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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ImaKaren4U

  1. ImaKaren4U

    Finding the "Sweet Spot"

    If it were me, since you are PBing, I would not get a fill until you have stabilized and are not PBing. Assuming that you are trying to eat 3 normal (3ounce) meals - don't forget chew, chew, chew.
  2. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    I did go in and had 1 cc removed yesterday - I am much better. The last fill he gave me 1.75 ccs. Of course I am going through the "Oh my god I am going backwards" fear with having some fill removed lol - even with the pain I have that fear. The psyche is so funny. I wish I lived closer too. Yes, AJ is doing fills too - he is just as nice as everyone else, and very caring - he assisted in my surgery. It was funny, the first time he did my fill, I was laying on the table and when he came in, he said "the last time I saw you, you were in the same position but snoring" lol (and he is very cute lol) Anyway - keep up the good work and the great support. I go back in 4 - 6 weeks to see if we should add any back.
  3. ImaKaren4U

    Finding the "Sweet Spot"

    I too had my band placed in October. I have been fortunate and have had excellent results. I had my 3rd fill on Jan 28th - they gave me 1.75 ccs at that time - I had a miserable 8 weeks. I was too restricted - lots of pain, pbing, etc. and rather than going in and getting it adjusted I kept telling myself it would get better, but it didn't. I went today and had 1 cc removed and feel MUCH better. I return in 6 weeks for another adjustment. I have been using my band wrong - I thought the more restriction the less the chance I would eat too much. This has to be a life change and if I can't use some willpower in this deal, no amount of restriction will ever overcome the eating addiction. I am at 5ccs in a 10 cc band now - we will see how long that works for me. From what I have read on this site, it is VERY different for every person. So my long winded advice is not to get too anxious and go too far, too much fill to fast. Finding the sweet spot may take many small adjustments.
  4. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    Thank you for your support. You may have noticed, but we have the same surgeon...we drive over from Medford - we are lucky though because we have family in Lakeside. Thanks again - you are right, enough is enough. I am glad I have finally made the decision
  5. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    I cannot tell you how glad I was to read your post - I am terribly sorry you are going through this, however it is almost as if I wrote the post myself! I am experiencing the same thing. I had my band done Oct 07 and have lost 74 pounds since this adventure, 9 pounds to my first goal but I may try to go another 19. I had my 3rd fill 8 weeks ago. At the time I got 1.5 ccs. The first week or so I was more tender than with previous fills and over the past 8 weeks I have had a lot of restriction, and about 10 days of being able to eat whatever I wanted...but then back to the restriction. I think it has something to do with my period cycle but I am so sick of being sick and having that pain every time I drink anything most days. Like you, I cannot hardly get more than warm liquid (ie tea) down for most of the day and not much more the rest of the night - but there are times although fewer in between that I can eat what I want. The pain is kind of like really bad heartburn but it radiates through to my backbone too. It really makes me not want to eat or drink anything. I was lucky that my doctor will squeeze me in this coming Monday (if I wait, he is really overbooked) to have some removed. I was thinking about having 1/2 cc removed - it has to be better than what I have now. I just don't want too much removed because I do like restriction, just not the pain. Thank you for posting your comments - it is nice to know I am not the only one going through this. In the beginning it was so exciting, but the pain is making it harder to enjoy my new body...when the pain is gone it is gone temporarily. I don't think I have any kind of lasting sores or anything like that because the pain does go away sometimes...we will see.
  6. ImaKaren4U

    Advice, Wisdom or Encouragement

    Hi there all! I got my 3rd fill three weeks ago. I was quite a bit more restricted after the fill but the past two days have been much worse. I can swallow water but much thicker than that seems to be a no no most of the day. Mushy is about all I can tolerate.... should I consider an unfill? I do have the pain each time I get stuck and have PB'd quite a few times in past week that may have irritated my stomach and created some swelling I suppose??
  7. I too went to Dr Tersigni - after he was recommended by a family friend. Everything everyone else has said is dead on - he and his staff are excellent, as is the Day Surgery area as well. They are very sensitive to out of town patients and will schedule all appointments for pre-op on one day.
  8. ImaKaren4U

    Weight Loss Totals

    I have heard from family acquaintances comments to the affect of "she took the easy way out" referring to the surgery. Well I am here to tell them that it is certainly not the easy way. Sure - I have been successful but the band is only a tool, not the fix all. I am speaking ONLY on behalf of myself and my opinions, and of my own personal experiences. I too am eating only 800 - 900 calories a day. I have now had 3 fills - the last being one week ago; for the first time I have the restriction that I have been expecting all this time. I have been very, very hungry, but have chosen to limit my intake to achieve my goals. Sure, I have slipped once in a while - but the vigilance, and hunger has paid off. For myself, I find the Protein shakes (and consuming a minimum of 50 grams of protein a day) helps me keep the hunger-shakey feeling away - even though it felt many times like my stomach was going to eat my backbone.
  9. ImaKaren4U

    Protein Shakes

    Hello everyone! I too am still drinking Protein shakes. I am also very tight most of early morning and afternoon so using the shakes gives me peace of mind that I am getting the protein I need. I am not too hungry so the shakes help with the nutrients even when I don't feel like eating, or am too tight. I am drinking 1 can of GNCs 50 Gram Slam shake a day - splitting it into two servings. I like the Cookies & Creme and banana Cream. They have a discount the 1st - 7th of every month so I buy a couple of cases then. Given the amount of money I used to spend on fast food, these shakes are cheap lol.
  10. ImaKaren4U

