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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by taismommy

  1. Hi all,

    I tried to get HEALTHNET to give me some info but I was told that I would have to see my surgeon and PCP. Now the first person gave me very vague information and this last person told me to go to the dr's first and they will tell me what i need to know.

    Thank goodness, I went to my seminar, met the nutritionist(healthnet didnt pay for that), picked a surgeon, and tomorrow my PCP visit. Im hoping I dont have to wait the six months considering my PCP has been telling me for years to lose weight and i've tried, but the weight keeps finding me, lol.

    Jen93003, can you tell me what steps you had to take??? I have Healthnet Northeast..thanks

  2. Hello and welcome!!!!!!

    Tell your husband THANK YOU for all he does!! I dont agree with this war but I support my armed forces.

    I have just started this journey myself after about a year of research and changing my mind back and forth. I saw the nutrionist, did my seminars already, and my appt with the surgeon is Dec 7, appt with my PCP is next week, my psych eval is coming up soon( i know im doing this out of order, lol).

    Unfortunately, I have to wait the 6 months for my insurance(HEALTHNET) as well. Im actually hoping that I wont have to wait the complete 6 months because my doctor has been telling me to lose weight for years now. Hopefully he has made some good notes about all the programs I have tried and failed at miserably.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I am feeling very discouraged at the moment! I have called 2 therapist so far (they are in network) and they both want to charge $300 for the report to my surgeon!? Is that typical?

    My dr did refer me to a lady but she out of network and I was trying to save some money but this $300 for the report thing is making me mad!

    If anyone else is in the NYC area, can you please tell me what your experience was? I need to find someone before my official consult with the surgeon.

    Thanks a lot

    Tamika :ranger::help:

  4. I finally went to the seminar yesterday with Dr Brian Jacob in New York.

    This is after months and months of research and then scaring myself

    half to death with making this big decision. I absolutely loved him! He

    was straight forward and every question I had made a mental note to ask throughtout the seminar, he answered before i had a chance. I knew

    alot about Lapband the procedure( i watched a live operation online) and he basically explained everything I saw.

    He works with the AP band and had one for us to touch and look at. Dr

    Jacob's office was small but clean and orderly. I cant wait to call and

    make my official appointment with him. Now that I have officially

    started I am so much more EXCITED!

    Just thought I would share this

    Tamika :whoo:

  5. Lauraj23,

    I own that movie, THE KID its pretty good. I have to admit i watched it years ago and only the one time but i do remember liking it. Maybe i will dig that VHS TAPE(lmao) up and watch it.

    Thanks everyone, im still feeling kinda weirded out by the whole idea. But at least I have any a notion of whats going to happen


  6. i know that im doing this, i have no idea why im scared now? its weird. my mother had a gastric bypass and i went through some if it with her at the end(she didnt tell anyone until she had a surgery date)

    Im going to call and make my appt tomorrow with Dr Herron.

    There is a seminar next Friday at 8am not far from me. I can goto that and be late for work

  7. perez,

    i have HEALTHNET northeast, i looked at the website you suggested i dont think that our coverage is the same. But I would love to keep intouch, it seems that we are at the same stage of the Lapband search.


  8. Pereza211,

    I spoke to HEALTHNET and i was told that the lapband surgery is covered but you there are several things that have to be done before they pay. The lady i spoke to sounded unsure and put me on hold several times and i really didnt have time(i was at work)to keep getting put on hold again. I told them that i am going to call back later

  9. I am doing my research :ranger: on doctors and hospitals in the NYC area. Where did you have your surgery? Who was your doctor?

    I actually need all the help i can get! I am just starting this process after months of thinking and praying

    Thanks so much for any and all help. I am so overwhelmed

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