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Sharon B A

Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to justmetj in Diarrhea and work   
    That's a good point it might be to soon. Hopefully it'll get better by the time you go back to work. Good luck!
  2. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from SeattleLady in Anti depressants   
    Ok, my Doc just came back and said i should resume the meds i was taking pre-OP and once we do my 6 month labs we'll know where i stand. That sounds better to me 😊😊
  3. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Diarrhea and work   
    I used the restroom on another floor to avoid my coworkers 😟
  4. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from GreenTealael in 💜AUGUST 2019 CHALLENGE💜   
    Wow, I'm not hapf as interesting as you guys!!
    1. Personal goal this month is first to learn what i can/cant do post surgery, also figure out how I'm going to go New Orleans for my birthday without indulging!
    2. Surgery type - 1 week post surgery - Gastric bypass Revision to Partial Duodenal Switch (no shrinkage of stomach),
    3. Weight and BMI - i have my 1 week post op appointment tomorrow so will know my weight then
    4. Fun fact - Well apart from me turning 50 on 8/31, so looking forward to it! I guess, I'm a candy crush fanatic and am currently at level 5405...
    I was also a gifted student when i was younger, not sure what happened 😁 but in 1988, i won the Y.T.S (Young Training Scheme) award for all of London and was given an award by the Lord Mayor of London and had to make a speech. At the time The Bank of Nova Scotia was a Sponsor, they asked me to come work for them, i started the following Monday and spent the next 18 years working for them, the best years of my life 😊😊
  5. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from amaynard in No Interest in Food?   
    Why are you so rude today? Normally I'm interested in your comments but for some reason today, your advice seems nothing but patronizing and damn right bullying. If you don't like the posts, move on but no need to make the person who wrote it feel invalidated. . Jeez! 🙄🙄🙄
  6. Sad
    Sharon B A got a reaction from FluffyChix in Diarrhea and work   
    Yes, couple times an hour at least.
  7. Sad
    Sharon B A got a reaction from FluffyChix in Diarrhea and work   
    Yes, couple times an hour at least.
  8. Sad
    Sharon B A got a reaction from FluffyChix in Diarrhea and work   
    Yes, couple times an hour at least.
  9. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from GreenTealael in 💜AUGUST 2019 CHALLENGE💜   
    Wow, I'm not hapf as interesting as you guys!!
    1. Personal goal this month is first to learn what i can/cant do post surgery, also figure out how I'm going to go New Orleans for my birthday without indulging!
    2. Surgery type - 1 week post surgery - Gastric bypass Revision to Partial Duodenal Switch (no shrinkage of stomach),
    3. Weight and BMI - i have my 1 week post op appointment tomorrow so will know my weight then
    4. Fun fact - Well apart from me turning 50 on 8/31, so looking forward to it! I guess, I'm a candy crush fanatic and am currently at level 5405...
    I was also a gifted student when i was younger, not sure what happened 😁 but in 1988, i won the Y.T.S (Young Training Scheme) award for all of London and was given an award by the Lord Mayor of London and had to make a speech. At the time The Bank of Nova Scotia was a Sponsor, they asked me to come work for them, i started the following Monday and spent the next 18 years working for them, the best years of my life 😊😊
  10. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to KCgirl061 in When Could You Eat These?   
    Well you could have lentils and chickpeas as early as pureed stage if you prepare them that way. I would wait on the quinoa and lentil Pasta until soft foods.
  11. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to KCgirl061 in Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Balloon   
    I personally don't understand how the balloon makes sense to anyone. Why would you want something expensive and short term - so you lose weight from restriction for a couple months then that restriction is gone. Wont you just regain the weight?
    You need to talk to a bariatric physician, not your family physician. Your family doctor is no expert, mine certainly wasn't. I found I was more educated doing my own research before approaching him about it . And then I had to spend 45 minutes talking him into supporting me through the medically supervised weightloss.
    Yes the sleeve is irreversible and infections can be deadly. But the same can be said for virtually every surgery, sleeve gastrectomies aren't a large infection risk! Infections are possible yes, but your biggest risk for surgery isn't infection, its a leaky staple line. Sleeve surgery has less possible complications than hip replacement surgery - yet you'd never hear your doctor talk you out of getting a hip replaced if they felt like thats what you needed for your health, even though it too is irreversible, a risk for infection and if there is something wrong you can't "put it back". Your family doctor likely sees bariatrics as an elective, cosmetic procedure and is trying to scare you out of it without considering how much your health can improve with the benefits of weight loss surgery.
  12. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from justmetj in My path with my sleeve   
    I'm sorry you're going through this! Try drinking as my liquid as possible. Good luck!!
  13. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from justmetj in My path with my sleeve   
    I'm sorry you're going through this! Try drinking as my liquid as possible. Good luck!!
  14. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from justmetj in My path with my sleeve   
    I'm sorry you're going through this! Try drinking as my liquid as possible. Good luck!!
  15. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to rch1286 in Weight Gain?   
    I've been a little hesitant to post here as I've seen some very judgmental replies in other topics, but here it goes anyway....
    I found out I was pregnant back in May, 6 months post op, after bc failed. Both my surgeon and OBGYN (who actually had gastric by-pass surgery and had a surprise pregnancy 4 months post op) are happy with my progress and baby girl is very healthy. I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and while I fluctuate between 161 and 163 for the past few weeks, I haven't really gained any weight. I started this pregnancy at 175 and was so sick during the first trimester that I lost weight. While this my third pregnancy, I can't really compare it to my other two which I started at 265 lbs and 250 lbs respectively. I've brought up my concerns during my appointments and I've been assured that everything is ok and that if my body wasn't ready for pregnancy it wouldn't have sustained it. I guess I'm just looking to see what experiences others have had post-surgery with weight gain. Basically any and all (constructive :)) advice is welcome.

