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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. JamieLogical

    Losing Hope Sleeve Leak 8 mos post op

    @@losinghope15 Everything you are going through sounds so rough. I am sorry you are enduring this. Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel at this point. If revision to bypass with permanently correct this leak issue, I really think you should pursue it. I can definitely understand your hesitation to undergo another surgery, but it really does seem like that may be the only way to fix the problem and get back to a more normal life. Good luck in whatever you choose!
  2. JamieLogical

    Oh Chest Where Art Thou?

    I know, right? I feel like I unlocked the secrets of the universe. Had I ANY idea how amazing fake boobs would be, I would have gotten them when I was like 18 and realized I was doomed to a life as a small B-cup at best! I guess there is this stigma that breast implants are about vanity or impressing men or something and I never concerned myself with those things. What I never grasped is how awesome they would be for ME. I just love love love love them. They are pretty much my favorite thing. Definitely the best "objects" I have EVER spent my money on.
  3. JamieLogical

    Any Mexico sleevers?

    I've had surgery in Mexico twice now and I assure you, there is nothing to worry about. You will be well taken care of.
  4. JamieLogical


    You are going to be in various forms of discomfort for a while, I'm afraid. It will get a little easier day by day.
  5. JamieLogical


    I haven't eaten a salad since I was sleeved 8 months ago. Raw vegetables REALLY make me sick. I can only eat cooked vegetables. And I don't eat many of those, because then I wouldn't have room for my protein!
  6. JamieLogical

    Oh Chest Where Art Thou?

    I never had large breasts to begin with, but after losing 90 pounds "on my own" a few years back, they were just non-existent and what was there was saggy and sad. So I went with implants and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Why did I live so many years of my life without them??!?! They are awesome and amazing and I can't imagine life without them now. I go back and look at pre-op pictures of myself with them and I can't even remember my boobs ever being that pathetic. The best part is, now that I have my sleeve and I'm re-losing all the weight I re-gained after getting my implants, my boobs aren't getting smaller like they did back when I lost weight "on my own". EDIT: Only down-side is that I have to double up on sports bras when I run now.... But I don't think mine are overly big. If you look at my gallery pics you can see that there are well proportioned and I don't think anyone would ever suspect I have implants unless they knew me before. I'm pretty much the least-vain woman I know too. I don't even wear makeup! So I don't think anyone would look at me and think "she's so concerned with her appearance, I bet her boobs are fake".
  7. My nutritionist refuses to set a calorie target for me. She just insists I meet my Protein and Water targets every day. But I started out getting maybe 500-600 calories a day tops until I was on solid foods. From there I tried to work my way up over 800 in order to begin regularly exercising. Now that I am running and working out intensely, I aim for over 1000... usually 1000-1200 a day?
  8. JamieLogical

    Weight loss

    Sounds like you are losing right around the same pace I was. I was down about 46 pounds at 6 months, with at least 35 to go. It can be discouraging, but the scale IS moving in a general downward direction. That's what really matters!
  9. JamieLogical

    Dr. Kelly in Tijuana

    Well, I will give a big endorsement for Dr. Ariel Ortiz at OCC, since that's where I had my surgery and it was great. There are MANY fantastic surgeons and facilities in TJ, so do your research. The Mexico & Self-Pay sub-forums are a great place to start. As many many people post there with their experiences and the results of their own research.
  10. JamieLogical

    Weightloss Update

    I believe you have to do it on the desktop version of the web site on a real computer and you can't do it through the app. But if you are on a computer, you go to your name in the upper-right corner, and click on "My Surgery". Lets you put in all your stats, your surgery date, your surgeon, etc.
  11. JamieLogical

    Starting My C25K Adventure - Looking for Advice

    Heh! Well, you work your way up to it, just like you are doing now going 4.5 MPH. I mean, at the start of C25k none of us can even IMAGINE being able to run for 30 minutes straight at ANY speed, but we manage to do it by the end! My plan is to kind of "redo" C25k once I finish this first round and increase the speed of my "running" parts to 6.0 so I can maybe get to that 30 minute 5k time eventually. One thing I've observed too is that it's hard to find your "natural" speed on a treadmill. When I run outside, I tend to naturally run a bit faster than the 5.0 MPH that I set on the treadmill. But if I do try to bump the speed on the treadmill up, I can't maintain that constant faster pace for the whole time yet.
  12. JamieLogical

    Weightloss Update

    1-2 pounds a week is pretty standard, especially past the first couple of months. Heck, I barely lost over 2 pounds last MONTH. Now that I am 8 months out, I have pretty low expectations, so long as the scale keeps generally moving in the right direction overall. And I really didn't mean to laugh AT you. Just with being 8 months out now and fighting so hard for every pound, the idea of losing 2 pounds a day seems so completely absurd to me. Your doctor's estimate of 3-5 pounds a week is fairly reasonable for the first couple of months. Many do lose slower than that, but you've already lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks, so you are well ahead of that 3-5 pound average. I too have lost more weight faster with diet and exercise than I have post-sleeve. I lost 90 pounds in one year "on my own" before. Since my sleeve, I have lost 57 pounds in just over 8 months. But what you need to remember is that this is not a diet. It is not a race. It will never be "over" or "done" the way your past weight loss experiences have been. This surgery has altered your relationship with food forever. I know you want to lose the weight fast. Everyone does. But ten years from now it won't matter if it took you 6 months or 16 months to reach your goal weight, will it? What will matter is that you have MAINTAINED your loss (which, if you are like me you've never managed in the past) and you are living a full, happy, healthy life.
  13. JamieLogical

