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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ImaKaren4U

  1. Greetings! First off, I just tried Fill Centers USA and I have to say I am impressed... the people at the center are wonderful and the Salem, OR provider is TERRIFIC. She was thorough and has a great bedside manner - even though I live 3 1/2 hrs away I may make her my new primary care provider in addition to using her through Fill Centers USA! She did question a lot of how my surgeon handle their procedures, which concerned me a little. She said that she hadn't heard of anyone receiving a fill at the time of surgery - which I received 3 ccs; she said he never heard of anyone ever receiving a fill of more than .25 cc at a time - I have received up to 1.75 at once.... she had to actually see the fill record from my doctor because she was so surprised. (My surgeon also gave me a medical card at the time of orientation that said the band was 4ccs and I actually received the 10 cc AP.) I really like this "fill technician" (for lack of a better title) and the care she and Fill Centers USA have provided - but what or rather who should I trust? My instincts say the new provider, however I also feel very connected to the staff at my surgeon's office because they have all been great too - I live 3 hours from them too (in the other direction) so I don't have much/any follow up care from them except when I contact them. Fill Centers USA even called me the day after my appointment to see how I was doing! The one downfall with Fill Centers USA is that there are ONLY 30 providers in the US! Fortunately there is one relatively close to me. How much fill have you received during a fill visit?
  2. ImaKaren4U

    Health issues after PS

    Thank you so much everyone for all of your help and support! I greatly appreciate it. I will suck it up and see my doctor. PS I will be sure to keep my status posted.
  3. Is this the right place to post this? I haven't received a reply so I am wondering. Hello! It has been a long time since I have written. I had a full TT and Lift/Aug this past September. I had reached my goal sometime before that point. Since the surgery, I have had agonizing pain caused by Lower Back (L5-S1) disc and tendinitis. Since the PS I haven't been out of pain. I am seeing a pain specialist now and looking at the prospect of lower back surgery before I end up being paralyzed by this disc compressing my nerves. Since being on the pain killers, it has been INCREDIBLY difficult to keep the weight off. Does anyone have any words of advice, support, etc to help? I am so obsessed about my weight and have dwindle back into those helpless feelings I had before surgery. I have no restriction with my band and have quite a bit of guilt about gaining some weight back that I am reluctant to go in for a fill. Any one have words of support or encouragement?
  4. Hello there all! I have a swelling question for those of you who have had an extended TT, breast lift and augmentation. I have searched this forum and although I did find references to swelling, not an answer to my specific question. Like some on the forum, my upper abdomen looks bigger than I thought it would but the doctor says it is swelling. As far as I can tell he brought my abdomen skin down about 4 inches (I can tell because that is how much lower my port and port incision is now) I am almost 5 weeks out and seem to have quite a bit of swelling still, even around the scar and mons. For those of you who are 4 months past your surgery date (or more) - how far out were you when you felt like the swelling was gone? are there some past 4 months that are still swollen? I know I am still "new" but like many of you I am sure, I am anxious to see the end result. I do have before and after pics and will have to find out how to add to my posts before posting them. Thanks.
  5. ImaKaren4U

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Thank you again for your feedback...just an update - my PS will not do it nor will my PCP! They both said basically because they didn't put it in, they wouldn't do it because of insurance reasons....so - Monday is when I get unfilled 5 more days! :eek:
  6. ImaKaren4U

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Thank you for your information Dr. Schulman. Today - and even last night - the nausea is better. I spoke to my bariatric surgeon and he says I should have the fluid drained off because of the swelling, which hadn't been done previously. He also said he doesn't think it is slippage because I would be having major heartburn, reflux, and stomach pain also. The PS doesn't know how to remove the fluid from the band so I have to travel to my bariatric surgeon's office 4 hours away and they don't take these appointments except on Mondays. Anyway...I think most of my pain might be from the vomiting and coughing (because I am also sick). I will keep you all informed. Also - as a PS yourself, what do you recommend the time period be for wearing the support bra (ie 24/7) and the compression garment. Is the compression garment mostly to encourage the swelling to diminish or to support the new muscle structure or ??
  7. ImaKaren4U

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Thank you for your information - I would think that I would have had problems before the 4th week out? Also, I haven't had any acid reflux or heartburn - which as you know can be another sign of slippage or of a band being too tight. I do not have nausea all day, usually just in the evening through part of the night until I go to sleep. Did your nausea - when you had a band slip - happen all the time or just some of the time? And how long after your TT surgery? (I have read other posts from banders with TT and nausea that was resolved and not from slippage) It isn't that I am not considering this as a possibility but I need to make sure our symptoms are similar enough. My husband is FREAKING out because we just paid for the tummy tuck and boobies and he can't rationally think about the possibility of paying for a band replacement or modification too. Thanks for your input.
  8. ImaKaren4U

