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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ProjectMe

  1. ProjectMe

    How much is everyone eating?

    I'm at 4 weeks out. It depends on what I am eating. If it's refried beans, 3-4 ounces. If it's tuna or chicken, an ounce.
  2. ProjectMe

    Random Questions!

    1. I stopped drinking coffee 6 months prior to surgery when my nutritionist explained how hard coffee is on the stomach lining and the effects of caffeine on the hunger hormone and as a diuretic. 2. Havent had juice since more than the 6 months out. throughout this process, I've learned that I'd rather eat fruits and veggies than drink the calories. 3. Was told by my program not to use straws period. So I don't use them. 4. See #1
  3. ProjectMe

    I failed myself yet again...

    No Worries @@JerseyJules, Sounds like you are doing what's best for you. Wish you the best on your journey.
  4. ProjectMe

    San Antonio Chapter ?

    Thx girl! You've lost over 100 pounds!!! Awesome!!!
  5. ProjectMe

    Protein supplements and calcium citrate

    I drink a protein shake in the morning. I also add Unjury unflavored protein powder to just about everything. That is the only way I can reach 60- 70g of protein.
  6. ProjectMe

    Cooking for one

    I've tried a number of recipes from different bariatric sites. Then I cook separate meals for my family. I bought a bunch of little Pyrex dishes from Walmart and froze all the meals in one serving sizes. This has been great since i can just grab one, heat it up, and not get bored with yogurt and protein shakes.
  7. ProjectMe

    Clear liquid Diet

    I tend to gain weight if my calories are too low, if I consume too much salt or artificial sweeteners, if I don't drink enough Water, if I don't get some exercise in, if I'm constipated... So to help with some of above, I track my diet/liquids/exercise using my fitness pal app...so I have a better understanding of my body.
  8. 1. Hands down YES 2. The feeling of restriction. I've read a lot about others experiences but was surprised to feel full after an ounce!
  9. ProjectMe

    Weight lifting

    I begged Dr at my 4 week checkup & no dice. He said we'll revisit weights idea at 6 weeks. I was cleared for all other exercise though based on how I feel.
  10. ProjectMe

    Abdominal Cramping?

    I had the same pain...not sure what it was (gas pocket?) But it helped to put my hands on top of my head and walk. I'm 4 weeks out and no longer experience that pain anymore.
  11. ProjectMe

    Still in pain.....

    Best way I can describe Day 1 is that it sucks. Day 2 is better & Day 3 was night and day. I know you probably don't feel up to it, but walking even for just a little bit helps move the gas...hope you feel better!
  12. ProjectMe

    Pre op diet?

    My two week liquid diet consisted of: protein shakes, yogurt, sugar free jello, protein shakes, sugar free pudding, sugar free Popsicles, decaf tea, and more protein shakes
  13. ProjectMe

    I failed myself yet again...

    Just to add: the military will no longer perform lap band surgery. Their reasons are the complications outweighed the benefits in far too many patients to justify. There were a number of patients in my orientation class there to have their bands converted to sleeves or bypass...which from my understanding is automatically approved with or without complications (on base). I'm not trying to convince you from not getting the band...just sharing.
  14. ProjectMe

    Hours between doses

    I wake up @ 5:00, within 30 minutes I take my synthroid med. 6:00am I take Prilosec 6:30 Breakfast 8:00 take calcium dosage 11:00 take multivitamin 12:30 lunch 3:30 take calcium dosage 5:30. dinner Before 8:00 take multivitamin again I set timers on my phone to remind me and it seems to be working although I am not always so accurate on the times.
  15. ProjectMe

    So disappointed in my self

    I recommend starting with 1 ounce of meat and slowly eating it first. Then eat an ounce or two of vegetabes. I was told not to eat more than 3/4 cup in one sitting. Wait 30 minutes then start working on your Fluid intake. As someone mentioned before, it takes your brain awhile to catch up and realize you are full. Im 4 weeks out and I stop myself at 3 ounces. My nutritionist said if I am getting less than the recommended 96 ounces of fluids a day, that I need to substitute a meal for a Protein shake. If you are eating as much as you say, how much fluids are you getting. And yes, step away from the chocolate...it is sabotaging yourself.
  16. ProjectMe

    What are your best tools?

    @@iamjamilyn Just love your simple & effective idea of the rubber bands! I just put bands on my water bottle!!!
  17. My program truly stresses the link between WLS and alcoholism...to the point that every professional in the process: nutritionist, psychologist, nurses and surgeons mention it. I chose to stop drinking 6 months prior to surgery and have no desire to resume...just like I've chosen not to eat white bread, rice, or potatoes. But, I also wonder if some WLS patients have an issue with alcohol because they've heard about the dangers so often.
  18. ProjectMe

    I failed myself yet again...

    My friend backed out...she thought she was ready, went through the process, then at the last minute couldn't bring herself to do it. She has since rescheduled and they were fine with it. Just because our surgeons/insurance are ready, doesn't mean we're mentally ready at that same time and it's okay.
  19. Wow, you've lost 60 pounds in a few weeks! That is amazing! So yes, I think you are being hard on yourself. I would be celebrating! This is your journey and it doesn't compare to someone else. I'm sure others who read your thread would practically sell their first born to lose 4-5 pounds in a week let alone the sixty you've already lost. Keep up the good work!
  20. ProjectMe

    Beans question

    Your surgery date says October, is this correct? My surgery was Dec. 16th and I graduated early from pureeds. I can eat 4 ounces of puréeds...although I limit myself to 2-3. I couldn't even imagine 6 ounces unless I ate it over two hours. Regarding getting enough fluids, which Im having trouble with...my nutritionist said that instead of 2-3 small meals a day, that I need to cut it down to 1 small meal a day and increase my protein shakes which do double duty (protein & fluids). His advice really helped me get more fluids in even though I'm kind of tired of protein shakes.
  21. I chose the Sleeve for the following reasons: * My BMI was below 40 when I began this process * I wanted my weight loss to be at a slower rate. *Did not want a malabsorbtive procedure * I did not like the idea of my intestines rearranged *oh, and my surgeons no longer perform lap bands...which left the Sleeve
  22. ProjectMe

    Valentine's Challenge

    Today's weight: 210 ProjectMe
  23. ProjectMe

    What's your favorite...

    I get mine at World Market. You can also get them from Amazon or the Torani website. Shop.torani.com And there's a sale going on Sorry, just noticed you specifically said not online!
  24. ProjectMe

    And this is why I WALK ALONE!

    I see what you are saying, but also keep in mind that she did invite you...that's something at least. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt and hope she is not the kind of person to invite you just to give you a hard time. My husband and I don't invite folks to walk/hike with us unless we know they can keep up. One of the reasons we like to walk alone. Sounds mean but it really makes me feel a lot of anxiety and worry for the person. So how do you feel about increasing your tempo and creating a secret workout schedule where you walk at that park, till you can keep up with their pace ? Can't change people...but we can change ourselves.
  25. ProjectMe

    And this is why I WALK ALONE!

    I just didn't get that when I read your post. Seems like there's background to the relationship since you feel so strongly. I'm not making excuses for her snide comments, but, my husband and I get very annoyed when we walk/hike and the person with us is much slower. Instead of enjoying our walk our minds are stuck on, will the person be okay on their own, will they get lost, etc. I'm such a competitive person in general, if I were you, I'd increase the intensity of my own walking regime and kick her butt the next time we walked together...that'll quiet her.

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