    Starting My C25K Adventure - Looking for Advice

    @@Babbs Sounds like the numbers are MPH if that's the "speed" stting. The treadmill is likely also showing you distance and time as separate displays. So it should show a running total of the distance you've gone so far and how many minutes you've been going. 4.3-4.5 MPH is a perfectly adequate speed to start with. I only do 5 MPH and plan to work on my speed after I've finished C25k and can actually "run" for 30 straight minutes. Remember, despite the name, Couch to 5k doesn't necessarily get you running 5k non-stop by the end of the 9th week, it just gets you running for 30 minutes non-stop. In order to actually run a full 5k in under 30 minutes, you'd have to be going faster than 6 MPH, which most of us don't actually go that fast.
  14. JamieLogical


    Could be completely unrelated to your sleeve. After all, I am sure you had bouts of diarrhea in the past as well, just like everyone else in the world. Definitely make sure you are keeping up with your liquids, since you are much more likely to get dehydrated. Try something like G2, since it has sodium in it that can help you retain more water. I agree that if it persists for more than a couple of days, you should talk to a doctor, whether its related to your surgery or not. Because long-term, dehydration could become a very serious issue.
  15. JamieLogical

    Starting My C25K Adventure - Looking for Advice

    Well, I was able to do the 25 minutes in week 7, I just kind of hit a wall yesterday at the 20 minute mark and knew there was no way I was going to make it 8 more minutes without walking for a bit. Probably more of a mind thing than a body thing. Hopefully I can be in a better head-space when I try again tomorrow. The good news is, even with that walk thrown in, I was under 40 minutes for my total 5k time and that's my goal for the race I'm doing on May 23. So even if I do have to stop and walk partway through in the real race, I should be able to make my goal time.
  16. JamieLogical

    Say what?

    You should take the clothes and the compliment. Even if you can't actually fit in them NOW, you likely will be able to soon enough!
  17. JamieLogical

    Weightloss Update

    Going to try REALLY hard not to laugh at that, but you seriously thought you were going to lose 2 pounds a day for any significant period of time?!?!!? It is VERY normal to lose a lot in the first week or two and then see a plateau as your body rebounds from the shock. And you will definitely NOT be losing 2 pounds a day. You might lose 2 pounds in A day due to Water retention and release, but you won't be losing 2 pounds EVERY day. Don't fret! You WILL lose the weight eventually, it will just likely not be nearly as quickly as your unreasonable expectations. This isn't a race. It's the rest of your life. If it takes you one day or one week or one month to lose a pound, as long as you are still losing, you will get to where you are going.
  18. JamieLogical

    Using a straw.

    I'm a little unclear on why one would NEED a straw to drink in the car. Not that it really matters, I'm just curious. I drink without a straw in the car every single day.....
  19. That's how I felt. While he has MANY satisfied and happy patients who are thrilled with their choice of surgeon, so do a LOT of other surgeons. However, those other surgeons don't have so many horror stories and poor outcomes associated with them as well. I just didn't see any reason to take the risk, even if the horror stories are overblown or exaggerated. There are so many reputable, well reviewed surgeons to choose from. Someone would have to make a VERY strong case to me as to why I should choose him over one of them.
  20. There are no guarantees in life. You could die on your drive into work tomorrow! But clearly you make the choice to go to work still, because the benefits outweigh the risks. Same with any decision you make. You should factor in all the risks and potential benefits and make the best decision you can for YOU. Your personal medical history and current comorbidities should play a huge part in your decision whether to undergo surgery, which surgeon to use, and which facility to use. And even if you make the best decision you possibly can based on all the information available, there are STILL no guarantees.
  21. JamieLogical

    Starting My C25K Adventure - Looking for Advice

    Tried my first 28 minute run for Week 8 last night. I had to stop and walk around the 20 minute mark. Ugh! So disappointed. I did still do the full 28 minutes of running though, just not continuously. Going to try one more time before I leave for vacation tomorrow night. Not sure how much running I'll get to do while I'm actually on vacation. There is a small gym where I'll be staying, so hopefully I can run at least a couple of times if I can fit it into all of our plans.
  22. JamieLogical


    Oh, ladies. I wish there was more I could do to comfort you and help you through. I know it sucks SOOOOOO badly right now. It did for me too in those first couple of days. Forget about one day at a time! I was just trying to make it through the next minute! So miserable! But that really is just a very distant memory for me now at 8 months out. I promise you that it does get easier and you will feel "normal" again someday. Trust and believe!
  23. JamieLogical

    Long Term VSG Sleevers?

    @@Popsicle530 This thread has nothing to do with Dr. Almanza... so I'm not really sure why you decided to post your rant in here. Maybe make a new thread altogether or post in one of the existing threads about Almanza?
  24. JamieLogical

    Trying to stay positive

    It is exactly what we need to stop us from overeating. I was a binge eater and I knew that sleeve would prevent be from binging ever again. That doesn't mean I didn't MISS the binging at first! It was still one of my primary ways of dealing with emotions, so it was hard to adapt in those very early months.
  25. JamieLogical

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    @@back2barb78 Yes, yes, yes!!!! I am SOOOO glad you were able to do that! I'm sure Dr. Ortiz was happy to do it as well. He must be thrilled with your progress and results!

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