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Dr Schulman, Do you have any comments that might help me? Hi there! Well - one year after being banded, I got my apron removed, breasts lifted and augmented 4 weeks ago on Sept 8th. Well the doctor gave me enough strong painkillers for 2 weeks, a lesser one the 3rd week and said to take ibuprofen after that - which isn't doing the job. For the past 5 days I have been very nauseas and have vomited nearly every time I eat anything - which as you know isn't easy with the Lap Band. I am worried that it may hurt the lap band. (Vomited badly all night last night) My question is this: is it ok to request painkillers from the doctor? How long have others been on it? Being nauseas - has anyone else experienced this weeks after surgery?
  9. ImaKaren4U

    New Cosmetic Surgery with questions

    Wow! Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it.
  10. Hi there! Well - one year after being banded, I got my apron removed, breasts lifted and augmented 4 weeks ago on Sept 8th. Well the doctor gave me enough strong painkillers for 2 weeks, a lesser one the 3rd week and said to take ibuprofen after that - which isn't doing the job. For the past 5 days I have been very nauseas and have vomited nearly every time I eat anything - which as you know isn't easy with the Lap Band. I am worried that it may hurt the lap band. My question is this: is it ok to request painkillers from the doctor? How long have others been on it? Being nauseas - has anyone else experienced this weeks after surgery?
  11. ImaKaren4U

    New Cosmetic Surgery with questions

    Thank you for your replies...it helps. I don't know why I am so resistant to pushing them a little instead of just saying "ok" when they give me an answer. I feel very wimpy and winy lately - and I am usually the one saying "cowboy up"
  12. ImaKaren4U

    Drain Complain

    Hi there! Congrats on your procedure. I had a tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation on Sept 8th - it was 3 weeks before I got one of my drains came out, and I was still draining about 30ml...I leaked enough after that to completely soak 2 overnight maxipads - the doctor said that was fine, normal. I would say that you are better to have the drain in, even thought it is a pain the butt, than to have the fluid accumulate in your abdomen.
  13. Hello! I had a full TT and lift/augmemtation on Sept 8th. I still have my left and right drains in - the left producing less than 20 ccs a day and the right producing 80-90 a day still - bright/dark red. My question is, how tight should I have my binder? Is there a rule of thumb? Obviously not so tight that I can't breathe lol. Any advice is welcome.
  14. ImaKaren4U

    How tight should I keep my binder?

    Thank you Dr for your support, I will have my surgeon take a closer look. Also - one more thing about the binder, right now it is situated down over my drains, which is uncomfortable, is it meant to be that low? or should I just wear it where ever it is comfortable but snug?
  15. Well I have taken the plunge, paid the fee, and set the date for my full tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation....nervous and excited. Any suggestions out there that aren't covered in the myriad of doctor's papers? (Like baby wipes to stay fresh - that kind of stuff) I am planning on getting the raised toilet seat already. My date is Sept 8th so just about a week to go - woo hoo. I decided to go with about 275 ccs....don't want to look too full but want to have a nice C...any advice is welcomed:thumbup:
  16. ImaKaren4U

    I'm doin' it! I have a date!

    Hi there! Well I got the raised toilet seat...I am taking 2 weeks maybe 3 off of work. They are being VERY generous with whatever I need so I am lucky. Good luck to you - let's keep in touch, i would love to hear how you do with the lower body life.
  17. ImaKaren4U

    360 body lift

    It is scary to think about the possibilities that can happen internationally, especially as the patient. I am sure there a lot of problems in some situations, but there are many many wonderful results as well - of course the US doctors aren't going to see the good ones because they don't need that long term help. I also know that there are many US doctors that create problems for patients as well. It is hard - as a patient - to want this surgery so terribly and have to pay for it out of pocket. Going to Mexico, paying 1/3 of the cost of US doctors seems very attractive...almost worth the risk. The people who have had the good experiences make it all sound so worth it. I am very torn...the lesser price in Mexico makes the possibility of having my dreams come true a reality - isn't that just what we want? Dreams fulfilled. I have been heavy all of my life, from grade school on - now at 40 I am finally a "normal" weight - and if I didn't have all this excess skin, I would be a "normal" size also. I am sure that there are reputable and good doctors in these other countries like Mexico, just as there are in the US - and no doubt that there are hacks as well. It is our responsibility to do our due diligence to find the good ones whether in this country or another...and unfortunately in this country medical care - although this is completely elective and perhaps frivolous to some - is exorbitantly expensive. (Please know that I know that there are many reasons it is expensive and not because Drs want to get rich - insurance, etc.) Ok, time to get off my soap box lol
  18. ImaKaren4U