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    Hello everyone. This is my first post to this thread. It is exciting to read everyone's posts - the good and the concerned. This is such an excellent place to reaffirm that what we are going through is all normal...that there isn't any "one" experience that is right. I have just had my 3rd fill - the first two were done differently than the 3rd. The 3rd they had me sit up and drink as they added Fluid to find a good spot. It seems now that for the first time I have restriction. I was concerned that it was perhaps a little too much, but after reading several posts it seems it might be close to perfect... I just have to learn to work with the restriction that I haven't felt before, since just after surgery. I have a 10 cc ap band and the 3rd fill added 1.5 ccs - to 5 I already had. Since the 3rd fill I have BP'd a few times - not violently, and always over trying to take a pill first thing in the morning. I have since switched to taking them late day or evening... or crushing them. Very tight in the morning and better (yet still restricted) in evening. BPing isn't as bad as I had imagined from the posts I read, but it certainly isn't pleasant either... pretty yucky stuff. I too have gone in cycles of losing. The first 8 weeks the weight came off pretty rapidly. I have heard the last is the hardest, and that makes sense. Of course if I got off my ever-shrinking butt and got motivated to do more exercise it would be easier for sure. The past 4 weeks I have lost maybe 1 pound a week - I know it is healthy that way but after losing 3 a week - and being so obsessed with the scale, it is a little disheartening sometimes. That is another reason I am so thankful for this forum. I am not much of a "support group" person so this online way is perfect. You all are doing GREAT - keep up the good work.
  11. ImaKaren4U

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    Thank you so much for the information. It has been a while since I visited the forum and was having concerns over being hungry with little restriction 4 weeks after 2nd fill so I am somewhat relieved after reading your info.
  12. ImaKaren4U

    2 weeks post-op and hungry

    I was banded on 10/8 and have experienced the same hunger but my doctor requires 4 post-op weeks of liquids. I am drinking (per their recommendation) 3-4 ounces of protein every hour and then having SF Popsicles, broth, or cream soup to help. (I actually have 5-7 ounces of cream soup for dinner every night - that is kind of my one meal a day) Drinking every hour is a little annoying but it stops my stomach from trying to eat my backbone. I have lost 11 pounds since 10/8, lots of will power. I know this may not work for everyone but it works well for me. I have been drinking "50 Grand Slam" from GNC store as my protein - 50 grams per can of protein and the Banana Creme and Cookies & Creme are sustaining me - they are by far the best for my taste buds!
  13. ImaKaren4U

    worried please help

    I find it so interesting to read everyone's posts... my doctor required 2 weeks pre-op liquid only, 4 weeks post-op liquid only, and then mushies.... hmmmmm I agree with the others, call the doctor
  14. First - HUGE congrats on your weight loss! I am a beginner - banded 2.5 weeks now and have lost 21 pounds so far. Great job keeping it off too, I hope I have that staying power. About the swallowing - Oh my gosh....go to the doctor! Kind of gross, but can you swallow your spit? If you can't even swallow Water there is certainly a problem - and you can become seriously dehydrated which can cause other physical/health problems. I am not a doctor or nurse but have a friend that had a swallow problem unrelated to banding so I have a little exposure. Perhaps your IVF hormones have caused some sort of change in your body chemistry to create this now. I know the meds are very expensive and it is such an emotional investment going through this but if you aren't healthy it will lower your PG chances too. (DH and I did a couple years of Injectibles and IUIs) At the very least, CALL the doctor. Take care and good luck....
  15. ooo, yes subway mmmm have a bite for me too lol
  16. Hi there! This is me before I started liquid diet end of Sept. I was banded 10/8 - so the after is now 2 weeks today!:whoo:
  17. :help:Ok, somewhat an embarrassing question, and I know I have seen similar questions but here goes... as with others here, I am constipated - had BM last night that was a fighter and I am worried I strained too hard. I used my splint however after all was said and done I had a piercing pain right in the area of where I would imagine my band to be - may be muscle spasm, don't know. It lasted rest of the night and then this morning the pain was gone and my stomach feels pretty good, too good in fact...almost like there is no restriction now. Any suggestion, words of wisdom before I freak out and call the doctor? Thanks soooo much!
  18. P.S. I am 2-weeks post op
  19. ImaKaren4U

    Hello from Oregon

    Hi there! Wow your husband did great! I too have been fat my entire life (my Mom even put me on Weight Watchers when I was 5!) - a family friend had the LAP Band and has done well with it. I researched it and decided this is the only way I will be able to lose weight and get healthy...sort of a no-choice option to eating. For me the hardest part was the 2-week liquid diet before surgery because I was so hungry all the time. I have had the band for 7 days now and so far so good. The most important thing to realize about the band is that it is a tool and not a fix all. I LOVE to EAT and I LOVE FOOD, all the things that aren't healthy - the band can't fix that, I have to. It is an addiction for me and each day is a struggle at one point or another but the cravings are passing faster and faster. Not sure what other information you may be seeking about this - there is a lot of good information within the forums.
  20. Hello fellow banders! My name is Karen and I was banded on Oct 8th by Dr. Tersigni in Coos Bay Oregon. It has been interesting and helpful reading the threads from the different forums; I hope to be able to contribute for others also. I have lost 17 pounds since starting the 2 week pre-op diet - 10 pounds before and 7 pounds since surgery. I have not gotten back to the starving phase yet as I am 6 days post-op and still have some restriction from the swelling. I look forward to connecting, sharing, and growing. :Banane10:
  21. ImaKaren4U

    Hello from Oregon

    Maureen, Glad to meet you of sorts. I have heard of a lot of people going to Mexico - hope that works out well for you. It would be great to have a connection of support. Discovered today that my port incision is infected slightly, they told me to use neosporin and keep clean/dry and just watch it... a little nerve racking but hopefully it will clear up soon

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