  16. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to FluffyChix in Weight Gain?   
    Trust your docs and follow their plans to a T. We're all just opinionated shmos on the internet who like to give advice. LOL.
    Congrats on your pregnancy. IMHO, I agree. If your body couldn't handle the pregnancy, you would not still be pregnant. Most women lose their babies in the first 90 days without many knowing of their presence.
    So the other thing is that baby is gonna get nourishment from your body whether you want it to or not! And I don't believe if we have extra weight on us, that we have to gain weight during pregnancy. I just read of one woman on FB who had a healthy pregnancy and perfect baby and weighed 1lb less after delivery than on the day of conception. How cool is that?
    So just eat deeply healthy foods, to the amounts your docs want you to and relax and enjoy this healthier pregnancy. Try to keep C.R.A.P. out of your diet!!! Cuz what you put in now WILL affect the expression (epigenetics) of your baby's genes! Set her up to be healthy for life and come out with a normal birth weight!!!
  17. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from GradyCat in Medications   
    Congratulations on the results, that gives me some hope that mine will improve as ive also been told I'd be on them for the rest of my life.
    Ive been on Levothyroxine Synthroid 200 mcg for about a year, previously my levels were up and down, it was a nightmare trying to figure out the correct dosage that i should be on. In the past year ive started to feel myself again, i just don't want them to adjust it and also my hormone medication as ive had an hysterectomy without being sure its the right thing to do..
    I hope this WLS has or will help both so that i don't need to take them anymore, i just want them to do blood tests first and not assume i don't need them..
  18. Hugs
    Sharon B A reacted to buttercookie in My path with my sleeve   
    I've had the worst of this surgery. I was discharged four days later. Admitted twice for dehydration and vomiting. Worst decision ever!
    Sent from my SM-S367VL using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to GradyCat in Medications   
    That's a timely question. I had them for two years before WLS, Levothyroxine, 75 mcg. I just had my first set of labs drawn yesterday since having the sleeve 7 months ago and my Thyroid levels were the best I've ever seen them, half as much as usual. They're still in range, so I doubt my doctor will take me off the medication, but I'll see her next week and find out then. I remember when I started them she said I'd be on them for life.
  20. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to Mom_of_Chaos in July 2019   
    Yep for ours Jell-O was also on clears. On Full sf pudding was also there.
  21. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to Coleslaw in A rave and a rant ... (I sure do miss eating)   
    First, a rave. I'm about two months post-op and down almost 40 pounds. I started weight training at a new subscription gym called The Exercise Coach and love it. My weight loss is quite noticeable and I get plenty of compliments. I'm down two sizes. I like looking in the mirror again. I am being patient; I know this is a journey. While the stalls are annoying, I know that it's part of the process. I don't freak out if I go up a few pounds; I know that my body is fickle and still adjusting. I haven't vomited or gotten the "foamies." I had no complications from surgery. I poop regularly. I haven't had any Hair loss. Overall, I feel like everything is going exactly as it should.
    Now, the rant. I really, really miss eating a full meal. The kind where you have a variety of foods on your plate. By the time I get all of my Protein in my new tiny tummy is too full for anything else. Sometimes I supplement with a Protein Drink or shake just so I can skip (or limit) the protein at my dinnertime meal and add a small amount of salad or veggies. I always thought I loved to cook, but now I realize that what I really loved was EATING what I cooked. I still cook for my husband, but it's become a chore instead of a joy. He will have a steak, potato and salad while I eat from a small plate containing only tuna, or salmon, or turkey, etc. He is a simple eater -- easy to please -- so I no longer get creative with meals because I don't get to enjoy the finished product. I used to plan meals in advance, shop for fresh ingredients, prepare them with precision, and present them beautifully.
    I also really miss restaurants. My husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday this week, and all I really want is to go to a nice restaurant and order some fresh seafood and a glass of good wine. But I didn't propose this because I don't want to order a fabulous meal and only eat ⅛ of it, and not drink. I don't really miss drinking alcohol, but I do miss having a good glass of wine occasionally.
    Thanks for listening. I feel like I can't share these feelings with my husband because this was my choice -- and this is my journey. I don't want him to think I have any regrets, because truly I don't.
  22. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to Orchids&Dragons in A rave and a rant ... (I sure do miss eating)   
    Go ahead and vent! Many of us have felt the same thing. Eventually, your tummy will relax enough that you can eat some of everything for dinner. You will probably end up getting picky - for instance, bread at the table no longer tempts me. I trade it happily for extra veggies (My personal fave, yours may be different.) I eat some meals with no Protein so that I can "pig out" (now a VERY relative term) on fruit and veggies. Then I'll hit up a Protein Shake later. You'll find a path that works for you but we understand that, in the beginning, it is very frustrating. It would be so nice to "turn off your wls" for just an hour or two, once a month - know what I mean? Hang in there - you've got a good handle on it!
  23. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from Tstone83 in Waiting patiently for Aetna to approve my surgery   
    I'm also with Aetna, they took about 8 working days.
    You should hear soon. 🤞🏾🤞🏾
  24. Like
    Sharon B A got a reaction from Chiptress in August 13 surgery date! Woot!!!!   
    Congratulations on your journey!!!
  25. Like
    Sharon B A reacted to Laura8098 in Post sleeve feelings   
    That’s awesome! I have a sitting job too, so I think I’ll be ok. I’m just concerned about getting too tired. Without all the calories and no Vitamins, my energy level is very low.

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