I wanted to introduce myself. I am pre-operative for a lap band. I hope to get my surgery in November 2014. Still going through the medically supervised weight loss with my surgeon and I should be done around September, then applying for surgery. I guess I'm lucky because I only had 4 months of medically supervised weight loss. I understand some insurance companies require 6 months or more!
I just started last week to start to eat more like I will have to post surgery, ie. Protein packed. I have lost 7 pounds and for a fleeting (teeny tiny) moment I thought, "gee, maybe I don't need lapband". Then I slapped myself back into reality and know that I need it. I started off 314lbs and am down to 307. I gained 30 pounds last year after my mother died and for years, while she was sick and I was caregiving to both of my parents on and off along with my siblings, I packed on about 60lbs. I now have 2 kids and a husband and I am finally taking control of my health, as the 300lb mark made me stop and think and I really noticed the lack of mobility I was starting to have.
I am very inspired by this group and I know support is imperative to success, so I figured I would post my story and stop lurking online like a lap band pre-op creep!