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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. JamieLogical

    Hair loss

    I think nearly everyone who is a "regular" on the forum post-op goes through a period where they get sick of seeing the same posts over and over again. Either you get over it, become more patient, and try to help the newbies or you get fed up and spend less time on the forums. I know I had my own stretch of angst over so many repetitive topics. But I just try to remember we all started somewhere and I had my share of stupid and repetitive posts back in my early days. So I try to suck up the frustration and be as helpful as possible. If it weren't for people being patient with me in the beginning, I never would have gotten to where I am now.
  2. JamieLogical

    Stretched Sleeve

    Interesting info @candi256. My surgeon and nutritionist didn't say anything about the possibility of sleeve stretching. They gave me most of the same guidelines you listed, but not within the context of sleeve stretching. Carbonation was to be avoided because of the potential for gas and discomfort. Drinking while eating was to be avoided because it can cause you to overeat. Snacking was always advised (supposed to eat 5-6 times a day) to fight off hunger and make sure I get enough calories. Large meals were to be avoided because of pain and discomfort from becoming overly full. Portion sizes, same thing. So while all of those are guidelines I follow, I was given different reasons for following them. Interesting indeed!
  3. JamieLogical

    I'm a January Sleever!

    Why risk it? Food getting caught in your staple line is a serious problem. It can cause leaks, ulcers, and abscesses. So not worth it, in my opinion! If you watch some youtube videos of the sleeve surgery being performed and see how brutalized your stomach really is, you will understand how important it is to be gentle to it and let it fully heal.
  4. JamieLogical

    How do I update my profile?

    I don't think you can on the app. I think you have to go to the site in your web browser.
  5. JamieLogical

    Liquid diet--feeling faint?

    The first few days are rough. It's just so few calories. I remember calculating it and it was only a max of 450 calories a day for me, which is really not enough to function on. Also, As your body enters ketosis, you will just feel like crap. Headaches, thirst, bad breath. It's no fun at all. Just have to hang in there. Hopefully you won't have to take time off work, since you will have to be missing work post-op, but you might need to nap as soon as you get home from work. Also, be sure to stand up slowly and take a moment to brace yourself before walking.
  6. JamieLogical

    excess skin?

    That is for sure! Dr. Nowzaradan is a bariatric surgeon. WTF is he doing performing plastic surgery? I have never in my life, through all of my research of plastics and bariatric surgery heard of a surgeon that was doing both. They are both very highly specialized fields! I would never let a bariatric surgeon perform plastics on me or vice versa. It's insane! And the two younger doctors on the show... what is up with them doing tummy tucks with no muscle repair? That's pretty useless! No muscle repair, no lipo, everyone of their patients have a shelf and a terrible scar. Well, I'll cut them a little slack with the scar, because we aren't really seeing the patients a year or more out, when scars will really start to fade. But the no muscle repair or lipo makes it truly just "skin removal" surgery, which is not what most people think when they think of a tummy tuck. It will definitely require later revision with muscle repair for anyone to get the "flat stomach" they are hoping for.
  7. JamieLogical

    Hair loss

    Despite what @@Proud2BMe says. Lack of Protein and proper nutrition definitely CAN cause hair loss. Post-WLS hair loss is caused by a combination of factors. It's a triple whammy, so to speak, because anesthesia, rapid weight loss, and protein/vitamin deficiencies can all cause hair loss. The good news, it does grow back. Getting your protein and Vitamins can certainly help with regrowth.
  8. JamieLogical

    Stretched Sleeve

    That was what my research found as well. People eating around their sleeve: grazing, eating slider foods, eating and drinking at the same time, drinking their calories... This sleeve stretching as a real, actual thing and not just a myth is news to me. Everything I'd ever read led me to believe that stretching the sleeve significantly enough to really make a difference was impossible. I am very curious to hear more about the OP's journey. What potentially caused the stretching, how significant is the stretching, and whether or not anything can be done after the fact.
  9. JamieLogical

    Do You Log Your Food?

    I do not log my food. I did briefly when I first started back on solids just to get a sense of where I was at. And I do very rarely track my food for a day or two as a "spot check" just to make sure I really am where I think I am in terms of Protein and calories. I'm in maintenance now and I just started training for a half marathon. I started logging my food as part of my training to make sure I am eating ENOUGH calories not to lose anymore weight now that I'm doing such intense exercise. I plan to only track for maybe a month, make sure I'm not losing weight, and then go back to not tracking again, armed with the new information. So, I guess my point is, tracking can be useful when you need information to evaluate and assess where you are. But tracking every day seems very unnecessary to me.
  10. JamieLogical

    Stretched Sleeve

    I've never even heard orf such a thing happening. Did they give you any idea of how much it allegedly stretched? Reading your story up until the sleeved stretched part, I was almost certain that your problem was you wrecked your metabolism by only eating 800-1000 calories a day for 4 years. That seems like way too few calories to consume long term. The first six months maybe. I'm maintaining my weight right now eating 1700-2200 calories a day....
  11. Certainly not the norm, but not unheard of either. Every surgeon has their own plan and requirements. That's why it is so important to stick to your specific plan and not let the experiences of others pull you off track.
  12. JamieLogical

    excess skin?

