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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. From what I understand, everyone stalls. It is perfectly normal. And 8 days isn't really a stall. Some stalls last a month or more. If I had to guess, I would say you are maybe not getting enough calories? It sounds like you are doing a lot of physical activity and you're male, so 650 calories seems pretty low.
  2. The daily recommended allowance is only something like 35mcg. My bariatric Multivitamin includes Biotin and I really have no intention of taking any extra.
  3. JamieLogical

    Day 3

    I felt the EXACT same way a few days into my pre-op diet. It is sooooooo hard. I'm now just finishing day 13 with two days left (surgery Monday!) and I am still second-guessing this decision every single day. I was very confident in my choice before the pre-op, but I think the pre-op just really messes with your brain. You feel so crappy and miserable and wonder if you will ever feel "normal" again. Everyone reassures me that I WILL feel normal again one day, or at least a "new normal". I hope they're right, because there is no backing down now! Just know you are not alone.
  4. JamieLogical


    Congratulations! I can't wait to join you!
  5. You should really really really quit smoking before the surgery. Nicotine drastically reduces your body's ability to heal. E-cigarettes still have nicotine, so they are no better than normal cigarettes in that regard. In fact, currently the amount of nicotine in e-cigarettes isn't regulated, so they could be worse. Here's a little article about it: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1323208
  6. JamieLogical

    Before & "During"

    I love reading your post even more than seeing the pics, because it just comes across how much happier and healthier you are. It's great to hear how this surgery has really changed your life in such a positive way that is impacting more than just your weight.
  7. JamieLogical

    6 months out and feeling great

    Wow! Down 150 pounds and you look fantastic! I bet you feel amazing!
  8. Who is your surgery with? I'm having mine with Ariel Ortiz at OCC on the first, so I'm heading to Mexico on Sunday. I can't believe you have MORE energy in this second week that you did before the pre-op. I've had to cut my cardio down to every other day and can only go for 40 minutes instead of 50. Before the pre-op I was doing cardio 5-7 days a week for 50 minutes. Hell, all this week I've barely been able to hold my arms above my head long enough to wash my hair in the morning, I have such muscle fatigue.
  9. JamieLogical

    September Sleevers!

    I think everyone has some last-minute jitters in a situation like this. It is a major surgery and there is risk involved. What you need to think long and hard about (and presumably already have, if you already scheduled the surgery) is whether the rewards outweigh the risk. Unless you have other health factors, the risks associated with this procedure are relatively low. The rewards, however, are huge! You will change your life and improve your health. So, think about it some more if you really are unsure, but remember that your current judgement could be clouded by some last-minute anxiety. When you originally made the choice to have this surgery, you were likely in a more rational state of mind.
  10. JamieLogical

    Sept 3 sleevers?

    I used this Google Docs Calendar Template and just filled in info on the appropriate dates, then printed off the August, September, and October tabs (since those were the months most stuff was happening for me) and hung them on my cabinets in my kitchen. https://drive.google.com/previewtemplate?id=0As3tAuweYU9QcHlVM3hrY2tocEkzYlFhX2hXTlNRSVE&mode=public
  11. JamieLogical

    Almost Flunking my C25k? Rats!

    I've done C25k a couple times over the years and I never got to running the full 5k in 35 minutes either, but here's my advice. Do it over again from week one, but instead of walking for the "walk" parts, go your normal running pace then for the "run" parts, increase your speed. Eventually you'll get to the point where you are doing that full 35 minutes at your increased speed.
  12. JamieLogical

    Making Goal Dilemma - Advice please

    My advice would be to keep doing what you are doing and don't try to "force" those last 20 pounds. However, I know exactly what you are talking about when you say it would be so nice and neat to reach goal right at the 1 year mark and I know I would be tempted to do the same, were I in your position. I really really WANT to accept that this is a lifestyle change and it is gradual and there will be stalls along the way, but realistically, it's sometimes hard to get a little OCD about it. But I truly believe that by just sticking to the plan and letting it happen gradually you are making a better long-term choice.
  13. JamieLogical

    12 week surgiversary

    You look sooooo good. BTW, I'm sure you know already, but you are really pretty!
  14. JamieLogical

