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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by taismommy

  1. So as I lurk around I notice that I am not the only one whose band has not been so kind to them!:)

    I am once again completely unfilled and gaining weight rapidly. For the third time since November i've battle severe GERD and lost:cursing:. The only positive thing was my band hasnt slipped and no erosion is apparent. Yippee! This is such a rollercoaster I have been on that I stayed away because I was tired of crying, feeling sorry for myself, and just didnt want to seem like a failure. Anywhoo, my appt for a fill is not until APRIL 10 and i dont know what i will weigh by then. Im terrified:confused:

    I love my band but it doesnt love me!

  2. HI Gibson!!!!! Hi all,

    Well let me just say I had a fill Nov 14 and a long talk with my doc who gave a stern talking to. Needless to say I have recommitted myself to this entire process and the clouds of depression are starting to clear(thank GOD).

    I dont know if I mentioned it here before but I have started taking a yoga/pilates class and its hard as all hell but I feel better. I am focusing on the weekly class and trying to do some practice at home.

    Thank you ladies for all the support!

    Gibs PM me

  3. Hi all,

    I havent been here in a very long time because of DEPRESSION!!!! I was losing at a steady pace until my gallbladder went "belly-up" in May and had to be removed and i had to have a total unfill, grr! Well lets just say I went from steady loss to slow loser to plateaued to GAINING!

    I was so depressed I ate and canceled my fill appts because I didnt want my doctor to know I had gained weight. So i wallowed in self pity for about 2 months! I finally called him and made a fill appt(TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC) for Friday at 1pm. Now that I have come back to LBT and actually admitted my gain I guess I can get back on the "train" and start losing again.

    Thanks for reading and I hoped your not disappointed in me.

    Teary-eyed but hopefull

  4. That can't be your son, that's a man! You aren't old enough to have a MAN SON!!!!! =) He's gorgeous and he gets it from his Momma. =)

    Thank you Gibs!

    Taismommy' date=' what a beautiful picture of you and your son! Warm hugs, glad to hear from you, and thanks so much for sharing this picture. As a mom of a "special needs" child too, I know the struggles. (my son will be 12 years old soon). You deserve to be proud of him (and yourself for the work you've done)![/quote']

    Rhapsody, there has been more than a few times I felt like running away, but I am so glad those moments are getting more rare. The amount of pride and love I felt was amazing, I couldnt stop smiling and hugging him.

    Thanks alot I hope you and son are doing well.

    What a beautiful picture! Please share more whenever you can!

    I will try but it takes me forever to post pictures. I dont know why I cant remember how to keep them from being GINORMOUS :confused2:. I have to post it several times before its right, lol

  5. The between size thing is a pain in the butt! Thats were I sit now. I cant fit the clothes in lane bryant and the like but New York and co I have to by a 16 instead the 12 I am wearing in Ashley stewart?!? I cant keep up with all the stores and sizes I wear in them? ERGHH!

    Great problem to have though :ohmy:

  6. Thank you everyone for the compliments! My son is a Special needs child and it was a long road getting to and passing the sixth grade(hes 13). I was just so proud of him I could burst:biggrin:!

    Mhazelrigg- We were in a restaurant and I was reprimanding him about something and the waitress came over and said " What would your mother say about you yelling at him like that!!?" I said, "This is my son I can talk to him how I please." She was Shocked! LMAO:lol:

  7. OMG! You had a horrible week there. Glad to hear you're home now. Feeling any better yet? Bet you're glad it wasn't the band after all. Hope they get your fill back in soon so you don't have to fight that too. Take care of yourself. You deserve some rest.

    Not feeling great but much better than last week. I can not have a fill for another 2 weeks so that sucks

    Oh, I'm so sorry you went through so much pain, but so relieved it was not band related. I had my gall bladder out several years ago due to gall stones, so I can related. It's an up-all-nite-gnashing-of-teeth-moaning-groaning kind of pain. Just horrible! So happy you're on the mend now!


    Oh Crap! That severely blows. I am glad the ultrasound lady found it, but Gallstones are so pain and are usually so much smaller than that. Thank god they found it before your gallbladder ruptured.

    Glad you are feeling better but so so so sorry that happened. What a scary situation.

    I have heard many times that loosing weight,especially quickly, can cause gallstones. When my partner had her RNY they went ahead and just took her gallbladder out.

    Oh I wish I could come by and give you ballons and flowers and glasses of Water.

    I hope you have someone there to help you.


    I wish I would have known that cause i would have definetly asked doctor to just take it out now so I wouldnt have to worry about it later!

    I received flowers from my job so thats done! You can still send balloons...lol:thumbup:

    My son is 13 so hes a big help.

    Thanks for the well wishes.

  8. I hope everyone is doing well, sorry I have been away for quite sometime but i have a reason...

    Last Monday I had my first real stuck exerience. I thought I had been stuck before but apparently that was not it.

    I was in so much pain that I was awake all night, I went to work praying that I would be able to just make it through the morning. I called Dr Jacob and left a message with all my symptoms. When he finally called my back he said to meet him at the office at 3pm for an unfill. I did as I was told but still no relief so he sent me for a complete UPPER GI series. By the time I made it to the GI place I was exhausted, dizzy, nauseated, and faint. I cried the entire procedure:crying:. I waited for the results and was sent back to my doctors office still sick as hell:sad_smile:!

    Dr thought i was severelly irritated and put me on full liquids and advised to come to the ER tomorrow if still in pain. Needless to say I did not sleep again:sleep:. I spent my night taking baths, drinking tea, a walking around my apt. I did anything I could think of to help soothe this pain and nothing worked:thumbdown:. In the morning, I showered, called the dr, my grandma, sent my son to school, and sent myself to the ER! While I was calling a taxi to take me my aunt called and said she would drive me to the hospital and for me to wait(I did). When I got to the hospital, I called my dr so he could meet me as we discussed. I still couldnt sit for long or lay in that stupid gurney, I was miserable and still crying:cursing:.

    So the ER folk took blood, xrays, ultrasounds and everything came back that i was fine. Next step was a CTscan but they couldnt do it because of the Barium I had taken from the GI series was still in my system so i was admitted:sad:. I was put on an IV to help flush my system and told that in the morning i would get an Upper Endoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound(again), and more blood test. Finally after 2 days I was given pain meds THANK THE LORD FOR PERCOCET:thumbup:!

    Upper edoscopy guy was running behind so i was sent for ct still couldnt do it barium is too thick still, ALASS the Ultrasound ,this lady deserves a medal of some kind because she took her time, had me sit in different positions and found it! A GALLSTONE THE SIZE OF A PEACH PIT :confused2:!!!!!!!

    The end results are my gallbladder was twice the normal size, green in color, and ready to rupture. It had to be removed immediately! I had emergency gallbladder removal surgery on thursday afternoon May 29, 2008!:cursing: I was released from the hospital June 2

    Hey, if its out of the ordinary it will happen to me!

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