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About brendaliz_r
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- Birthday 03/19/1984
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30yr married mother of 1 baby girl
PR - Puerto Rico
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Hi. I had the GS on July 31, 2014. I'm six weeks pregnant. I have a daughter (3yr old). We were wanting to have a baby for near 7 years and I was able to conceive on 2011 due to a fertility treatment. So, this is huge news for us. In my first pregnancy I was overweight (270lbs) and I only gained 14lbs. I have heard stories of women that had become pregnant after the surgery and they still loose weight. Well, that's not my case and I'm worried. I have gained 4 pounds already. As I told my nutritionist, I feel I have gained 20 pounds. I feel so bloated, I look like a 3 month pregnant! I still on my diet, I eat well and as healthy as possible. Rapid gain weight during pregnancy (not related with eating too much) can be a sign of problems, so I'm really worried. It's not normal to gain 4 pounds with so little time. I haven't done any blood tests yet (tomorrow is my appointment). If you became pregnant after the surgery, please share your experience. Thanks!
brendaliz_r started following Pregnant after Gastric Sleeve
tacycakes reacted to a gallery image: 1st Bday after surgery
Drband14 reacted to a gallery image: This is my recent before and after comparison.
HedwigPotter reacted to a post in a topic: Third time is the charm!
brendaliz_r reacted to a post in a topic: Third time is the charm!
brendaliz_r started following Third time is the charm!
Third time is the charm!
brendaliz_r replied to HedwigPotter's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
If you follow instructions, you'll be great. You won't regret it! -
lau4lau reacted to a post in a topic: *En español* Weight loss stall/plateau = Estancamiento
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Alex Brecher reacted to a post in a topic: *En español* Weight loss stall/plateau = Estancamiento
*En español* Weight loss stall/plateau = Estancamiento
brendaliz_r posted a topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Nota: La información compartida es obtenida de diferentes fuentes en internet, recuerde que siempre debe consultar primero con su médico, profesional de la salud y nutricionista. Weight Loss Plateau/Stall = Estancamiento Redactado por: Brendaliz Roldán Cuando comenzamos la jornada para perder peso, medimos nuestro éxito o fracaso en una báscula. Como todo suele suceder al principio, vemos los resultamos que queremos rápido y somos felices hasta que la báscula ya no cambia de la forma que queremos y ahí comienzan las preguntas… Parte de este proceso es el “weight loss plateau (WLP) ó weight loss stall”, lo que conocemos como estancamiento de peso. Es en ese momento en que nos frustramos, dudamos y queremos rendirnos por no ver los resultados que queremos en la báscula. Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es entender que significa el WLP y entender sus posibles causas. Según la Dra. Debra Fulghum “Es difícil de imaginar que durante semanas en su programa de pérdida de peso de repente la balanza no ceda ni una onza. El WLP durante el proceso de pérdida de peso es normal. No importa qué tan diligente seas en seguir un buen régimen alimenticio, de vez en cuando te vas a caer de la carreta. La clave para seguir con la pérdida de peso, según los expertos, es la adquisición de las habilidades y conocimiento sobre sí mismo. Esto es lo que te permitirá recuperarte después de una recaída”. EL Dr. Troy Lamar, cirujano bariátrico explica que “aún si estás haciendo todo perfectamente bien, es normal que dejes de perder peso en algún momento. Lo que se recomienda cuando esto sucede, es tomar nota de lo que se consume y asegurarse de que sus alimentos sean bajos en grasa, en carbohidratos, en azúcar y altos en proteínas y hacer ejercicio de leve a moderado”. Según AWR (2011) el peso puede ser representado por otras cosas, además de sólo grasa. Es posible que se esté perdiendo grasa, pero que ese peso esté siendo compensado por la ganancia en alguna otra forma de peso. Por ejemplo, la pérdida de peso y aumento de peso puede ocurrir como resultado de: ü Grasaü Músculoü Aguaü Glucógeno (se explica más adelante)ü Estreñimientoü Todas las anteriores Hay una posibilidad de que una libra de grasa se que perdió con éxito, haya sido compensada en el mismo período, por lo que parece haber llegado al WLP a pesar de que un poco de grasa se haya perdido. Es por esto que es una buena idea monitorear su progreso utilizando algo más que su peso corporal (por ejemplo mediciones, porcentaje de grasa corporal, fotos, espejos, etc.) ¿Qué ocasiona el WLP? Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es entender nuestro cuerpo y entender que no hay dos personas iguales. Todos somos diferentes y todos pasamos por el proceso de una manera distinta. ¡Parte del proceso es conocer su cuerpo! Cambios en el cuerpo y el Metabolismo Después de algún tiempo de haber comenzado a perder peso, la composición del cuerpo cambia, al igual que las necesidades nutricionales. El metabolismo tiende a auto-regularse y se ajusta a sus nuevas necesidades en un peso más bajo, en este punto es que es más común que ocurra el WLP (Riverside Surgical and Weight Loss Center, 2013). A medida que se pierde peso, se estima que el 25% del tejido corporal perdido es músculo y puesto que el músculo es crítico para mantener el metabolismo funcionando, perder masa muscular reduce la tasa metabólica y decelera la pérdida de peso. El entrenamiento de fuerza puede ayudar a fortalecer los músculos y ayuda acelerar el metabolismo. La teoría indica que el cuerpo se ajusta naturalmente y trata de mantener el peso donde se siente más cómodo, por ende, si te vez en el mismo peso por mucho tiempo, puede ser que hayas llegado a esa zona de comodidad. De más está añadir que te enfrentas a una batalla campal entre lo que tu cuerpo quiere y lo que tú quieres lograr. Es posible que en este punto necesites menos calorías y más actividad física para seguir perdiendo peso. Esta es una de las razones principales del WLP, aunque hay otros factores que influyen como problemas en la tiroides o glándula suprarrenal, medicamentos, menopausia, problemas hormonales, ansiedad, ect. Control de Porciones Es muy probable que el WLP se deba a que se haya dejado de llevar el control de porciones y haya ocurrido un descenso en la actividad física. Además, puede afectar si se consumen alimentos altos en calorías con frecuencia. Es una realidad que las personas bajen la guardia cuando hay una pérdida de peso inicial y es perfectamente natural. Lo importante en este punto es entender que el control de porciones es indispensable para la pérdida de peso. (WebMD, 2015). Glucógeno Nuestros cuerpos utilizan glucógeno de almacenamiento de energía a corto plazo. El glucógeno no es muy soluble, pero se almacena en los músculos para obtener energía rápida. Una libra de glucógeno requiere 4 libras de agua para mantenerla soluble, y la capacidad media de almacenamiento de glucógeno es de aproximadamente 2 libras. Así que, cuando un paciente bariátrico no está recibiendo suficiente alimento en el cuerpo, lo que consuma se convierte primero en glucógeno almacenado, que es fácil de romper para obtener energía. Luego, cuando 2 libras de glucógeno son utilizadas la persona también perderá 8 libras de agua, que fueron utilizadas para guardar las 2 libras de glucógeno. Ahí están las "fáciles" 10 libras que la mayoría de las personas pierden en la primera semana de una dieta. Sin embargo, cuando el cuerpo se mantiene en un estado de déficit calórico, el cuerpo comienza a darse cuenta de que esto no es un problema a corto plazo. Entonces, el cuerpo comienza a movilizar la grasa del tejido adiposo y la quema de grasa para obtener energía. Pero el cuerpo también se da cuenta de que la grasa no puede ser utilizada para ráfagas cortas de energía. Así, se inicia la conversión de parte de la grasa en glucógeno, y la reconstrucción de las reservas de glucógeno. Como se ponen de nuevo las 2 libras de glucógeno en el músculo, 8 libras de agua tienen que ser almacenadas con él para mantenerlo soluble. Así, aunque el paciente todavía podría estar perdiendo contenido de energía en su cuerpo pero el peso no desciende e incluso podría ganar peso en lo que la retención de agua disuelve el glucógeno que se está reformando y almacenado (DS Facts, 2014). Tenga en cuenta que: 1. entre más peso pierdes, más se retrasa la pérdida de peso y 2. perder peso es más difícil cuando se está llegando al peso ideal ya que el cuerpo se ajusta al peso que le resulta más cómodo. ¿Cómo podemos salir del WLP? ü Mantenga un diario de comidas: Es importante retomar el diario de comidas, de esa manera usted puede ver sus verdaderos hábitos alimenticios, ver si está cumpliendo con las porciones sugeridas, recuerde siempre leer las etiquetas nutricionales de los alimentos que consume. ü Consulte un cambio de dieta: Consulte con su nutricionista si necesita un cambio en su dieta para ayudar al metabolismo. Recuerde que debe enfocarse en consumir alimentos bajos en carbohidratos y altos en proteínas y que es indispensable seguir las recomendaciones de alimentos sugeridos por su nutricionista. ü Consuma 64 onzas de agua al día. ü Haga ejercicio y comience entrenamiento de fuerza. ü Duerma lo suficiente y maneje el stress: La falta de sueño y la ansiedad está fuertemente vinculada con el aumento de peso. Busque ayuda profesional y únase a un grupo de apoyo bariátrico. ü Pésese una vez a la semana: Pesarse todos los días puede ser contraproducente. Utilice otras medidas de progreso. ü Lo más importante: Enfocarse en los beneficios que ya ha obtenido con el peso que ha perdido. Haga una lista de todas las cosas que puede hacer desde que perdió peso, ponga una foto cuando estaba sobrepeso para que pueda reconocer lo lejos que ha llegado para que le sirva de motivación a continuar (Ridgeview Medical Center, 2015). Mi lema: Si otros han podido, ¿porqué yo no? ¡Si se puede!- 3 replies
- estancamiento
- weight loss stall
