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LAP-BAND Patients
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About delaunte

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  • Birthday 06/01/1972

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  1. Happy 41st Birthday delaunte!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday delaunte!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary delaunte!

  4. delaunte

    scared of dying

    I am scheduled for surgery Nov 1 Thursday. I am so scared that I am talking myself out of it. Now I am questioining if it is necessary. I am 35, I weigh 205 and I am 5*6. I wear a 14 and I wonder if I am going to get too small and look unhealthy and sick. I am thinking I can do this without surgery, I read the post and wonder if I am gonna just cheat on the band as I have on diets and cause more complications. I wonder how long I will be down and the pain. And the $$$$$. I am a self pay. Reading the post makes me think alot of the people are head hungry not physically hungry and they are just waiting on fills as a quick fix to make them not eat then they go home and figure out how to push the band pass the fill. I need to hear some success stories QUICK!!!! I am a mess
  5. delaunte

    You've lost enough weight...

    I am getting that before the surgery next week. I mean they are really loading the questions on regarding how much weight I want to lose, you don't need to do that, why are you doing that? These are the same people that told me I should lose a few pounds 6 months ago and now I am 20 pounds heavier. The deal is it is NEVER ENOUGH for other people. They don't realize they do it. You are too big! You are too small! You work to late! Your always home. I mean the list goes on and on. If you are not clear on who you are they will tear you apart and always leave you second guessing yourself. So you decide what you want and go for it. You will forever have critics. I bet you look GREAT!!!
  6. delaunte

    Self Pay Banding

    Most Dr's in Dallas are 15000.00 I found one for 12,500.00. Dr. Naaman in Houston is 11,000.00
  7. Youve lost 18.5 pounds in 6 days, and that is with swelling. I am scheduled for Oct 31st. that is exciting
  8. delaunte

    Lap-Band Failure Rates

    Hi Mandy I will be in Dr B office on the 30th. hope to meet with you. My surgery is Oct 31
  9. Hello everyone I am new to the site I have my surgery in Richardson, TX Dr Benividias on 10/31/07. I am nervous. starting to second guess myself regarding the cost and the results. Ill keep reading for encouragement.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
