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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beautysleeve559

  1. Wow today is my 1 year surgiversary!!!! I am down 110 lbs down and I feels so good..

    1. justme29


      Congrats! Keep up the good work!

    2. Mini_me007


      That's great!!! Congratulations!!

  2. Today is my birthday!!!..26 has never felt so good...I am a little over 3 months post surgery and down 65 pounds. it feels good to see my body and my life transforming. I am so happy I made the decision to get sleeved. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laydee_G


      Hope you had a great Birthday and continued success for 2015 x

    3. MisforMimi


      Happy Birthday, girl! Enjoy your day! :) :) :)

    4. Lady Rock

      Lady Rock

      Happy Birthday

  3. beautysleeve559

    4 Days Post Op...need some HELP!

    Hello..my name is Daja and I am 25 also. I had surgery September 15th so I'm almost 3 months post op. After surgery I had trouble with the protein as well. Premier was not my favorite. I also was not a fan of chocolate either so everything I got was vanilla. For my protein I chose a brand called NECTAR..it has 23 grams of protein and everything else was 0. The calories were 50 per scoop. But it worked for me. Also 6 days no bowel movement in my opinion is normal. It took me 2 weeks to have a bowel movement my surgeon told me it's because we are barely getting any food or liquids in at the beginning and because your body is getting used to all the trauma we put it in. So I think it's normal. As far as the cigarettes go I'm not too sure because I'm not a smoker..lol..and the incisions will itch...mine itched a lot especially during the healing process...so yes it's normal. .and sex..I waited for a week..lol..my surgeon said it's fine as long as your not in any pain...if it doesn't hurt them go for it..lol..any who I hope I was helpful..good luck to you on your journey
  4. beautysleeve559

    New and Excited

    Welcome!!! My name is Daja. I recently got sleeved a little over 2 months ago on September 15th 2014. I chose the sleeve because I also was an emotional eater and I could never lose the weight and keep it off. During my transition I haven't had any complications..thank god..in the beginning there was a lot of pain..mainly in the incision site where the doctor removed the stomach. But that pain only lasted for about a week. I was immediately walking right after surgery. As far as eating goes..the first 2 weeks I was on full liquid. .them 2-4 weeks I was on purees and soft. Now I am on a regular diet. There is restriction. I can eat about 3 or 4 spoon fulls and be full. I work out for about 2 hours a day. At 2 months out I have lost 50 lbs. Staying hydrated was hard in the beginning because of how much your pouch can handle in the beginning but once u get the hang out it..it's ok. ..so that's my story..lol..I really didn't have any bad experiences but good luck to you and if you have any questions feel free to ask
  5. So I haven't been on here in awhile but I am happy to give you all an update. Since surgery I am down 35 lbs. I feel so good and full of energy. I go to the gym Monday-Friday for about an hour and a half sometimes 2 hours if I feel good. The elliptical is my best friend...Lol.. overall I feel good and love working out and seeing changes in my clothing size. I started back to work last week and it's been good. I was a little tired in the beginning but I've picked up my momentum. Overall doing well and I love my sleeve :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MisforMimi


      Congratulations! I'm glad to hear you have so much energy! I could really use some right about now...lol.. :)

    3. npurdy6


      Wonderful! So happy for you!

    4. Lady Rock

      Lady Rock

      OMG, I can not believe so much time has passed, the goes by really quickly but you are doing awesome..keep up the good work.

  6. beautysleeve559

    120 pounds lost and 7 months out PIX

    Wow you look awesome...do you gym?
  7. beautysleeve559

    It's happening!

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! ! I recently had surgery on 9/15/14 and I am 25 years old. And u just want to tell you that I also had the same fears. Of having a heart attack, pulmonary embolism and even dying when I got put under. But I just want to tell you that everything is going to be ok. Those thoughts are natural thoughts and I believe that everyone thinks it. But you will be fine. Good luck to you
  8. beautysleeve559

    Lack of Energy Or Just Lazy?

    I will be a month out on the 15th so I'm right behind you. I personally am not crazy about my protein shake either but I do drink the because it helps out with my energy. I overall feel good. I go to the gym for about 1-2 hours a day and walk in the evenings for around 45 minutes to an hour a day. I guess everybody's energy levels are different but u should try to drink the more often it will help u alot
  9. beautysleeve559

    colds when sleeved?

    Hi Karen. I was sleeved in September 15th and I experienced a bad cold for a week and a half up until 2 days before surgery.. u had a running nose, sore throat, ear ache..you name it I had it. It was very hard to get rid of considering you are limited on what you can take before surgery. But Dayquil became my best friend and helped me some. I doubt the doctor will cancel your surgery because of it though, but if u do get sick days before surgery I recommend letting them know and see what they say about it
  10. beautysleeve559

    Sleeved yesterday (9-30) help!