    The good news is, there are lots of amazing plastic surgeons in this world. I was thrilled with mine and plan to go back to her for a thigh lift eventually. My tummy tuck looks AMAZING. If I'd ended up with something like what I've seen on that show, I would be very disappointed! Definitely hope the show is footing the bill for those surgeries and the revisions that are certain to be needed down the road!
  13. JamieLogical

    Pre- op Diet

    You should not beat yourself up for the mistakes you've made, since they are in the past and you need to move forward. Just don't let those makes serve as an excuse to make future mistakes! You need to get out of this food funeral mentality. I am almost 17 months post-op now and there is literally NO FOOD I can't eat. So you can and will be able to have most of the foods you love again eventually. The difference is you probably won't WANT them as much as you think you will. It is truly possibly to have your surgery delayed if you don't stick to the plan, especially the pre-op liquid diet, since the purpose of that is to shrink your liver. If your liver is still too large, your surgeon can and will elect not to complete the surgery if the deem it unsafe. You need to take it seriously. But, again, let go of the mistakes you've made so far and just focus on doing better from this point forward. Regretting those mistakes will accomplish nothing and likely only steer you toward emotional eating.
  14. JamieLogical

    excess skin?

    That is for sure! Dr. Nowzaradan is a bariatric surgeon. WTF is he doing performing plastic surgery? I have never in my life, through all of my research of plastics and bariatric surgery heard of a surgeon that was doing both. They are both very highly specialized fields! I would never let a bariatric surgeon perform plastics on me or vice versa. It's insane! And the two younger doctors on the show... what is up with them doing tummy tucks with no muscle repair? That's pretty useless!
  15. JamieLogical

    Hair loss

    I cut my hair short to help make it less obvious and I don't think anyone noticed the loss besides me and my husband. My husband only noticed because the bathroom was covered in hair!
  16. JamieLogical

    I'm a January Sleever!

    Everything you went through is 100% normal. The gas/shoulder pain is a bit**. The regret hitting around day 2 or 3 is also completely normal. You will see that you start improving day by day as you heal up and start getting in more water and protein. Hang in there! A couple months from now, this will be a distant memory.
  17. JamieLogical

    Advice on food while traveling

    There will be SOMETHING you can eat anywhere you go. Chili is a good option. Eggs & sausage from anywhere that has all day breakfast. The meat from appetizers and entrees. Worst case you can order some sort of sandwich and just not eat the bread. Just steer clear of breading, pasta, rice, and sweet sauces and you'll be fine.
  18. JamieLogical

    Over 6 feet with a high BMI?

    I VERY STRONGLY recommend that you do not set time goals for your weight loss. That is a recipe for disappointment and frustration. What you need to keep in mind through this whole process is that your sleeve is forever. While you do want to take full advantage of the "honeymoon" period at the beginning, where most people do tend to lose faster, there is really no way to control or predict your rate of loss. If you stick the the plan your surgeon and nutritionist set for you, you WILL lose the weight. How quickly you lose the weight is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. There are even quite a few advantages to losing more slowly. But 10 years from now, when you are at goal and living your full, happy, healthy life, you aren't going to be looking back and thinking "if only I'd reached goal 2 months sooner!" I promise.
  19. JamieLogical

    Hair loss

    There is nothing you can do NOW to prevent the hair loss you are experiencing now. It is the result of things that happened to you months ago. All you can do now is make sure you are getting your protein and vitamins to help the hair grow back strong. My hair loss lasted about 1.5 months. Some people's lasts longer. You are right there in the window when it is usually at its heaviest. You just have to ride it out. It WILL grow back.
  20. JamieLogical

    Two week pre op diet

    Pre-op diet sucks for sure. But you have to put on your big girl/boy panties and suck it up. It's only temporary and making a commitment to yourself now only makes it more likely you will be able to stay on track post-op.
  21. JamieLogical

    Am I normal?

    That's a lot of carby things. How do you do with meat?
  22. JamieLogical


    @@GigiRH OMG, what a difference! You look amazing. And that dress was for sure a smart buy!
  23. JamieLogical

    2 days postop... How did you feel?

    Feeling any better today? I think I had noticeable improvement n day 4 and then it was a more gradual thing from there on out. The first few weeks suck pretty hard. Once you get over the pain/discomfort and general ickiness from the surgery, then it's like a full time job keeping track of your Protein, Vitamins, and Water and figure out how to space everything out so you get it all in while also napping like three times a day. The fatigue clings on for a while until you are back on more real foods and can get some calories in. Just focus on getting through each day right now. There IS light at the end of the tunnel, but it feels so far away in those early days. It's very common to experience regret in those first couple of days/weeks, but ask anyone a few months out and they will all tell you it was WELL worth it. Another thing to keep in mind for this first little stretch is that as the fat breaks down and you lose weight, a whole bunch of hormones are going to be released into your blood stream, so if you experience mood swings or cry a lot (I did!), that is most likely why.
  24. JamieLogical

    Stretching the sleeve

    The sipping is just because gulps cause some people discomfort or pain immediately post op due to the swelling. If it's not bothering you, then all the better! You won't struggle with dehydration like some people do. Liquids will NOT possibly stretch your sleeve. Liquids pass through your sleeve in a matter of seconds. Search for barium swallow tests on YouTube if you want to sefor yourself how quickly liquids pass through.
  25. Just eat VERY slowly. At the first sign of trouble, stop eating and wait at least 10 minutes before trying to eat any more.

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