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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. JamieLogical

    Using a straw.

    I was told not to use a straw because it increases the likelihood of swallowing air? I don't know..... it's not like the straw goes straight into my throat! Seems a little silly. Still, since I was instructed not to, I try to avoid it. Every now and then I will be served a glass of water with a straw in it when I'm out to eat and I will drink with the straw without even thinking about it and I've had no ill effects, so I don't think it's the end of the world if you do use a straw. I know a LOT of people on these forums have an easier time getting their liquids in if they do use a straw.
  2. JamieLogical

    Sleeved 1 day post op!

    Hope your recovery continues to go well! It's great that you are already getting liquids in pretty well. That will be a huge help in your recovery.
  3. You should be fine if you get back on track. You still have a week to go. Definitely take this experience and learn from it and move forward. Beating yourself up and letting that send you into any sort of emotional spiral where you might be tempted to eat more is what you really need to avoid.
  4. JamieLogical

    First picture

    You look great! And you are proof that it's good to take progress photos throughout this journey. I HATE HATE HATE cameras and photos, but I've forced myself to take some progress pics along the way so I can see the difference. Still won't let anyone take pics of me at family gatherings or whatnot though!
  5. Should probably go for the full Brazilian too... just to be on the safe side...
  6. What happened with Dr. Almanza??? Be sure to read through this entire thread and do a search on these forums for Almanza to see other posts. There are many people who have gone to Almanza and been very happy with the experience and have nothing but positive things to say. So make sure you read through everything and then make your own choice.
  7. JamieLogical

    Quick question about hair loss

    That's my understanding as well. It can help make hair thicker and stronger and it can help with regrowth, but it won't prevent hair loss.
  8. JamieLogical

    Sleeved April 30th complication

    I hope that ultimately you come to be grateful for your decision, despite your complication. While I certainly don't want to diminish the significance of what you have been through, I would think the trauma of it will pass with time. But your sleeve is for life and I hope that you reap all the benefits from it that the rest of us have.
  9. JamieLogical

    Any Mexico sleevers?

    I would STRONGLY advise you to check out the Self Pay & Mexico sub-forum and do very rigorous research before choosing to go with Almanza, or any surgeon for that matter. There are many great surgeons and facilities in Mexico, but just like in the US, there are good options and bad options and it is best to do your research!
  10. This article will hopefully explain it to you and make you feel much better: http://www.sparkpeople.com/blog/blog.asp?post=why_the_scale_goes_up_when_you_start_a_new_workout_plan
  11. JamieLogical

    Quick question about hair loss

    I had really "significant" hair loss for about a month and a half. From the 3.5 month mark to the 5 month mark. After that, the loss continued, but was slower and I could see the new growth coming in. I'm at 8 months now and still lose more hair now than I did pre-op, but not significantly. My new growth is about 2 inches long now.
  12. JamieLogical

    Weight Gain After Pastics...

    Well, I regained 80 pounds ultimately after my plastics, so I am probably not the best person to turn to for advice. But I think it's very common to gain weight from the swelling immediately post-op and even for the first few months. The swelling is no joke. I remember one time early on after plastics, I tried just walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes and the next day I had gained 3 pounds from the water retention! It's hard to be very active immediately after plastics and any activity can trigger swelling/water retention.
  13. JamieLogical

    Support please!

    I spend a lot of time on these forums for the same reason. Only a few people know about my surgery and I don't want to drive them crazy talking to them about it all the time and they don't really fully understand what I'm going through anyway. Having so many people on here that have been through the exact same thing really really helps me!
  14. JamieLogical

    Trying to stay positive

    I really struggled with that exact same issue in my early months post-op. I had turned to food for comfort for SO long and a big part of that "comfort" came from the feeling of satisfaction I got from eating a lot of food at once. It was frustrating and sad that I couldn't achieve that feeling anymore post-op. Took me a while to get used to it, but I really did eventually. My mind and body caught onto the fact that sensation of "satisfaction" was a thing of the past and I stopped craving it eventually.
  15. JamieLogical

    Brave enough to cut hair SHORT now!

    I cut off all my hair around 2 months post-op, not because of any new-found confidence, but because I was worried my inevitable hair loss would be more noticeable with longer hair.
  16. Congrats on your progress so far. Sounds like you really have a good handle on things at this point.
  17. JamieLogical


    Patience will be your best friend over the next couple of months. I know it's hard when you are miserable in the moment, but keep your eye on the prize and try to focus on the big picture. Hang in there!
  18. JamieLogical

    Support please!

    I'm sorry you didn't receive answers to your previous questions. That is definitely atypical of this site, as usually people are quick to answer and help out in any way they can. I went back and looked at your questions. The first I can't help you with, as I was never in the 300's. As for your other post, it looks like you did get a couple of replies, but I missed that one because you posted it in the evening. I suspect a lot of other people are like me and only really around on the forums during the day time, as that's when I'm stuck at a desk/computer. Please don't hesitate to continue to post your questions and concerns. These forums can be a great resource and it would be unfortunate if you gave up on us!
  19. Thank you for this amazing post! I love the way you organized it and addressed so many of the thoughts and concerns we have throughout this journey. It sounds like you are doing great and you really prove that this is an ongoing process, not something that we will ever be "done" with. Congratulations on your progress and I wish you much health and happiness!
  20. JamieLogical

    Eating after exercise

    Definitely aim for high protein when eating after exercise. I too am usually able to eat a bit more post-workout than other times of day. That's why I always workout before dinner, since that tends to be my largest and highest protein "meal" of the day. It also might do you some good to eat a small amount of carbs BEFORE a workout. My afternoon snack is usually greek yogurt with a little granola or kashi cereal mixed in. That's the only time I eat any real carbs and I find it helps fuel me through my workout a little better.
  21. You will likely be okay, since what you ate wasn't at all solid. I was allowed greek yogurt at 8 days post-op and that has a pretty similar consistency to what you ate, I would think. But I 100% agree with @Zoey716. You should work very hard to stick to your specific surgeon's/nutritionist's plan moving forward. There are real health risks involved with advancing too quickly through the food phases.
  22. JamieLogical

    Pre-op diet is a b***h

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but the post-op diet is no picnic either. You won't be physically hungry, so that will help a lot, but you WILL have head hunger. You'll see commercials on TV or your family eating real food or smell food as you are passing by and it will drive you crazy. It's a long road ahead for you, but my advice is to be patient. It may seem excruciatingly slow in the beginning, but the reality is that it's just a couple of months until you feel "normal" again and can eat more "normal" food and participate in "normal" activities. Hang in there and make sure you stick to the plan for the sake of your healing stomach.
  23. JamieLogical

    I can't drink any protein! Help

    It sounds like an issue with more than just Protein in if you can't do soups or yogurt either. Is there anything you CAN eat/drink at this point?
  24. The gas you have from surgery isn't the sort you "pass". It is trapped inside of your body cavities, not your digestive system. I didn't have any issues on my plane ride home in terms of gas and you DEFINITELY won't be having bowel movements. You won't have eaten anything for DAYS at that point, so there will be nothing to get out.

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