going to the er. Ps. did they check you for leaks after the surgery when you got home?
  11. npurdy6


    ps, ricotta and marinara, I will be trying that next! Thanks finediva:)
  12. npurdy6


    I tried scrambled eggs too, very light and used skim milk to make them wet. My stomach rejected it. I had horrible gas pains felt uncomfortable for two hours. I love eggs but I am two weeks out and I guess its just too soon yet. I am going to try them again next month. Yogurt is something that always agrees with me. So glad I at least have that!
  13. npurdy6

    4 Wks Post Op Miserable

    hey lux, did they check you for a blockage? I was vomiting and not able to keep fluids down and they did an upper gi and found that it was a blockage. I was sick for days and went to the er and they put me right in the hospital, gave me ivs that made me feel so much better. They wouldn't let me leave until I was able to keep at least clear broth down. i could get some water in too but nothing else. I feel so much better now, try to walk if you can it helps to keep the body circulating and avoids blood clots. Complications suck! Ps my blockage did finally go away on its own! No ng tube thank God!
  14. npurdy6

    VSG helped with allergies?

    Well I have to say I have been on allergy medicine all my life. I haven't had to take one allegra since I have had the surgery. My nose has been clear for two weeks straight. Amazing!
  15. npurdy6

    8 weeks out

    You can have it but it just takes up space in your belly that should be used for protein. Carbs leave us qickly but protein gives us the best building blocks for our body. Thats what my surgeon told me when I asked about mashed potatoes.

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