    Hi! Congrats on taking the first step to a healthier life. I had surgery on 9/15 and right after surgery I also had bad has pain as well. My lasted for about a week. I started passing gas like 3 days later and I felt so relieved but all the gas pain actually went away like a week later. I was in a lot pain after surgery as well as bad nausea. But I want to tell you it does get better with time. Sup your fluids slowly. And sip often as possible. In the beginning it is hard to get all your fluids in but as your swelling goes down it gets easier. Walking helped with the pain, especially the gas pain. Overall it gets better with time and I do want to tell you not to feel discouraged or to feel like you made a mistake. You chose this surgery for a reason and it will get better with time. I use to feel that way also "what have I don't to myself?"..lol..but now I have already dropped 25 lbs and I am happy with that. Just stick with it and I will pray that things get easier for you. Good luck and god bless
  11. went to my follow up appointment and my doctor says I lost 20 lbs in a week..I LOVE MY SLEEVE...all my walking is definitely paying off :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 4me4them
    3. beautysleeve559


      Thank you all...im so excited

    4. Lady Rock

      Lady Rock

      Hey chica, haven't been on here in a minute...time really flies, but 20lbs is AMAZING..........congrats....you'll be at goal weight before you know it

  12. Hello All!! Just thought I would give a quick update..today I'm a week and 4 days out...I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. the only pain I experience is the pain in my right side from where they pulled my stomach out.

  13. beautysleeve559

    Sleeved 9/15/2014

    Hi..I was sleeved on 9/15/2014 as well. How are you feeling? Me personally I am doing ok. Just having a little trouble with my fluids and protein but it's getting there. My pain isn't all that bad. It just hurts on the right side where my surgeon took out my stomach. Other than that I've been ok. No nausea a little gas pain but it's tolerable.
  14. Wow thanks for sharing your story. I am just 4 days post op and I have a little pain in my right incision site. No more nausea but I can't move the way I want to. I am still trying to get my fluids and Protein in. At times I think "oh god what have I done to myself" because of the pain and I think because I am getting tired of the liquid diet. But after reading your story I realize I have done the right thing and there is happiness and success at the end of the tunnel. And u look amazing by the way..congrats to you and your success
  15. Just got the news I am being DISCHARGED today..woohoo..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BeagleLover


      You feel just about normal after how many days? 3 - 4, right? Amazing!

    3. beautysleeve559


      Yeah Day 3 post op and I feel just about normal. Like I said there's a little soreness on the right side but other than that no more pain.

    4. npurdy6


      Wow! That is wonderful!!! So happy for you, I go Thursday Sept 25, really getiing nervous now. Look forward to hearing about your recovery. Keep us Sept sleevers updated!

  16. so 3 days post op and I am doing and feeling 100% better. my fluid intake is great my pain is under control and I no longer have nausea. I am walking good and over all I just feel good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bellabill


      That is great to hear...it's a motivator!

    3. motherof5


      Great to hear beautysleeve! Remember, you are still healing from the inside out. Take your time and continue to push those fluids. It is very important to stay hydrated. Welcome to the losers side.

    4. beautysleeve559


      Thanks ladies. ....I am going to continue to do my fluids and walk!! Hoping to be discharged from the hospital today. .I had to stay an extra day because of how I was feeling. . But I am ready to get back home to my family

  17. beautysleeve559

    Post op day 5

    Omg..I can't imagine going 3 weeks with this gas pain...it's horrible. ..I've been walking non stop and it hasn't subsided yet
  18. beautysleeve559

    Post op day 5

    Hi I am post op day 1 and I am having a hard time with the gas pains. Did you experience this and if so how long?
  19. Surgery went well. I am in pain but the nurses are really nice and trying to get my pain managed. I don't remember anything from surgery..just speaking to the nurses then waking up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HalloweenBaby24


      Glad things went well.

      Welcome to the losers bench!, It's learning experience.

    3. ProudGrammy


      i took a nap during my WLS LOL LOL - i don't remember either - then again i don't remember yesterday either LOL don't be shy about taking pain meds for a while if you need them - speedy recovery

    4. npurdy6


      Hope you get back to being healthy and well quicker than you expected!


  20. Just checked into the hospital....waiting for them to call me back...I'm so nervous and excited at the same time...

  21. beautysleeve559

    Today is the day

    Good luck to you!!! My surgery is today as well. I will keep u in my prayers
  22. beautysleeve559


    Hi!! When is your date?.Mine is tomorrow and my emotions are all over the place. I'm excited that I am going to be starting my life over but I get nervous especially thinking about what's the worst that can happen. But I know God's got me. I just gotta stay prayed up you know. But don't be nervous. I just keep telling myself the pros outweigh the con's and we will be ok. Good luck to you
  23. Surgery is TOMORROW! !!!!... :) My nerves are running wild. I've went grocery shopping..stocked up on all my protein, water, meds etc...I guess I'm READY..PLEASE PRAY FOR ME YALL!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. gypsylynn


      Good Luck. Relax.

    3. Jordan861


      Prayer and good thoughts...... You are going to love your new life


    4. hopeful one

      hopeful one



  24. beautysleeve559

    I made it through surgery!

    So happy everything went well...take care of yourself. .praying for a speedy recovery
  25. beautysleeve559

    Tomorrow is D Day!

    Good luck to the both both of you!!! My surgery is tomorrow as well. My check in time is 530am...and my surgery time is 730 am. I'm the first on my doctors list

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