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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taismommy

  1. taismommy

    Anyone Having Surgery Tomorrow?

    GOOD LUCK!!!!! You will be fine I have to stay overnight as well when my surgery happens later this month or mid Feb(i might have to reschedule)
  2. I have a date January 30( i might reschedule), I need a buddy. Anyone getting banded late Jan early Feb that want to share/compare the journey? I cant wait:whoo:
  3. taismommy


    :whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo: I am sitting in my house sorting laundry and the phone rings its a recording. It says to call my health insurance for information within the next 7 days, and gives me an access code. Im still like WTH?? So i call and wham, the lady says "Your approval code for your MT Sinai Hosp stay is blah blah blah your date is JANUARY 30 2008 have a nice weekend!" I had no idea he submitted the paper work. Last he said to me was get this blood work(hands me a paper) done and says see you in a couple of weeks. Holy sh_t im cant stop crying and laughing. Im on my way to BANDLAND!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
  4. taismommy


    <p>CONGRATS APPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my approval date today too, mine date is TBD</p>
  5. taismommy


    Ok now that i have calmed my nerves some, does anyone know if we can reschedule once we have a date? I was just thinking thats not enough time for me to get everything i need and my son straighten out. Just asking, I will keep the date if I have to.
  6. taismommy

    January Surgery Dates

    my surgery date has been changed its now Feb 21
  7. taismommy


    Thank u so much
  8. taismommy

    New York Bandsters?

    <p>Hi all, </p> <p> </p> <p>Im not banded yet but im well on my way. I only have 2 more dr appts before we try to submit the paper work to my insurance(HEALTHNET). </p> <p> </p> <p>I am from the Bronx and Dr Brian Jacob is going to be my surgeon.</p> <p> </p> <p>GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /></p>
  9. taismommy

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!
  10. taismommy

    Looking for "the list" for post-surgery...

    Here is a list http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f73/post-op-checklists-things-have-before-surgery-14814/ Good luck and congratulations
  11. taismommy

    After 2 years, I am APPROVED!!!

  12. taismommy

    I was banded today

    CONGRATULATIONS! :clap2: hang in there its worth all the pain. I cant wait to be banded!!!!!!!!!!
  13. taismommy


    Amen!!!!!!!!! Lingerie always make me feel better, even though im single I still wear it just for me when i dont feel so happy
  14. taismommy

    Surgeon Seeking Feedback

    Wasa, I never really know how to say what im feeling to these type of questions and i'll be damned if you didnt hit the nail on the head with your answers especially the last one! Im so sick of going to doctors and getting the "LOOK". Dont pity me im FAT not stupid or blind! I human and have feelings. ARGH!
  15. taismommy


    I have asthma just had my first attack this past JUNE and I was scared to death. My son has asthma and has had it since birth so i know what the attack looks like but i had no idea what it felt like. When I had my first attack it was a rude awakening the feeling is nothing like what i thought it felt like.(hope that makes sense) I say all that to say I havent been banded yet but i hope to God my asthma goes away with the weight loss. An asthma thread would be great
  16. taismommy

    For Unto me a child was born!

    CONGRATULATIONS on LIAM's arrival!!!!!!!!!
  17. taismommy

    Pre-op suppository and SHORT ARMS!

    I was having the worse day and I read this post all i can say is THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sorry that you had to go through all that but THANK YOU! RFLMAO
  18. taismommy


    I have been a big girl most of my life and never very comfortable with my body, so i never had regular sex encounters. Thats probably why im single now!?!LOL I cant wait to be skinnier so I can finally have all this mind blowing, balancing on the excersise ball sex i've been reading about!
  19. <p><p>I havent had surgery yet but this is who i am! Hi every1 you guys look awesome!</p> <p> </p> <p></p></p>
  20. taismommy

    Today is the day ....

    Good Luck!
  21. taismommy

    I'm so excited!!!!

    I went to have my consultation with my surgeon and oh my lord I cant stop smiling! I had my nutrition report, PCP ltr, saw the pulmonologist, and psych eval visit(he hadnt received the report yet). He said my doctor kept good notes and I may not have to wait the 6 months! He also said there is a slim chance the insurance wont make me wait, I cant help but be excited:whoo:. In the meantime I have to see the cardiologist for clearance and then I will be all set. Now that I have come down from the clouds:faint:, I do realize that i will most likely have to wait until April/May but thats cool too. I have waited 33 yrs 6 months wont kill me but it sure does feel like it:eek:.
  22. I had my eval today and it took about 30 minutes. She really didnt ask many questions about how much i knew about the band. Most of them were just to get in my head and make sure i was stable with eating disorders. She did however say that i have post traumatic stress disorder from the bus accident i was in last year. Dammit! oh well i passed !
  23. taismommy

    Poll zodiac sign

    GEMINI all day everyday!!!! June 4
  24. My eval is scheduled for 12/4, so I will tell you about it then. Just wanted to :welcome: you to the board and good luck on your journey!!
  25. taismommy

    Wish me luck!

    I hope your doing well! I had an impacted wisdom tooth and it was no fun. The best advice i could give is to keep the cold air out and take those meds! Good luck

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