Hi, Angie! I'm not your doctor, but I don't mind sharing my personal experience with you: you're freshly banded and I remember not wanting anything, either. Especially anything sweet. I couldn't even tolerate EAS protein shakes and my liquid vitamins. It did go away, though. The first two weeks post surgery I lived on Emeril's Beef Stock, Isopure drinks, and popsicles. You'll come around. It's my understanding that the most important thing I can get in my body are the "hard" proteins: lean chicken, fish, beef, pork, etc. So far, I've had no problem doing so. Unfortunately, I've also had no problem with thin crust pizza, etc. It's still up to us to make use of that little bit of space we have and put good fuel in there. Your body needs something to work with.
You'll be fine. Keep up the protein and water. Keep your doctor apprised of what's happening with you.