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brendaliz_r started following Viviscal Hair Growth Program, *En español* Weight loss stall/plateau = Estancamiento, Estancamiento de Peso (weight loss stall) and and 1 other
Estancamiento de Peso (weight loss stall)
brendaliz_r posted a topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Weight Loss Plateau / Stall = Stalemate Written by: Brendaliz Roldán When we started the journey to lose weight, we measure our success or failure on a scale. Like everything usually happens at the beginning, we see happend we want fast and are happy until the scale no longer changes the way we want and that the questions begin ... Part of this process is the "weight loss plateau (WLP) or weight loss stall", what we know as stagnant weight. It is at this moment that we're frustrated, we doubt we surrender and not seeing the results you want on the scale. The first thing to do is understood to mean the WLP and understand their possible causes. According to Dr. Debra Fulghum "It's hard to imagine that for weeks in your weight loss program suddenly the scales do not give an ounce. The WLP during weight loss is normal. No matter how diligent be to follow a good diet, occasionally you'll fall off the wagon. The key to continue losing weight, experts say, is to acquire the skills and knowledge itself. This is what will allow you to recover after a relapse. " THE Dr. Troy Lamar, bariatric surgeon explains that "even if you're doing everything perfectly well, it is normal that you stop losing weight at some point. What is recommended when this happens, take note of what is consumed and ensure that their foods are low in fat, carbohydrates, sugar and high in protein and exercise mild to moderate. " According AWR (2011) weight can be represented by other things besides just fat. You may be losing fat, but that weight is being offset by the gain in weight otherwise. For example, weight loss and weight gain can occur as a result of: ü Grasaü Músculoü Aguaü Glycogen (explained below) ü Estreñimientoü All of the above There is a possibility that a pound of fat lost successfully has been compensated in the same period, it seems to have reached the WLP although some fat is lost. This is why it is a good idea to monitor your progress using more than your body weight (eg measurements, body fat percentage, pictures, mirrors, etc.) What causes WLP? The first thing to do is understand our body and understand that no two people are alike. We are all different and we all go through the process in a different way. Part of the process is to know your body! Body changes and Metabolism After some time they started losing weight, body composition changes, like nutritional needs. The metabolism tends to self-regulate and adjust to their new needs in a lower weight at this point is that it is more common than WLP (Riverside Surgical and Weight Loss Center, 2013) occurs. As you lose weight, it is estimated that 25% of lost body tissue is muscle since muscle is critical to keep the metabolism running, lose muscle mass and reduces the metabolic rate slows weight loss. Strength training can help strengthen the muscles and helps speed up metabolism. The theory is that the body adjusts naturally tries to keep the weight where you feel more comfortable, therefore, if you look at the same weight for a long time, you might have come to that comfort zone. Suffice it to add that you face a battle between what your body wants and what you want to achieve. It is possible that at this point need fewer calories and more physical activity to keep losing weight. This is one of the main reasons for the WLP, although there are other factors influencing such problems in the thyroid or adrenal gland, medicine, menopause, hormonal problems, anxiety, ect. Portion Control It is very likely that the WLP is because it has stopped carrying portion control and a decrease occurred in physical activity. Furthermore, it can affect whether high-calorie foods are consumed frequently. It is a reality that people drop their guard when an initial weight loss and it is perfectly natural. The important thing here is to understand that portion control is essential for weight loss. (WebMD, 2015). Glycogen Our bodies use energy storage glycogen short term. Glycogen is not very soluble, but is stored in the muscles for quick energy. Glycogen requires one pound of 4 pounds of water to keep it soluble, and the mean glycogen storage capacity is approximately 2 pounds. So when a bariatric patient is not getting enough food in the body, which consume is first converted to stored glycogen, which is easily broken for energy. Then when two pounds of glycogen are used the person will also lose 8 pounds of water, which were used to store two pounds of glycogen. There are the "easy" 10 pounds that most people lose in the first week of a diet. However, when the body remains in a state of calorie deficit, the body begins to realize that this is not a short-term problem. Then, the body begins to mobilize fat from adipose tissue and the burning of fat for energy. But the body also realizes that fat can not be used for short bursts of energy. Thus, the conversion of fat into glycogen and rebuilding glycogen