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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by prairie

  1. prairie

    before and after

    Looking fierce!!!! Congratulations, you're amazing!
  2. prairie

    For the greater good.png

    Great job so far. You look amazing!
  3. prairie

    My teenage sons

    One of the key aspects of my decision to have the surgery was in the research presented at the information session I went to. For morbidly obese people like ourselves, statistics show that diet and exercise end up working long term about 10 percent of the time.. People almost always regain the weight plus some. The statistics also show that with Bariatric surgery, morbidly obese patients are successful 90 percent of the time and are able to keep the weight off the rest of their lives. Most gained about 20 pounds from their initial weight loss amount. (Which is nothing compared to where we're at now lol.) I'm 51 and have a BMI of 45. In 2013 I started running and was able to complete a couple of 5k runs. Of course for me it was walking and running, but I still did it. I felt better but it was difficult at my size on my bones and joints and it was so discouraging to work so hard and lose only about 5 lbs. At my age and weight, I consider this life-saving surgery. My opinion is that you tell the boys that you have heard and appreciate their concerns for you. That you really need support at this time because you have made your decision and it is final. They can help you to be successful and to have a positive attitude or they can choose to tear you down. I suggest you ask them to support you and tell them if they can't do that at least don't tear you down or make it more difficult for you than it already is. I would also suggest strapping 150 pounds to their back and telling them to walk around with it all day and see how fun it is.
  4. prairie

    Gagging through protein shake

    For consistency, do you have a shaker cup? One with the little wire whisk in it. That will help make the shake much better blended. Also make sure your ratio of Protein powder to liquid is correct. Or, if you're drinking a premixed shake, something might be off with it. I read comments on Amazon of people getting Protein shakes that had expired date or separated. My favorite premixed shakes are pure protein from costco. I also add PB2 (Peanut Butter powder) to my chocolate shakes and it makes a big difference in masking any aftertaste.
  5. Day 6 was good. Lots of energy. My brain still wants carbs, but my body is fine with everything.
  6. prairie

    Day surgery? ?

    1 night is the norm here in St Paul it seems.
  7. prairie

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    January 14th here. Day 5 of full liquid diet. Having the sleeve done in St Paul. Jonesing for carbs and coffee!
  8. I should say that there were 2 different batches of tests done. The massive bloodwork to check vitamin and thyroid levels, etc. needed to be within 3 months. The EKG, final bloodwork and pre-op physical all needed to be within one month of the surgery.
  9. prairie

    How long...

    I want to get back in the swing of things quickly as well. I'm going to avoid everything for at least a week and anything that requires me doing anything other than lying down without any weight on me or penetration for another week. That's what I've told my partner so he can know what to expect. I will, of course, play it by ear as well.
  10. prairie

    The rumors have started!

    My suggestion is to ignore it all. If someone has the common courtesy to talk to you directly, my opinion is tell them the truth. I have been floored by how nice and supportive people who find out have been. I tell people that it is not a secret, but it is private. I ask that if someone else brings it up, they suggest the person talk with me about it. Hiding it suggests it is shameful. Decide for yourself that this is the best course of action for you and you will develop the strength to be unapologetic about it. You may want to talk with your boss. Having him/her in the loop allows them to be supportive when you don't behave or look like you used to. You can tell them you are concerned about gossip and ask their advice. If they aren't a trustworthy person, i would do as others suggest and speak with HR. You are doing the right thing and taking control of your health. let that consume your time and energy rather than worries about things you have no control over - like other people's gossip and opinions.
  11. You can do it!!!! I'm on day 5 pre-op diet and am so lethargic it's insane. Last night it was all I could do not to make popcorn and this morning I wanted coffee so bad that I was grinding my teeth. I keep remembering that this is only for a few weeks, that it will be better after surgery, and how much better the surgery will go if my liver shrinks and I lose a couple of pounds.
  12. In most cases, the bloodwork needs to be within 3 months of surgery. I don't believe they schedule a surgery based on when your lab work is done - but maybe your surgeon is different.
  13. prairie

    6 Month Supervised Diet

    In order for insurance to consider the diet 'supervised" you need to work with a nutritionist, dietician, or be a part of some program like weight watchers. You can't just do something on your own. My surgeon has a dietitian that i met with 1x/month for 6 months. It was more about learning how to eat and moving in the direction I will need to be post-surgery than following an actual diet plan.
  14. prairie


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
