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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by taismommy

  1. I went for my first fill yesterday and it was exactly as described by the earlier Double V's.

    I had to actually ask my doctor what size band I had, duh! With all the excitement of the surgery and recovery, I forgot what he told me.LOL:blink:

    I have a VG 10cc band. Dr Jacob added 3 cc's for the first fill and said if I didnt feel any different for me to come back next Friday and he would add another CC, otherwise he would see me in a month. When I drank the Water I thought "I have to make this appt for next week, i dont feel a thing :sad:". By the time I got home, I felt different, cant explain what I felt, besides to call it different. Since I hadnt eaten at all at this point I reached for a yogurt and boy-oh-boy it took 15-20 minutes to eat and i was full.:thumbup:

    I waited and waited for nausea or something but nope just a full feeling is what i had! AWESOME!:w00t:

    How long does restriction last?


    MY PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE: My loving and wonderful 13 YO son Tai.

    NON-HUMAN FAMILY CONSISTS OF: Sadly no pets, we both have asthma. Before I had him and developed asthma, I had 2 cats Sapphire and Leo.

    I LIVE IN: Bronx, New York(cant wait to move South)

    OCCUPATION(S): Subpoena Compliance clerk for Verizon.

    AVOCATION(S): I volunteer the local breast cancer, lupus, and AIDS walks, when i cant walk myself.

    FAVORITE EXERCISE: I never had a favorite but now im learning to like my workout DVDs beginers yoga and walk-a-mile(working towards 3 miles) with Leslie Sansone

    I COLLECT: No time, but I love Butterflies(i have a tattoo),and luggage(3 sets).

  3. Every single time I find something I was going to through out or donate because it was too small, I try it just in case. Everytime I fall more in love with this tool. Even if the clothes fit snug, it just validates my choice.

  4. So today i was feeling all hungry(the urge came back this past Wednesday) I ate FRIED CHICKEN!! I can rationalize it and say it was just one chicken leg, but that just led me to wanting more! DAMMIT! At first I was annoyed at me but then I realized I stuck to that mushy mess for 2 weeks faithfully one piece of chicken I can shake off and get back on the BAND WAGON.

    Tomorrow im back on track.

    Good luck everyone

  5. Babedoe4---------------March 6th

    Becca------------------March 6th

    Shinyhappymommy------March 6th

    Enchantedruby----------March 7th

    Ponomimi---------------March 10th

    Jaxbanster--------------March 11th

    Angie4b1g--------------March 11th

    CynthiaMcc-------------March 12th

    Marathinner-------------March 12th

    Sadie-------------------March 13th

    Happy One--------------March 13th

    NewCreation413--------March 13th

    Sharon160--------------March 17th

    mhazelrigg--------------March 17th

    terri guilford-------------March 17th

    LoupNocturne-----------March 17th

    Viridesence-------------March 18th

    gweniviere--------------March 19th....and looking fwd to it!

    Danielle......................March 19th

    Nicolek-----------------March 26th

    Princess21--------------March 27th

    Taismommy-------------March 28th

    Jennyxo----------------April 3rd

    StLouisGal--------------April 3rd

    LilMissBand-Aid---------April 10th

    Misspeesh95621--------April 11th

  6. Im trying to find a doctor to do my LASIK surgery in NYC. I created a post about it but i didnt get any replies. So again i ask, Does anyone know of a reputable LASIK surgeon in the NYC area?

    Good Luck Suebaby, let me know how it all goes. Thanks Tamika

  7. Yesterday, i walked a total of 1 hour!!!!!!!

    I took a cab to the dr then walked from there to the pharmacy, then to the optometrist(visit my friend who wants the surgery(30min visit), then back to the pharmacy(30 min wait) then a cab home. All in all it took about 3 hrs to do all that. I figured with the waiting for the dr, the talk to with my friend, wait for meds it added up to about an hrs walk.

  8. I want to thank everyone for the congrats.

    I didnt buy a scale because of my compulsive nature and it was killing me not to know how much i weighed. I would sit here and look at everyones ticker wondering and driving myself nuts(silly i know), so im going to buy one Friday. Hopefully I can keep it in check or im going to toss the thing in the trash.

    Just keep swimming Double V's!!!!!!!!

    BTW, Milk of Magnesia is my new bestfriend

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