starts. As put back the two pounds of muscle glycogen, 8 pounds of water must be stored with it to keep it soluble. Thus, although the patient still may be losing energy content in your body but the weight does not drop and may even gain weight as water retention dissolved glycogen that is reforming and stored (DS Facts, 2014). Note that: 1. the more you lose weight, the weight loss slows and 2. losing weight is harder when you are reaching the ideal weight as the body adjusts to the weight that is most comfortable. How can we leave the WLP? ü Keep a food diary : It is important to take daily meals, that way you can see your true eating habits, see if it is complying with the suggested servings, always remember to read the nutritional labels on the foods you eat. ü Consult a diet change: Ask your dietitian if you need a change in your diet to help the metabolism. Remember to focus on eating foods low in carbohydrates and high in protein and is essential to follow the recommendations suggested by your dietitian food. ü Consume 64 ounces of water a day. ü Exercise and start strength training. ü Get enough sleep and manage stress: Lack of sleep and anxiety is strongly linked to weight gain. Seek professional help and join a bariatric support group. ü Weigh yourself once a week: Weigh yourself every day can be counterproductive. Use other measures of progress. ü Most importantly :. Focus on the benefits already obtained with the weight you have lost Make a list of all the things you can do since losing weight, put a photo when I was overweight so you can recognize how far it has come to serve him motivation to continue (Ridgeview Medical Center, 2015). My motto: If others have been, I do not know why? If you can! Note: The shared information is obtained from various sources on the Internet, remember to always check first with your doctor, health professional and nutritionist.-
- weight loss stall
- weight loss plateau
(and 1 more)
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Intestinal Purification and/or Cleanse Detox 4Life
brendaliz_r posted a topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Hi Some people has offered me the Intestinal Purification or Cleanse Detox from 4life. I have tried their products before and I know they're good. Have you tried this post-op? Thanks -
Viviscal Hair Growth Program
brendaliz_r replied to brendaliz_r's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Thanks for sharing @@BLERDgirl The thing is that I can't take a lot of pills because of my kidneys. My Vitamins are gummy because of this. Viviscal is only two daily, that's why I'm trying it. I know that I have to take it for a couple of months to see results so I hope not to get kidney stones ugh! I'm interested in this particular one because it contains a Protein called AminoMar that has been proven it works. I bought it at $30.00 1 month supply on eBay. I also started with the Revita Shampoo that has excellent reviews. I do prefer this one because it's not a pill LOL The only thing is that I won't be able to really tell which one is working. I do know that both has to bee taken regularly and consistently. Merry Xmas! -
Hi. Have anyone tried this treatment after surgery? Thanks and merry xmas!
Looking for 16, 18 pants and XL shirts.
brendaliz_r replied to brendaliz_r's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Great, send me some pics please! -
Alex Brecher reacted to a post in a topic: ¡Hola, amigos!
¡Hola, amigos!
brendaliz_r replied to Alex Brecher's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Hola! Que bueno que pusieron un foro en español! -
Looking for 16, 18 pants and XL shirts.
brendaliz_r posted a topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
If you are giving or selling 16, 18 pants and jeans, and/or XL tops, please let me know! Thanks. -
Selling Ann Taylor work pants...size 18
brendaliz_r replied to swim4cyn's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
@@swim4cyn Do you still have them available? Any special price for buying more quantity? -
ProudGrammy reacted to a post in a topic: How do you feel when you look at the mirror?
anewme2015 reacted to a post in a topic: How do you feel when you look at the mirror?
How do you feel when you look at the mirror?
brendaliz_r posted a topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Before surgery, I had this thing that when I looked at the mirror I didn't recognized myself. I don't know how to describe it but It was like I thought that I looked one way and I looked different at the mirror. Now that I have lost weight, I look at the mirror and I feel weird, it's a strange feeling. How do you feel? -
Not losing enough weight
brendaliz_r replied to brendaliz_r's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Thank you all! I'm right now at the surgeon office for a follow up appointment -
Not losing enough weight
brendaliz_r replied to brendaliz_r's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
@@JamieLogical @@4me4them @@motherof5 @@QueenA @@Mellyb251 Hey guys just wanted to update this post. This week I've been eating the whole 800cals and have lost 5 pounds!