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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. I've never needed one and I don't have a cell phone, but I had read/seen good reviews for an app called Pill Reminder.
  2. Where did you go and which doctor if you don't mind me asking, I would like to get a revision and plastics done asap thank you! Dra. Laura Carmina Cardenas with Beauty Enhance and I stayed at the Beauty Care Recovery House, which she's affiliated with.
  3. JamieLogical


    @@WorkinOnMe Awesome job! I can't imagine doing 10k by the end of February. Good for you for taking on such a big challenge!
  4. @@throckmorton I had plastics in Tijuana as well. I guess it depends on what you consider "expensive". I had extended tummy tuck with muscle repair, breast lift with implants, all over lipo, and fat grafting to my butt. All of that together plus 2 full weeks in a recovery house cost about $10,500. It did not include air fare. So probably about 1/3 the cost I would have paid in the US? Plus I had 24/7 nursing care in the recovery house and my surgeon came to see me every day for 2 weeks. In the US I probably would have been discharged the second day and left to fend for myself with only one or two visits to the surgeon over the next 2 weeks. And I would have had to go to them instead of them coming to me.
  5. Just saw outdated my status is! I'm aproaching 17 months post-op and have been maintaining at goal for over 4 months.

    1. Fatty McFatster

      Fatty McFatster

      That is awesome news!!! Congrats!!!

    2. sprocket


      Wonderful! I have 14 lbs. more to reach my goal - it's slow going but the end is in sight. Congrats on maintaining - that's my biggest worry at this point - being strong enough to keep all the weight off forever.

  6. I had my surgery with Ariel Ortiz at OCC.
  7. JamieLogical


    I do all of my training on the treadmill and only run outside in actual races. It is definitely different running outside. You have to deal with hard pavement, hills, weather, and not being able to easily pace yourself. But everything you do on the treadmill will definitely help you I actual 5k races. In a race you have adrenaline on your side.
  8. JamieLogical


    I live in upstate NY where running outside in the winter is not for the feint of heart! I run on a treadmill I the comfort of my home and only do races from spring through fall. I'm not very confident that C25k would be effective with wlking/jogging in place, but I suppose you could give it a try at least!
  9. JamieLogical


    @@byebyefat I agree to try cutting out the milk and instead take a calcium +D3 suppliment like Citrical Maximum or the generic equivalent. Make sure you take your calcium separate from your multivitamin, because calcium and iron compete for absorbtion.
  10. I am going on 17 months post-op, yet every single time a new diet commercial comes on the radio, a new weigth loss show starts on TV, I'm flipping around channels and come across an infomercial... my ears perk up and I get sucked in. Even just a new commercial for Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem and I have this couple of seconds where I focus intently. Will I ever get used to the fact that I don't need any of that nonsense anymore? I don't need to know the details of your new portion control container diet. I don't need to learn to swap this for that. I don't need to know what Oprah is doing this week to lose weight! I've been at goal and maintaining for almost 5 months now, but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I don't need to lose weight anymore and I certainly don't need the latest gimmick to do it.
  11. JamieLogical

    Burger and Fries

    If your getting full off so little after 1.5 years, how on earth are you getting enough calories?? I eat six times a day. Bread fills me up really fast so I just don't eat it. I can eat a good 5 ounces of meat at a time.
  12. JamieLogical

    Surgeons don't always have the best plan

    That seems super low. I was supposed to work my way up to 100 grams of protein a day as fast as I could (obviously wasn't getting that much in the very beginning). I had pretty minimal hair loss and it only lasted a month and a half.
  13. JamieLogical

    Time off for 360 body lift

    You certainly could. That's why we have the Family and Medical Leave Act in the first place. Is that paid or unpaid leave? Unpaid usually, unless your employer offers additional benefits and there is the possibility of getting disability. It's not ideal to have to take that much unpaid leave or a reduced income from disability, but you'd have to budget for it just as you would have to budget for the costs of the surgery itself.
  14. Yes. I met with her ahead of time and she scheduled a post-op check-up with me and ordered blood work ahead of time, so I could go in and get my blood drawn once I was back from Mexico and she'd have the results at my check-up. I also gave her a copy of the Surgical Report and labs from my surgeon's office at that post-op check-up. She has handled all of my follow-up blood work as well at 2 months, 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months post-op. Was just thinking that I should go ahead and schedule another appointment with her soon because I'll be at 18 months soon.
  15. JamieLogical

    Time off for 360 body lift

    You certainly could. That's why we have the Family and Medical Leave Act in the first place.
  16. JamieLogical

    Time off for 360 body lift

    I was only scheduled for 4 weeks off after my extended tummy tuck (almost a 360 lift, my scar only has maybe a 2 inch gap in the back above my butt crack) and breast lift with implants. I ended up only being able to work half days when I went back at 4 weeks. If you can do 8 weeks, definitely take it! Otherwise shoot for at least 6 weeks.
  17. JamieLogical

    Surgeons don't always have the best plan

    Yeah, I was just reading another post from someone whose surgeon had been a complete ass at her most recent follow-up. I don't know if it's that they think "tough love" is needed or what, but it's crazy to think that any doctor could have so little empathy and compassion! The good news is, you have all of us! So unless you are experiencing a real medical complication, you can come here for support and advice and leave that surgeon behind! Another thing that came out of that post I was just reading is that you can turn back to your nutritionist for your diet concerns and you PCP for blood work and medical follow-up. So maybe look at the other professionals you have access too instead of relying on your surgeon for that stuff.
  18. Thanks! We just moved into a new house in November and decided on yellow and grey for the master bed and bath. I really like how it turned out!
  19. JamieLogical


    @@Miss Mac All of that is such great advice! It sounds like you had a lot of the same issues as the OP and have figured out how to work around them or solve them. I think your post will be a huge help.
  20. @@ssguthrie Sorry for your loss. Good for you for becoming more determined and motivated, rather than wallowing in self-pity. I know very well that, after the death of a loved one, it can be hard to find the strength and will to go on at all, much less try to make improvements in your life. So it is awesome and inspiring that you are determined to better yourself and be there for you grandkids.
  21. JamieLogical

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    @@Christine99 Awesome!
  22. JamieLogical


    I agree with what the others have said. Utilize other resources you have access to, like your nutritionist and your PCP and forget about the surgeon. He sounds like a real ass! It does concern me that exercise wasn't even discussed. I hope you figure out what your barriers are and how to work around them so you can continue to lose, even if it's not as fast as the surgeon wants.
  23. JamieLogical

    Family likes to eat out

    I was told no soup after the liquid diet phases, because it really is just drinking your calories. If I do chili or some chowder or something, I always eat the solid bits and leave the liquidy parts in the bowl/cup. Early on I was instructed not to drink 5 minutes before eating, because the swelling could case some Water to stay in the stomach longer and make you feel too "full" to eat, but once the swelling was down, I was cleared to drink right up to the time I started eating. I still have to wait at least 20 minutes after eating (I usually wait closer to 45) before drinking again.
  24. JamieLogical

    always thirsty?

    That's true. Unusually high thirst can be a symptom of pre-diabetes. It could also be to a very high sodium intake. Both of those issues would be alleviated post-op.
  25. JamieLogical

    Smoking tes?

    Smoking can be VERY harmful to the healing process, so smoke at your own risk. I had seen WAY too many horror stories back when I was researching plastics to ever even think about smoking right up until surgery. Do some google image searches for smoking and wound healing if you are ever tempted to start smoking again pre-op or immediately post-op!

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