LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by Marge
Sorry again I now see it's Flirtylass what a missread. Roe I got 1.5 ml which brings it to 3ml in total Marge
hello Roe How are you. I've absolutly no restriction whatsoever. I know I should be on liquids but I had a bit of fish that went down fine so then I had a couple of spuds and I won't say what else I ate. I a bit fed up I thought I'de have a little bit of restriction. I want to get back to the restriction I had after the op. Hello Flirty ass I can see your on line and I know you met Roe at the fiil on Thur. I'm a bit Dyslexic and every time I read your name I read it as filthy ass. sorry. How did your fill go? Marge
Hello Everyone Ailbhe I followed your advice on uploading a ticker. I cut and pasted the the code and when I try to upload it, it says invalid file. any advice? Marge
Hello I created a ticker but don't know how to import it to my posts. I think it will help to see it go down as I lose weight. Help! Marge
Hello Elsie and Siepie good to meet you both at the fills you both sound as though you are doing fine. I'm having a little problem. I didn't quite stick to the liquids for 2 days. I'm a bit stressed out at the moment and reaching for food for comfort. I have a slight feeling of discomfort as if there is something stuck just under my breast bone. I get a pain every time I swallow something, even liquids. Any advice? Marge
Hello Everyone Ailbhe, I'm so sorry to hear you're having a bad time, you're a strong woman and you'll find a way through this. Good luck. Coco I would just add one thing to your good advice. I find I have to take very small mouthfulls. If I take a standard mouthful and swallow some and it gets stuck I have to spit out the rest. Thank goodness that has not happened in companyso far. Has anyone agreed to meet on Thur. As Simone is up at 12.30 maybe we should meet at Larry's at 12.30 Marge
Hello Everyone I've an appointment with CdeB at 3.00 Why don't we meet at larry Murphy's at 1.30 ish. Marge
hello gerri and all I'm sorry to hear it's all up in the air again with ACS. I still have a bit of soreness around port area. I'm down 5.5 kgs but I have to confess I'm eating rubbish again. I'm going for a fill on the 5th I emailed CdeB but he didn't give any time should I phone miss tush. Is anyone meeting up on the 5th? Marge
Well, I'm back and doing very well really. I'm down 5.4 Kls which is great. My port wound is sore, no sign of infection just tenderness. The op went very well, in fact everything was really fine. Dr CdeB does make you feel confident even though he doesn't say much. Last night was the first time I felt hungry and I was dying for something savoury when I found a packet of crisps and ate them all no problem whatsoever. I'm back on track today. Elsie Hope youre doing ok I was just wondering how long did you wait for your first fill? I'm a biy nervous about doing it too soon. Marge
Hello everyone Lots of bad news since I last posted. There must be a summit or something in Brussels 3rd week of April because I cannot get a hotel for less than E900 for 4 nights - the Campanile is booked out until mid May. The other bit of bad news is I possibly have a partial detachment of the retina in my right eye. Was at the Opt....ist today. he has to moniter it and no flying for the near future. I'm scared about the eye and heart broken about not going for the surgery when I had firmly decided. Simone, I think you will have hotel problems too. Let me how it goes for you Marge
Hi All Foe any of the Brussells 'bandies' Is it best to fly Aer Lingus or Ryanair . Ryanair is uaually miles out. advice welcome. Thanks Marge
Hello Everyone It was great meeting you all. Talking to you really boosted the courage. Onwards to Belgium. I'm sure I'll get scared again and again untill it's done but I am resolved to do this. By the time CdeB is in Dublin again I'll be banded!! Talk again soon Marge
Just checking one thing Ms Tuch gave me The Raglan Clinic, 4 Fitzwilliam Square as the address for my appointment. I notice the website gives Clifton Clinic on Fitzwilliam Street. They are not far from each other but I certain she said Raglan Clinic Any Thoughts Marge
Lunasa It was lovely to read your post, it sound like you've turned a corner. I hope so and I wish you the best of luck for the future. By the way you write really well, you really create a picture. I've made an appointment with Dr CdeB for 3rd April. Anyone else going that day I would love to meet with you . Marge
Holly A company goes into liquidation when their assets are less than their liabilities in other words they can no longer meet their payments. I suspect they didn't own much, property leased etc. A meeting with the creditors is arranged to try and come to some arrangement with them maybe to pay off part of what is owed depending on what is left. It's possible that the banding side of the business may have been a separate company. I hope so. Check your contract to see who your agreement is with. They would hardly have written knowing they were going into liquidation. Marge
Skinnyirishbabe I'm glad you feel skinny, what a brilliant feeling that must be. To Loriha, Coco and everyone else. I'm sorry if I caused problems, that was not my intention. Best of luck all of you marge