    plastic surgery in mexico

    Hello everyone! I am very excited to hear about Misty and her incredible results... I can't wait to take off this apron lol
  19. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    Dear Cowgirl - I have been there a couple of times...the first time I pretty much lived on protein drinks for 6 weeks and lots of pain, I got a 1cc unfill and felt great for 6 weeks, had another fill of .75 cc and ended up being so tight I couldn't even swallow my own spit and was in so much pain I didn't care if I ever lost another pound, I just wanted the pain to stop...I went in for an unfill of .75 two days later and was so dehydrated I almost ended up in the hospital. We decided that I was too close to the perfect spot that I am going to have to use this as the tool it is and base some restriction on will power. It isn't easy, but nothing is worth my life or that pain again. GO IN FOR A Small unfill...even .5 cc can help and make the different
  20. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    I know exactly what you are going through - I had a fill Monday, they added .75 and last night I couldn't swallow anything, even spit. Worse night OF MY LIFE. I went today and had .75 removed, what a blessing. Nothing is worth that pain...I agree with athinnerdenise - having even just a small amount removed can help. I have had 2 partial unfills - clearly I didn't learn the first time lol - but I have lost all but 18 pounds to my goal.
  21. ImaKaren4U

    Had a Fill Today and I have a Question

    I just had .75 ccs added back to mine - I had 1 cc removed 6 weeks ago because I was too tight and let it go too long. I was at the point where I could eat virtually anything and didn't get full.... now with the .75 back I am having the same things you describe. I could drink fine in the doctor's office but the day after and today it is almost painful to sip water. I am hoping the swelling goes down in next couple of days - I hate that pain, which is what I had for 6 weeks when I was too tight. The doctor said I needed to get used to the pressure feeling in the pouch... taking it sip by sip and waiting... but I have such a headache and can't take anything because I can't even swallow a pill! chewing it is next
  22. ImaKaren4U


    For me, I have found that even if I keep calories between 900 - 1100, I won't lose if I don't keep carbs (including veggies) below about 30 grams a day. Of course I don't exercise like I should, but I have had good results up until recently - mostly because I have gotten sloppy about sticking to my diet. For me, low carbs and calories, good Protein, and appetite control are the keys. So a typical meal ideally would be 2-3 ounces of poultry, lean meat or fish and then 1 oz (like 1/4 cup) of a veggie. Some days (or weeks) are tougher than others.
  23. ImaKaren4U

    Hair Loss ??

    Hi there! My doctor suggested using Nioxin hair products - expensive but worth. The clinic I went to said that significant hair loss can occur 3-6 months after dramatic weight loss - I am also taking the supplement Selenium that is suppose to help with hair loss. My hair thinned a lot mid-Feb through April and has finally started to level off. I have been using the Nioxin daily. The Nioxin doesn't prevent hair loss but it keeps the hair shafts a live so it will grow back.
  24. ImaKaren4U

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    Hello everyone - it has been awhile since I have posted anything on here - my last posts were in March when I was so tight that I was constantly pbing and in pain - I got a 1cc unfill.... since then my weight loss has stopped...at times I can eat whatever I want (except bread or breaded things) but no matter how slow I eat, I am not getting that "full" feeling anymore. Every once in a while I will be so famished and not get a bite chewed well enough and then spend 45 minutes paying dearly for it. I am getting that grumbling stomach hunger again - which is a big difference from fighting against being too tight (which I dealt with for 6 weeks thinking it would get better).... feeling like I am sliding backwards - have gained back about 3 pounds now because of the "pity" party I am constantly in... I go in for another fill (first one since unfill on 3/31) in a week and although I am concerned about being too tight again, it will be nice to feel full again on 3-4 ounces of food. I am craving Peanut Butter A LOT - not pregnant, any ideas of what my diet might be lacking for that - or is it mental? lol Thanks everyone and keep up the great work... I need to remember I have the rest of my life to lose the last 20-30 to get to my "120s" goal... and that the last won't be as fast as the first.
  25. ImaKaren4U

    unfill or?

    Thanks for the support - I agree that trying is all we can do... you made total sense. I know this was the best decision to have some removed so my innies can heal. I just need to make the right food choices.

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