    Bariatric Vitamins make me sick

    I'm still pre-op, so I don't know how I'll handle it after my surgery, but right now I am taking 3 Vitaleph Multivitamins per day. They are the bariatric brand that's pushed pretty heavily by my surgeon and his staff. Here's a link: http://vitaleph.com/index.php?p=search&category_id=13 So far I haven't had any issues with them upsetting my stomach or anything. But, again, I'm still pre-op. Edit: One bottle is 90 capsules, so a one-month supply. They are pretty pricey, but I don't think they're much more than Bariatric Advantage.
  15. OMG, are you serious? I had the exact same thought as the poster above me. It's obvious from your first picture that you used to carry a lot of weight in your arms, so I was looking at your recent pic wondering if you'd had brachioplasty, since your arms look so good now. I can't believe you were self-conscious about posting the pic because you think your arms look bad!!!! Edit: Sorry. After I posted and read this I think I maybe came across a little harsh. I know everyone has insecurities about certain parts of their bodies. But, your arms really do look great in that pic, so I hope maybe you can put it in perspective and see yourself the way we see you.
  16. JamieLogical

    Can someone describe Unjury?

    I have only tried the unflavored and the chicken soup. They claim that you can mix the unflavored with things like crystal lite, but I've tried twice now to mix it with flavored drinks and found it pretty gross. I tried to mix it with SoBe Lifewater and with Powerade Zero. You are also supposed to be able to mix it into things like soup and yogurt, but I'm not allowed those on my pre-op diet, so I haven't tried it yet. I tried the chicken soup flavor and, while it tasted good, I found it INCREDIBLY salty. Also, you can't mix it with hot Water, so the best you can do is "warm" chicken soup.
  17. Thanks. I hope you can get the advice and information you need!
  18. PS: Would you mind sharing what form of protection you were using? My surgery is this coming Monday and I definitely want to avoid this same situation. I'm on the pill, but we've already stocked up on condoms to use as back-up, since I'd read some stuff about the pill not being as effective in the first few months post-op.
  19. Have you talked to your surgeon at all to get his/her thoughts on what steps are best to take for the health of yourself and your child? I would think it would be best to consult with a medical professional in this situation. Best of luck!
  20. JamieLogical

    ONE-derland finally reached!

    Congratulations! It must feel amazing knowing you will never see a 2 as the first number on the scale ever again!
  21. I'm on Sept. 1. Only 4 days left of this pre-op diet!!! Honestly, I'm looking forward to being done with this diet more than I'm looking forward to the surgery at this point. My pre-op consists of three Protein shakes a day, one green salad with calorie-free dressing, and sugar-free Jello or popsicles for Snacks. I honestly haven't done the jello or popsicles much. I find they just make me hungrier, because my stomach gets all excited thinking I'm getting food and then there turns out to be no calories in them and my stomach is like, "what gives?!?" I'm fatigued all the time. Not just sleepy, but all my muscles are weak. It's exhausting just to keep my arms up long enough to wash my hair in the morning. I've had to cut my cardio down to every other day and even then, I had to cut it from 50 minutes down to 40. So surgery on Monday. I am traveling to Tijuana for my surgery, so I fly out to San Diego Sunday afternoon. I'm anxious and just making sure I've done everything on my to-do list and have everything I need on my packing list.
  22. JamieLogical

    Feel like crap

    Have you talked to your surgeon? If you aren't getting any food down, then that is definitely a cause for concern, since you likely aren't getting your protein. If you are having chronic heartburn, your surgeon may be able to prescribe something.
  23. JamieLogical

    Sept 3 sleevers?

    You are definitely lucky to only have two days of liquids. I'm on day 12 of my liquid diet, with three more to go after this. Surgery is Monday! It's funny you mention your list-making. I have several Google Doc files going where I have a to-do list and a packing list. Plus I made a calendar of everything (when to start pre-op diet, when to go off my supplements, surgery date, when to re-start supplements, when I can start each new food phase, doctors appointments, etc.).
  24. JamieLogical

    So disheartened and defeated.

    Sounds to me like you aren't getting enough calories.

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