Coco There is nothing in my posts that hasn't been said by lots of people on this thread, ACS banded or otherwise. I feel alot of hostility from you for what reason I don't know. If it's because I offered my tuppence worth of advice to ACS banders then I don't appologise for that. Everyone on this site offers advice and support to others, including you, it's the purpose of the site after all. ".....I do hope that you manage to find a company who you will be happy with to make the changes you feel are necessary in your life. There are a couple of girls on this thread who were banded in Belgium and are very happy with their care. Maybe you could direct your concerns in their direction I'm sure they will be only too happy to provide any information you require in your quest for weight loss surgery." I only offered advice, just like you are above, but I get the impression that your advice is not meant kindly. I don't read the Mail on Sunday and I didn't see the article, was it one of my posts that they printed?. Marge
Hello Everyone I have a feeling that some people might think that I'm a media person or something. I'm not. I've just been trying to make up my mind to go for banding or not and the dicision is much more difficult now that the only choice is to go abroad. I have visions of dieing of dehydration and kidney failure before being able to get abroad for help if the band slipped or something. The reason I joined in the debate about ACS was because I thought you guys needed a bit of a push to do something for yourselves. I think it might have helped a bit?? I hope all of you get a really supportive response from ACS because you all really deserve it. Marge
Wella As someone who is registered with the Lapband Forum then it is as much my site as yours. That been said, I have been to ACS and enquired about banding but they had stopped doing it. Marge
Hello everyone Coco I didn't mean anything negative, just as you say you have always been happy with the service. To everyone else this is more important than anything, there should be no reason why all of you don't turn up to a meeting. 1. But you must meet yourselves first and decide exactly what you want from a meeting with the ACS owner. 2. Write your points down and appoint a spokesporson 3. Ask for a meeting. 4. If you don't get any joy then you go en mass to the office and demand that you see her. It's time to organise yourselves and there must be no excuses of prior arrangements. This is your health and possibly your life.
Hello everyone I think I would be very angry and scared if I had been banded at ACS. At E10K all of you deserve better and while additional surgery may be difficult at the moment for ACS there is no reason why they should not be able to provide good after care. From what I gather from the posts here ACS have always been managed very badly with everyone (except perhaps Coco) getting angry and frustrated and not knowing what the future will bring. I can understand that many of you don't want the world to know that you've been banded, but for the sake of your health and the fact that you paid E10 grand you have to act. If I were one of you I would be organising a meeting of all of you to meet and decide exactly what you want from ACS and write it down point for point. I would write to the owner of ACS outlining exactly what your concerns are and what you want done about it. I would be asking for a meeting with her giving her a choice of 2 or 3 dates. If she doesn't answer, and I have a feeling she won't, I would then organise as many of you as possible ( the more the merrier) and all meet at the ACS offices determined to stay there until you meet her. But you all have to be committed and you have to be clear in what you want and stick to that. I presume you all signed contracts with ACS. Let that be the basis for what you want. Sitting around and hoping for the best isn't going to bring change. Marge
Elsie: Thank you so much for the web address. I get really confident when I read the posts here and then later the fear returns. Coco : You're brilliant the way you help everyone. Can I ask you? When your band slipped how did you know and did you have to wait long for them to replace it? Sally: I think you are terrific you seem to have just taken a deep breath and gone for it. I will probebly go to Belgium too but I really would love to meet and talk to people before hand. Does anyone want to set a date for a nortside meeting? Marge
Hello to everyone, I haven't been on for sometime probebly because of the ACS situation. This Dr. Chris DeBruyne in Belgium sounds very interesting and if he is doing fills in Dublin what more can a girl ask? I tried to find his website but couldn't find it. Ailbhe could help me there? :help: I couldn't make the Xmas meeting so I would love to meet up with anyone of you. Anywhere off M50 is ok with me. The only days that are out for me are 15th and 23rd January. Otherwise I'm as free as a bird. Marge
hello everybody. I can find no info on alcahol I don't drink very much but once or twice a month when I;m out for dinner I love a couple of glasses of wine Do I have to give this up? Marge