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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. JamieLogical

    Veteran Sleevers please chime in.

    @@Inner Surfer Girl I was just going to say the same thing. 850 calories is way too low.
  2. JamieLogical

    Thigh Lift: Worth It?

    We're still discussing it. I really want the groin incision only. She has, of course, told me that the vertical incision with have better results. I have to decide if the better results are worth the scar. Ultimately it will be up to me. I really like that right now, all of my scars are in places that you can only see them if I'm naked. Any bra covers my breast scars and even the skimpiest underwear covers my tummy tuck scars. I am apprehensive of a scar that would show in shorts.
  3. JamieLogical

    Mexico or US...cant decide

    Help you how? What help would you need once you return from Mexico? My PCP handled all of my post-op blood work. Had I had some sort of late-onset leak or abscess or something, I would have had to go to the ER for that. Even in the states, if you have a complication that is a medical emergency, it won't be your bariatric surgeon handling it. As for nutrition and answering all of my post-op questions and whatnot, I remained in constant contact with my surgeon's office and his on-staff nutritionist in my early weeks/months post-op.
  4. JamieLogical

    Stretch Marks and Hair Loss

    Yeah, there are some down sides for sure. The good news is that the hair loss is temporary. The bad news is, the stretch marks aren't. You could try using some shea or cocoa butter on them to try to get them to fade out a bit, but I'm afraind you are stuck with those unless you decide to have surgery at some point. They should definitely become less angry looking over time though.
  5. The first few days are the WORST and yours sound even worse than average due to the chest infection. Don't fret about the weight gain, that is all just the IV fluids and swelling. Hang in there an just try to do a little more each day. Inch closer and closer to your fluid and protein goals. Sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk.
  6. I was at about 1100-1200 calories a day at that point with 100 grams of protein and doing cardio 45-60 minutes about 5 days a week.
  7. JamieLogical

    Thigh Lift: Worth It?

    @@My Bariatric Life Thanks for your perspective. There certainly seem to be a full range of opinions already. I am definitely leaning more toward having it done at this point. Just need to figure out the timing, financing, and logistics. I already know which surgeon I will use, so at least that's an easy part of the process. I have no desire to go to any surgeon other than the one who already did the rest of my plastics, as I know and trust her.
  8. @It's Time You just have to do your best every day. Push that little bit more water and that little bit more protein. It's tough until the swelling goes down for sure! But it sounds like you are making daily progress, so that's good. Keep that up!
  9. JamieLogical

    Veteran Sleevers please chime in.

    Well, the best way to find out for sure is to work on getting your protein up there and see if that gets the scale moving again. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  10. JamieLogical

    Maybe a late stage complication?

    I hope you get it figured out sooner than later. Sounds very unpleasant!
  11. JamieLogical

    Time off work

    Fatigue will be your main issue. Well, that and lifting restrictions. You should talk to your surgeon's office ASAP about your lifting restriction. I don't remember what mine was, but I remember I had one! The fatigue I DO remember well. I went back to a simple desk job at 15 days post-op and I was so exhausted by the end of each day that I went straight to bed when I got home for the first week or two. I can't imagine a job requiring any amount of physical activity. I would think you would need at LEAST four weeks, maybe even six.
  12. JamieLogical

    Veteran Sleevers please chime in.

    You should talk to your NUT about your personal protein goal. I am supposed to get 100 grams a day and not meeting your goal can certainly contribute to stalls or slow loss.
  13. JamieLogical

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    I really think it is tough to ignore the medical consequences of obesity. I never had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, difficulty breathing, or aching joints, but my doctor pointed out to me that I was also only 30 years old. There is no doubt that had I continued down that path, I would have eventually developed some of those conditions. Plus, those aren't the only things that can kill you. My sister-in-law died at the age of 41 from a pulmonary embolism. There is no doubt that her obesity caused the DVT blood clot that killed her. She had no warning signs before that.
  14. JamieLogical

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    I know about the cup size vs. band size, but in all my years of yo-yo dieting, I've NEVER lost weight and increased cup size. EVER. I'm 51 yrs old, and I've been dieting since I was 5 yrs old. Well, my boobs are fake, so they never shrink, but my band size has gone up and down as I've lost and gained weight.
  15. JamieLogical

    Tell me about insurance

    I paid less than $7 for my extended tummy tuck with the whole thing out of pocket... Sounds like you jumped through a lot of hoops for your insurance and it didn't really do you much good. Sorry to hear that. But it's awesome that you are happy with your results!
  16. JamieLogical

    3 weeks post- op

    When were you allowed meat? I'm craving chicken/ beef so badly! The struggle is real. lol I was allowed tuna and chicken salad 18 days post-op and ground meats at 28 days post-op. But every plan is different, so make sure you check the materials your nutritionist gave you.
  17. JamieLogical

    Your food diet

    I had to cut out coffee on my 2 week pre-op diet and couldn't have it again until 30 days post op. I was literally counting down the days! Once I was allowed coffee again I was only allowed one cup a day to start with lots of cream in it to dilute it down. I eventually worked my way back up to my normal 3 cups a day.
  18. Ah, that explains why your pain free then! The muscle repair is the KILLER.
  19. JamieLogical

    Suggestions please

    All of that seems pretty wrong. With sleeve, people often lose a normal sense of "hunger", so it's important to eat on a schedule. And why would he only want you eating apples? Those are pure carbs and no Protein....
  20. JamieLogical

    Wondering if I'll be successful

    I'm really glad you posted and are being honest. I hope some of the advice you've received will help you out. The broccoli thing is interesting. I wasn't allowed fibrous veggies until further out. Goes to show that every plan is different! The important thing is that you stick to the plan you were given.
  21. You will have to let us know how it goes!
  22. JamieLogical

    1 Month Post Op

    Are you on a PPI? Acid can often mimic hunger. You could also be experiencing "head hunger". I had real issues with that in my early days post op. Every single food commercial was like torture.
  23. JamieLogical

    Your food diet

    My restriction on crunchy and fibrous was only three months and there was no mention of "chewy", so I started chewy stuff along with other solid foods at 40 days post-op. So interesting how every plan is different!
  24. JamieLogical

    Thigh Lift: Worth It?

    @@AvaFern Thank you for all that detailed info, it's very helpful. I had an extended tummy tuck, so my TT scar already goes almost all the way around my body (ends about an inch short of my butt crack on either end), so I don't see any reason why my outer thigh lift incision can't just be tied into that. You have given me some hope at least. I don't expect perfection, just improvement. I'm 36 years old and not getting any younger. I don't expect the thighs of a teenager and I certainly don't expect to be cellulite-free!
  25. Congratulations! It really does get easier day by day and the next few weeks and months will be about learning and adapting. Your whole life has changed! Hopefully for the better!

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